Donald Trump’s Suicide

No, I honestly don’t know how his track record is. A lot of people can be persuaded to vote for a senator based on successful government contracts and such. Bring home a big billion dollar defense contract and they will overlook their votes on abortion because although they may have feelings on those issues, their kids are ship builders etc. the hot topics are what get some people fired up, but they usually amount to nothing. So I don’t know how successful Cruz has been for Texas. I imagine they care about fracking and such.
All you need to know is that just like DJT he shutdown our government singlehandedly and attempted a coup of Joe R Biden
Yes. People are moving into Texas because it has no income taxes, plenty of jobs and inexpensive housing compared to states run by Democrats with high taxes, expensive housing and a job climate that results in companies moving there from California.

But Cruz isn't responsible for those reasons, the state government is which is Republican controlled.
And everyone is named Bubba and the right to work laws leave skilled trades making $12 an hour

Texas has terrible marijuana laws and is dominated with oil money aka a shithole state
Texas food bank has to ration food to help the hungry

Eric Cooper, CEO of the San Antonio food bank, discusses the hunger faced by people in Texas as the coronavirus pandemic has put many people in the state out of work.

Right down near the Mexican border. You can bet most of those there for a handout are not poor and not US citizens. I lived along the border for two decades. Seen plenty of people from rich mountain foothills homes using food stamps in grocery stores only to see them climb into a Mercedes-Benz and drive down the road and pull into a gated community of million dollar homes.
Yes. People are moving into Texas because it has no income taxes, plenty of jobs and inexpensive housing compared to states run by Democrats with high taxes, expensive housing and a job climate that results in companies moving there from California.

But Cruz isn't responsible for those reasons, the state government is which is Republican controlled.

"I do agree with you that not all fatal occupation injuries listed in the BLS data can be attributed to poor environmental compliance." Texas, he said, had the most deaths tabulated by the bureau in four areas he described as "fatal industrial accident categories": fires and explosions; falls, trips and slips; exposure to harmful substances or environments; and contact with objects and equipment.

The amount of money saved on handrails and non skid flooring is AMAZING!

Long live the Texas Railroad Commission.
News Max , Fox and OAAN ...echo echo echo
Thing is, I don’t partake in any chamber, regardless or political affiliation. I’m not party affiliated either, I’m American affiliated. I’ve posted the same in threads and comment sections all over, if it’s an echo gets mocked.

"I do agree with you that not all fatal occupation injuries listed in the BLS data can be attributed to poor environmental compliance." Texas, he said, had the most deaths tabulated by the bureau in four areas he described as "fatal industrial accident categories": fires and explosions; falls, trips and slips; exposure to harmful substances or environments; and contact with objects and equipment.

The amount of money saved on handrails and non skid flooring is AMAZING!

Long live the Texas Railroad Commission.
You can’t fact a check a Republican. It never works out in their favor. They make shit up as they go along. Just like their leader.
Maybe, you should seek psychiatric help if you hate 74 million people you have never met. That is a clear sign of a mental issue.
The line in the sand was drawn by Trump. You’re either with us or against us. Well 80 million are against you.

The most people ever came out to vote that scumbag out of office. I’m going to love the next four years!

"I do agree with you that not all fatal occupation injuries listed in the BLS data can be attributed to poor environmental compliance." Texas, he said, had the most deaths tabulated by the bureau in four areas he described as "fatal industrial accident categories": fires and explosions; falls, trips and slips; exposure to harmful substances or environments; and contact with objects and equipment.

The amount of money saved on handrails and non skid flooring is AMAZING!

Long live the Texas Railroad Commission.
you do realize that working in oil production is dangerous, right? That is why it pays so well. The job I had, a federal job was so hazardous that mandatory retirement was at 57.
Right down near the Mexican border. You can bet most of those there for a handout are not poor. I lived along the border for two decades. Seen plenty of people from rich mountain foothills homes using food stamps in grocery stores only to see them climb into a Mercedes-Benz and drive down the road and pull into a gated community of million dollar homes.
Perhaps you should post a link or video, if it was a problem like you say.
People should not be donating to food banks cause the brown folks might get some. Sounds like what you're saying to me and lots of them live along the border in gated communities too! Yet they are so tight fisted as to wait for hours in the hot sun to get $50 worth of handouts. Why would they do that?