Anyone grow any Annapurna here?


Hi everyone, I'm curious if anyone has ever grown any Annapurna here. If so what were your experiences with it, and how do you like it?
I'm interested because it seems like a bit of a rare Nepalese strain to get somewhat.


Well-Known Member
There is an Ace forum on Icmag, Annapurna has its own listing. It's an excellent himalayan "wild type" sativa hash plant, which is one of my all time favorite categories. I've had it once, and it's a lot like nanda devi. Low THC but the high is wonderful. Growing these things indoors is a labor of love though.


Well-Known Member
I can't recommend the Himalayan sativa hash plants enough! If you have any interest at all in these, I highly recommend growing it out, the high has a quality so unique and far removed from what we get from modern trash breeders. I'll be growing out Annapurna later next year, along with Malana Cream and Nanda devi, looking for some choice males and females for breeding. These plants are so important right now because in a few years they won't exist in their pure forms any longer. I'm glad Ace is working with this plant now, I think these wild type hash plants will have a big role in future breeding efforts.


Wasn't meant as a critism forgive me, haven't grown it YET but have heard it's beautiful but a hard one to grow.
Ok thanks, I just have become very interested in this specific strain as of late. I'll definitely be reading up on this particular type. I'm interested in what strains cross well with it to keep it's uniqueness but still take desired elements from other strains that have similar traits if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown the Annapurna but I have some Kumaoni and Nanda Devi from The Real Seed Company which are similar sativa strains from the himalayas. I haven't been able to grow any of those out yet.

The Annapurna is going to need some training if growing indoors and you're going to want to flip them to flower rather quickly to keep them within a manageable size. Especially if growing in a tent. The nutrient requirements are going to be minimal as with many sativa's and overfeeding will show up rather rapidly so keep that in mind if you choose to grow it.


I haven't grown the Annapurna but I have some Kumaoni and Nanda Devi from The Real Seed Company which are similar sativa strains from the himalayas. I haven't been able to grow any of those out yet.

The Annapurna is going to need some training if growing indoors and you're going to want to flip them to flower rather quickly to keep them within a manageable size. Especially if growing in a tent. The nutrient requirements are going to be minimal as with many sativa's and overfeeding will show up rather rapidly so keep that in mind if you choose to grow it.
Thanks for the tips, duly noted.
Maybe topping and lst together might be a good idea. I know they can get very tall.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips, duly noted.
Maybe topping and lst together might be a good idea. I know they can get very tall.
Flipping to flower no more than 3 weeks after sprout will keep the size smaller as well. I've dealt with tall lanky sativa's and you really need to have a plan in place before you end up having a hard time managing plants that grow like these. But if you take care of things early the grow will be much more enjoyable and the reward is worth it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown the Annapurna but I have some Kumaoni and Nanda Devi from The Real Seed Company which are similar sativa strains from the himalayas. I haven't been able to grow any of those out yet.

The Annapurna is going to need some training if growing indoors and you're going to want to flip them to flower rather quickly to keep them within a manageable size. Especially if growing in a tent. The nutrient requirements are going to be minimal as with many sativa's and overfeeding will show up rather rapidly so keep that in mind if you choose to grow it.
do you make hash with your landraces or are you smoking you bud? would love to grow some Malana crème i have but i don't want to bust it out if its a Charas strain with no charas making experience


Well-Known Member
do you make hash with your landraces or are you smoking you bud? would love to grow some Malana crème i have but i don't want to bust it out if its a Charas strain with no charas making experience
I smoke and make hash using dry ice and pressing it myself. Charas is really going to require more than a few plants to really even bother with. Like a field of plants you go through rubbing the flowers with your hands to collect it. I don't think it's worth the effort for just a small grow.


Well-Known Member
I smoke and make hash using dry ice and pressing it myself. Charas is really going to require more than a few plants to really even bother with. Like a field of plants you go through rubbing the flowers with your hands to collect it. I don't think it's worth the effort for just a small grow.
i got a buddy who gifted me with some landtrace seeds but all of em are charas strains (malana, rasoul, and tirah). it sounds like a fun experiment to do when you have the space and time


Well-Known Member
i got a buddy who gifted me with some landtrace seeds but all of em are charas strains (malana, rasoul, and tirah). it sounds like a fun experiment to do when you have the space and time
Tirah is definitely much easier to do indoors than Rasol and Malana, being a Pakistani Kush cultivar. 2nd generation of seeds I tried out were done in 8/9 weeks. Structurally more akin to NL5 etc i.e. Afghan hybridised with sativa of some sort. Not Himalayan.