Why does it feel good to fight with people on the internet?


Well-Known Member
It mostly feels wrong but there is a little bit of a dopamine rush. Especially if I feel I'm right in a discussion. But at the same time I wouldn't argue with people the same way in real life.

Anyone else feel the same sometimes? Is it possible to never feel a little rush each time?
Cathartic. The rush you're talking about is addiction. Pleasure seeking. Epigenetic too. Could lead to just being more argumentative in general and especially online. Just to get the brain squirting. I've been laid back most of my life. As I'm aging, I'm feeling less apathy. Makes me want to run my mouth before I've engaged my brain. Probably should work on that...but I'm a simple circuit, so I'll probably keep doing things how I do them.
Part of the keyboard warrior stuff is not having to deal with physical retaliation from people in the real world, and the psychological drama of seeing aggressive posturing and angry facial cues. Seperates the animal from its skin a bit. Allows less feedback to the social brain stuff happening and behavior is modified. More likely to be blunt and opinionated.
It mostly feels wrong but there is a little bit of a dopamine rush. Especially if I feel I'm right in a discussion. But at the same time I wouldn't argue with people the same way in real life.

Anyone else feel the same sometimes? Is it possible to never feel a little rush each time?
I think your answer is in the title. It is a fight. Which means people go into things already with a side determined, and with a level of faith in their side that will not allow challenge. Due to this and google they believe they will win, because they have faith that they are right to begin with. If they stumble well they will just google something and get a result that confirms the convictions they already have. People on the internet with politics today remind me of religious zealots. They have dogma that they will not allow to be challenged on one side or the other. Then they view people as less if they don't agree with them. I think it is overall very toxic. Naturally you get a rush from "winning" and the feeling of superiority. Same reason I think a lot of religious persons like to have a holier than thou attitude.
Now a discussion on the internet is something different. I prefer discussions in general where people are open and looking for answers different than the conclusions they have come to already.
Although, you will likely notice I rarely come into this sub-forum. Well the reasons are mostly listed above. There is no sense anymore arguing politics with people. You aren't changing their minds. I prefer to discuss subjects that politics may touch. The morality of certain stances, philosophy and ethos in general.
Oh and just for the record. I hate your candidate and everyone's candidate. I find this to be a refreshing perspective on the world. Cynicism. If I hate everyone equally, I am very egalitarian. HA.

You want to have a great few months. Turn off the news. Get off social media. Just post about pot. Be concerned with the things active in your life. The people around you, the hobbies you have. The people you love. The bud you love. I can't change a fuckin thing about the world, I can just make my own world and orbit a bit better.
I think your answer is in the title. It is a fight. Which means people go into things already with a side determined, and with a level of faith in their side that will not allow challenge. Due to this and google they believe they will win, because they have faith that they are right to begin with. If they stumble well they will just google something and get a result that confirms the convictions they already have. People on the internet with politics today remind me of religious zealots. They have dogma that they will not allow to be challenged on one side or the other. Then they view people as less if they don't agree with them. I think it is overall very toxic. Naturally you get a rush from "winning" and the feeling of superiority. Same reason I think a lot of religious persons like to have a holier than thou attitude.
Now a discussion on the internet is something different. I prefer discussions in general where people are open and looking for answers different than the conclusions they have come to already.
Although, you will likely notice I rarely come into this sub-forum. Well the reasons are mostly listed above. There is no sense anymore arguing politics with people. You aren't changing their minds. I prefer to discuss subjects that politics may touch. The morality of certain stances, philosophy and ethos in general.
Oh and just for the record. I hate your candidate and everyone's candidate. I find this to be a refreshing perspective on the world. Cynicism. If I hate everyone equally, I am very egalitarian. HA.

You want to have a great few months. Turn off the news. Get off social media. Just post about pot. Be concerned with the things active in your life. The people around you, the hobbies you have. The people you love. The bud you love. I can't change a fuckin thing about the world, I can just make my own world and orbit a bit better.
Truth. Can't hardly change a mind, can only change a heart. An view opposing your currently held beliefs affects the brain the same way as a perceived threat. Fight or flight reflexes kick in.
Idk, but maybe we need to feel "correct" to help ease the anxiety of not being in control. A feedback loop to help stabilize the system, so we can focus on other stuff than the unknown impending doom.
Because you finally feel powerful instead of weak like you have your whole life.

You guys wouldn't talk like this in public or you'd get your asses beat.

Everything I say on here I would say to your face.

I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk, learn, and help others grow weed.

But ya, all the little internet tough guys just need a good ass kicking and they might think twice.

If you like the dopamine rush try it in real life, lol.
Because you finally feel powerful instead of weak like you have your whole life.

You guys wouldn't talk like this in public or you'd get your asses beat.

Everything I say on here I would say to your face.

I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk, learn, and help others grow weed.

But ya, all the little internet tough guys just need a good ass kicking and they might think twice.

If you like the dopamine rush try it in real life, lol.
Your post is the very thing you’re talking about. You’re threatening to beat people up in your post complaining about internet shit taking. Too funny
Your post is the very thing you’re talking about. You’re threatening to beat people up in your post complaining about internet shit taking. Too funny
You need to learn how to read.

I never threatened anyone. I simply said if you talk to people in person like some of you talk on here, you would get your ass beaten. I never said I was the one who would be giving out the ass kicking though. It's just bound to happen, lol.
You need to learn how to read.

I never threatened anyone. I simply said if you talk to people in person like some of you talk on here, you would get your ass beaten. I never said I was the one who would be giving out the ass kicking though. It's just bound to happen, lol.
I need to learn to read? Dude you really need to get over yourself. I’m 100% sure you’re kicking no ones ass. Just seeing how you present yourself here. There’s no way you beating anything but your meat. Go watch some Star Wars
You need to learn how to read.

I never threatened anyone. I simply said if you talk to people in person like some of you talk on here, you would get your ass beaten. I never said I was the one who would be giving out the ass kicking though. It's just bound to happen, lol.
In the real world and the major raise in public surveillance, most adults that give out a beating would be charged with assault and detained. At least I would hope so for me and my families safety. As a woman that was forced into kick boxing at a young age and continued through to a fighting career in my early 20s; in my later years the rush of the fight isn't there anymore. My hands constantly hurt, my shins ache when it rains and honestly I constantly ponder if it was worth it. When you rush into a fight irl on the street, there are way more dangers such as aids, weapons and a myriad of other things that come into play just to teach a stranger a lesson. Not worth it! Fuck that stranger because they are obviously not happy with their life and I couldn't be more apathetic how they live their seething lifestyle. You really want to fight? Get in the ring, where there is more than enough people to make sure you don't find yourself in a life threatening situation (but yet it still happens). There is a reason why most fight clubs (in lieu of a better term) preach to you that you shouldn't start a fight on the street. They cement it in your head to walk away. If you a good fighter, one street fight can be the end of your career (you would be kicking ass but the courts are going to hit you with the max sentence).

Go watch some Star Wars
Hey what's wrong with Star Wars? :(

Easy don’t hit me with your lightsaber :finger:
nah most people would like that too much HAHA
In the real world and the major raise in public surveillance, most adults that give out a beating would be charged with assault and detained. At least I would hope so for me and my families safety. As a woman that was forced into kick boxing at a young age and continued through to a fighting career in my early 20s; in my later years the rush of the fight isn't there anymore. My hands constantly hurt, my shins ache when it rains and honestly I constantly ponder if it was worth it. When you rush into a fight irl on the street, there are way more dangers such as aids, weapons and a myriad of other things that come into play just to teach a stranger a lesson. Not worth it! Fuck that stranger because they are obviously not happy with their life and I couldn't be more apathetic how they live their seething lifestyle. You really want to fight? Get in the ring, where there is more than enough people to make sure you don't find yourself in a life threatening situation (but yet it still happens). There is a reason why most fight clubs (in lieu of a better term) preach to you that you shouldn't start a fight on the street. They cement it in your head to walk away. If you a good fighter, one street fight can be the end of your career (you would be kicking ass but the courts are going to hit you with the max sentence).

Hey what's wrong with Star Wars? :(

nah most people would like that too much HAHA

You can hit me with ur lightsaber all u want.
Nah I can't be arsed with arguing or exchanges of abuse, I'm not totally innocent of the odd derogatory remark that I feel is justified but on the whole I'd much rather just get along peacefully with folks.

When I do have the odd disagreement I like leave on the page and not carry it around the forum, life's to short for unnecessary aggravation :peace:
I have a life devoid of strife. My longtime girlfriend has the finest character I've ever known. My friends are all top-notch. My household is set for life and then some. Life is fun, interesting, and constantly progressing.

It most certainly wasn't always like that, though.

Point is, life just ain't offering me any hostility. I even get along great with friends who have sociopolitical values very different from mine. I'm not getting my recommended monthly allowance of strife, damn it.

We have a need to shake things up. Confrontation is human. The internet has offered a new way to disagree. It's nice to be less restrained by social norms present in more personal interactions.

Perhaps best of all, the internet boosts ACCOUNTABILITY, one of my favorite things. Stupid fucktard drones who spouted off INSANE shit like "I bet the pandemic will magically disappear as soon as the election is over" find it much harder to later modify or outright deny their lies without being called out by an army of indignant geeks. It's superb.
In the real world and the major raise in public surveillance, most adults that give out a beating would be charged with assault and detained. At least I would hope so for me and my families safety. As a woman that was forced into kick boxing at a young age and continued through to a fighting career in my early 20s; in my later years the rush of the fight isn't there anymore. My hands constantly hurt, my shins ache when it rains and honestly I constantly ponder if it was worth it. When you rush into a fight irl on the street, there are way more dangers such as aids, weapons and a myriad of other things that come into play just to teach a stranger a lesson. Not worth it! Fuck that stranger because they are obviously not happy with their life and I couldn't be more apathetic how they live their seething lifestyle. You really want to fight? Get in the ring, where there is more than enough people to make sure you don't find yourself in a life threatening situation (but yet it still happens). There is a reason why most fight clubs (in lieu of a better term) preach to you that you shouldn't start a fight on the street. They cement it in your head to walk away. If you a good fighter, one street fight can be the end of your career (you would be kicking ass but the courts are going to hit you with the max sentence).

Hey what's wrong with Star Wars? :(

nah most people would like that too much HAHA
Welcome fellow chick! Meet @Laughing Grass as we were just talking that we needed other chicks here with us! Yay welcome!