Pandemic 2020

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Active Member
Your video says the evidence is not proof and proper studies are needed.
This time listen and you will find this has been known for a very long time and was squashed until this doctor was able to come forward. Funny how a solution that does not cost the public billions of dollars was squashed...who makes money from squashing the possibility of alternatives to the vax??? Fauchi and billy are two. No long term trials with the vax, just profit for a very few.

I am sure at a later date this will all be proven along with the pure zombie like following the news watching cheerleaders are willing to do for fear of peer pressure. Who is messed up, the weak fearful news following public is who. Very few are willing to risk anything let alone the average guy with a fantasy hockey team.

Don't worry if you forget I will remind you. It terrifies me how zombie like people are even when their own children and loved ones are on the line. Billy lies along with the rest of the compromised monsters.

That's right this guy is smarter than all keyboard monkeys combined. That's right he must be a buddy of trump becasue your stupidity knows no bounds. Not just you but all the cheerleaders who dont do the work, just wait for cnn and cbc to tell you who to hate.

I fear for man kind, way to many boys.

Merry Christmas.


This time listen and you will find this has been known for a very long time and was squashed until this doctor was able to come forward. Funny how a solution that does not cost the public billions of dollars was squashed...who makes money from squashing the possibility of alternatives to the vax??? Fauchi and billy are two. No long term trials with the vax, just profit for a very few.

I am sure at a later date this will all be proven along with the pure zombie like following the news watching cheerleaders are willing to do for fear of peer pressure. Who is messed up, the weak fearful news following public is who. Very few are willing to risk anything let alone the average guy with a fantasy hockey team.

Don't worry if you forget I will remind you. It terrifies me how zombie like people are even when their own children and loved ones are on the line. Billy lies along with the rest of the compromised monsters.

That's right this guy is smarter than all keyboard monkeys combined. That's right he must be a buddy of trump becasue your stupidity knows no bounds. Not just you but all the cheerleaders who dont do the work, just wait for cnn and cbc to tell you who to hate.

I fear for man kind, way to many boys.

Merry Christmas.
There is something wrong with people that would question the ethics of the pharmaceutical industry. it's safe they said so.


Well-Known Member
This time listen and you will find this has been known for a very long time and was squashed until this doctor was able to come forward. Funny how a solution that does not cost the public billions of dollars was squashed...who makes money from squashing the possibility of alternatives to the vax??? Fauchi and billy are two. No long term trials with the vax, just profit for a very few.

I am sure at a later date this will all be proven along with the pure zombie like following the news watching cheerleaders are willing to do for fear of peer pressure. Who is messed up, the weak fearful news following public is who. Very few are willing to risk anything let alone the average guy with a fantasy hockey team.

Don't worry if you forget I will remind you. It terrifies me how zombie like people are even when their own children and loved ones are on the line. Billy lies along with the rest of the compromised monsters.

That's right this guy is smarter than all keyboard monkeys combined. That's right he must be a buddy of trump becasue your stupidity knows no bounds. Not just you but all the cheerleaders who dont do the work, just wait for cnn and cbc to tell you who to hate.

I fear for man kind, way to many boys.

Merry Christmas.
How did you first hear about this doctor? And who called this doctor into the senate hearing?

Has that senator been a trustworthy source of information during this pandemic? Or during any other hearings/speeches did they push lies?


@grass_fish @WordzCatz The dear leader endorses this doctor, I'm considering switching to her.

I do agree sex with demons will probably make you sick. I don't care about Trump though. We are building back better.
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