White Widow looking wack

Hi all gave a mate a freebie with my order, he has it under a cheap 300W blurple led. He initially had it in some cheap potting mix as a seedling but growth halted completely. I helped him put together a final medium and this has helped a lot promoting lots of new growth but the leaves ain't getting bigger at all. The yellow leaves are from prior to repottng. Any suggestions on what is going on here? Plant has been like this for about 4 weeks now..
Yeah he's using a 300w Blue/Red from Dicksmith which was $100, I know best to keep pot size down until ready but he didn't have the choice as it was on its last legs. Is in a 10 litre fabric pot it think currently in a sweet as super soil I made up, which I use for all my grows with great results
Yeah he's using a 300w Blue/Red from Dicksmith which was $100, I know best to keep pot size down until ready but he didn't have the choice as it was on its last legs. Is in a 10 litre fabric pot it think currently in a sweet as super soil I made up, which I use for all my grows with great results
How long ago was the transplant? If recently, it will take the plant a few good days to adjust and recover from the shock of transplanting. Nothing major normally though.
Same as tmacc says may just need time but sometimes I get stragglers I lollipop that stuff at bottom in beg seems to jump start that vertical growth sometimes. Also on revegged plants seem to look like this I clean um up leave a node or two. Honestly popping more seeds would be best.