Who else chops and trims wet?

Seems I triggered you something fierce.

Ya need to chill da fuck out and realize your anger with me is only because you dont want to admit you chopped that shit early.

Its not an opinion. It is a fucking fact. You have not only compromised yield but potency as well.

That sir is a FACT

One more FACT for you. Between the early chop and the yearning to dry fast that weed is going to be sub par at best.

You chopped because you didn't want to wait.

You want to dry fast because your out of weed.


Kids these days. Can’t wait for nothin’
Just like to point out that calling an aussie Skippy is not an insult
That brought back memories of Skippy the Bush kangaroo.......
Skippy's unique 'tch tch tch' sound could mean everything from a simple 'Yes' to 'Sonny's trapped down a well and I need you to fetch the helicopter so we can rescue him right now!' Lol

I wet trim.
Don’t come here with your one unripe plant and spread your BS on here. You needed min of 2-3 more weeks for harvest window to even be open. Good luck kid
What bullshit did I spread? Your just making stuff up now. Anyone who reads this will see I've not spread anything lmao. I asked who else wet trims if that's spreading bullshit in your eyes then all I can say is wow.
What bullshit did I spread? Your just making stuff up now. Anyone who reads this will see I've not spread anything lmao. I asked who else wet trims if that's spreading bullshit in your eyes then all I can say is wow.
Good luck kid. Enjoy your headache
Good luck kid. Enjoy your headache
The only headache I have is from the trolls on here jumping on people because my way ain't there way. I'm not stupid I knew some people would say I've chopped early in there opinion. But I didn't think they would go about it the way they have. I'd bet people have been put off of even starting threads because some people don't know how to conduct themselves around other people. I'm happy to hear opinions I'm fine with people saying they think I chopped early I don't like the way they go about it there's seriously no need to be a douche about it. Good luck to you also.
The only headache I have is from the trolls on here jumping on people because my way ain't there way. I'm not stupid I knew some people would say I've chopped early in there opinion. But I didn't think they would go about it the way they have. I'd bet people have been put off of even starting threads because some people don't know how to conduct themselves around other people. I'm happy to hear opinions I'm fine with people saying they think I chopped early I don't like the way they go about it there's seriously no need to be a douche about it. Good luck to you also.
So you don’t like the message so you blame the messengers. Sorry the truth hurts. Instead of arguing you should spend this time learning when to chop. Avoid future problems.
Go and look at wizzlebizz comments on other threads watch his comments on future threads. The guys the definition of internet troll.
I post with him here helping people everyday. What I see is how he explained to you your weed wasn’t ready. You didn’t like it and got upset. Listen. It was too early. Even if you don’t want narcotic weed. The reason you would think it’s narcotic is because it’s actually done, also stronger. Put your scope away you done even need it. It’s like checking, steak the inside can’t be done if the outside isn’t done. Sheesh do some reading on google. Look up pics of ripe weed. Your weed looks nothing like that.
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Why do I need a pic to prove I've chopped it when I like it? It doesn't even make sense. Fyi my phone barely takes a pic of the bud let alone a microscopic trichome :D
Even this pic ain't clear how the fuck am I suppose to take a pic of the trichomes :wall:


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Why does everyone talk to people on here as if they ain't got a clue and automatically assume everyone's a first time grower? I know full well if you touch trichomes they turn amber, I'm not a bud squeezer I touch nothing but leaves to move the bud to get a better look. This particular strain breeder says 9-11 weeks from seed I personally never count from seed I go by sprouting above soil and since sprouting above soil it's been 12 weeks 2 day's. So to say it's chopped way to early is laughable. If you want narcotic weed by all means wait longer but like I said it's not for me I don't grow weed to sit there testing it like I'm wine tasting I'm not pedantic. I grow 100% organic even organic calmag I flush then chop dry cure I start smoking it after being jarred for 2 weeks for me it smells great tastes great smokes smooth as a babies ass I have so much that some will cure for months. I will say thanks for saying I'm right in the sense of its how I like it that I agree with because it all comes down to personal preference. If wizzlebizz has never grown a strain where he has had white pistils at harvest then he ain't grown many strains it's quite well documented that these strains exist Google will tell all if he don't believe me. Another thing I will add which I'm sure everyone can agree on and that is that it's impossible to have all cloudy trichomes. You have a choice of mostly cloudy some clear or mostly cloudy some amber or you can wait for all amber and completely ruin the weed. I chop when I get cloudy very minor amount of amber and that's exactly what I did here. Believe me don't believe me the choice is yours but there my plants I'm far from inexperienced I'm the one growing them checking them daily with a 60 X loupe I can see pretty clearly and nope there's nothing wrong with my eyes. This was never meant to a thread for people to jump on people because they do things differently. Wizzlebizz mentions about asking for advise I never did such a thing I merely asked who else chops and trims wet. If I did ever want advice he'd be the last person I'd ask as he clearly doesn't know as much as he likes to think. If you go and look at the reviews on trustpilot about ROLLITUP I'm starting to agree them.
I'm not stupid I knew some people would say I've chopped early in there opinion.
It's not opinion, it's fact. You harvested the plant before it's peak. If you like it that way fine, but stop arguing that you didn't harvest before it's peak.
This isn’t a “hey were master growers”. I’m just some dummy. We’re trying to save you from the same “new grower” mistakes we made (and I still make). You’re just choosing to put some weird spin on it.