1st female help

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
This is my tiny growing Room in an balcony this mt light 3*8w 1000lumn and 1*100w led i think the largest one is a female but the behind one is male??

Max Ehrmann

Well-Known Member
What medium are you using? Those plants look like the are being grown in a brick. Marijuana needs much more aeration in the soil than that to grow at optimum levels...

As far as showing sex I don't think you can tell by any of the pictures.

I suggest breaking up that top layer of...(dirt) and adding in some perlite. Be gentle and don't go to deep so you don't hurt the roots...or that's what I would do. Maybe even transplant into bigger pots with some better draining soil? As it is now, I fear those wont yield much even if the are female.

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
What medium are you using? Those plants look like the are being grown in a brick. Marijuana needs much more aeration in the soil than that to grow at optimum levels...

As far as showing sex I don't think you can tell by any of the pictures.

I suggest breaking up that top layer of...(dirt) and adding in some perlite. Be gentle and don't go to deep so you don't hurt the roots...or that's what I would do. Maybe even transplant into bigger pots with some better draining soil? As it is now, I fear those wont yield much even if the are female.
I can take clones and replants them separately now ? Iam using a river nile soil
But i still using 18/6 light with the sunlight (10hours at least )


Well-Known Member
Oops, hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon, did you add anything to aerate the soil perlite etc, what are your temperatur and RH.
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Pharaonic THC

Active Member
Temp is from 17to30 at night and morning and rh is from 40 to 60 iam using normal soil without add any thing iam using 20_20_20 fertilizer and humic