slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

thanks Bob... i figured watered a bit too much before transplant... had hoped they would bounce back once in 5 gals, but they haven't.
that pic is a few days old. they are worse today. saw small brown spots yesterday and now the spots are bit worse.
my light:

was set on max wattage. 40 inches from plants. i dimmed to 75% and moved down to about 24 inches this morning.
water ph is 6.4ish, but i used a soil ph meter and it reads 7.0... im going to check again with litmus paper once im home this evening.
was in happy frog in solo cup and now in ocean forest in 5 gals.
this pic is from today:
Maybe a little over watered but otherwise fine...I get twisted leaves on the 1st couple sets sometimes they'll be fine

A week or so later...


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hmmmm.... so the little yellowish brown spots are nothing to worry about yet? ill give it another day or so before watering, then see how its going. thanks.
I noticed the older, lower leaves are the ones showing the yellowing and contortions. But, the newest leaves look healthy. Maybe the changes implemented with your watering or light made a big difference. My Wonka Bars plant was very finicky with light. If brightness was the dealio, I think the leaves should smooth out eventually (takes a while).
not much worse, but progressing....
am i just being paranoid? ill carry on and see what it turns into, i guess.
If you have a 480W LED, it might still be too bright. I think you have it at 75% and 24 inches? If so, that seems like a lot to me considering the stage of your plant.

My thinking is that if I'm wrong, somebody's going to correct me here. Either way, you get a bump so we'll see.
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If you have a 480W LED, it might still be too bright. I think you have it at 75% and 24 inches? If so, that seems like a lot to me considering the stage of your plant.

My thinking is that if I'm wrong, somebody's going to correct me here. Either way, you get a bump so we'll see.

I moved the fixture up to 30 inches at 75% for now
spots are on the oldest leaves only, it seems. new growth looks free of spots. spots are on 2 of 3 plants on same older growth.
spots are on the oldest leaves only, it seems. new growth looks free of spots. spots are on 2 of 3 plants on same older growth.
Ah, okay. Maybe it's something else. It seems like I have read conflicting information about light burn. Some writings suggested a grower would be in the clear with nice-looking new leaves. But, I also remember reading elsewhere that it shows on older leaves first because the damage takes a while to accumulate.
Happens to me in FFOF sometimes, I thinks it's either light stress or the soil being too hot, ussually doesn't stick around for long.
is this wind burn or lights still? I have moved my fans around and have readjusted my lights height and intensity. since its only the one plant I'm still thinking to just push through and see how it goes....