Always overwatering seeds in hydro

When leaving your rapid rooters saturated does it make a difference if you water from above or just let them wick up water?
When leaving your rapid rooters saturated does it make a difference if you water from above or just let them wick up water?
Only if the base of the stem stays wet, that can cause "damping off" of young seedlings. In that case the base of the stem appears pinched and discolored.
Only if the base of the stem stays wet, that can cause "damping off" of young seedlings. In that case the base of the stem appears pinched and discolored.
These seedlings started getting overwatering symptoms before the second true leaf even came out and they were in just rapid rooters under a dome... I watered every time I noticed the colour of the rooter Change
I’ve just started a few test seeds that I got free in rapid rooters to get some extra practice on and they are under a dome I’m watering very carefully but although they aren’t getting overwatering symptoms this time any roots that reach the out of the rapid rooter die off and dry out... ideally I want a rapid rooter full of roots and pushing out before I transplant
Can’t atm but can get you it later... but they are finally starting to push through the bottom of netpots in my system.. after being stalled for 3 weeks. Crystal white
I only ask because I saw this in the corner of your pot

What is the source of the water? Are you adding anything to it? pH? Really there is no good reason for a seedling that young to look that bad if the roots are white. Even on seed reserves it should be able to look healthier than that. Makes me suspect the lighting might just be too intense. Might just see how they react to a lower level of light.
I only ask because I saw this in the corner of your pot

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What is the source of the water? Are you adding anything to it? pH? Really there is no good reason for a seedling that young to look that bad if the roots are white. Even on seed reserves it should be able to look healthier than that. Makes me suspect the lighting might just be too intense. Might just see how they react to a lower level of light.

that’s my bad attempt at cleaning 400l of hydroton this run around lol. A bit of root left clinging to hydroton from last grow. Not gonna bother attempting to clean in future and just buy new. I’ll dial down lights and see how they go

can too much light really cause overwater symptoms?
So here’s the top of one specific plant
Followed by the bottom showing the white roots
And my apogee par meter shows 650 PPFD if I sit the meter right ontop of the plant


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One things for sure....put more pebbles in to stop light from getting in those small openings in the net pots.
One things for sure....put more pebbles in to stop light from getting in those small openings in the net pots.
these are in a vertical system. The netpots are actually on their side. No light gets through them holes to the roots as roots hang down on the other side of the netpot.

if I put more balls in these netpots they tend to fall out due to being in the system slightly sideways
Cheers I’ll give that a go. Does too much light actually cause these symptoms? I can’t find any other reference to overwatering looking leaves caused by light
The only goal for a young plant should be to make it a healthy older and larger plant. To get there they need babying, careful watering and an environment that is comfy. Giving too much anything to a baby is bad, plants included. Think of it as giving it just enough. Once they become young adults you can work them harder for better and faster results. More when young is too much. It can be fatal or a big setback if overdone.
Vertical system ? Could be water sitting and not getting replenished?
Or perhaps there too dry?Like the roots not getting enough?
Whats that shit around the edge that looks like roots?
Vertical system ? Could be water sitting and not getting replenished?
Or perhaps there too dry?Like the roots not getting enough?
Whats that shit around the edge that looks like roots?
Yeah I didn’t clean my hydroton well enough this time I’m getting sick of cleaning it... using too much of it. I sterilised with bleach and rinsed but dried up roots turned to small pieces and went every where. After this run I’m binning the lot.

I am struggling with the ballance between too wet and too dry but only when I use seedlings in rapid rooters. Clones are fine no issue whatsoever.

I’m kinda hoping it’s the light issue now and I can fix this once and for all. But I’m a bit sceptical just because I’ve never seen anyone else or can I find anything on google about too much light causing leaves to droop like this. Usually leaves curl up and taco.
I germinate by putting seeds in rapid rooters directly in my media ( hydro ton). I also had issues early on with tap roots drying out or seedlings being over watered. You need to set the water level just enough that the peat moss is saturated, but not fully. the water level here is criticsl. I also drop water from the top occasionally if I'm concerned there isn't enough moisture. Gradually as the taproot develops downward into the media, you'll need to lower the water level do it doesn't drown. You'll pick up on it just like I did. You need to be careful and check on it a few times a day. Keeping a cup/dome over the seedlings helps keep the peat moss moist too.