Roy Simpson Oil

i thought the tincture was called Green Dragon?
rso or Phoenix tears were created as an ultra high dose of thc to combat tumor growth. usually large amounts of bud batches are used to ensure the highest content of cannabanoids , you boil it in everclear grain alcohol down to a sludge after decarbing so you can put small hits below the tounge. sublingual is the best method to injest rso aka Phoenix tears
green dragon is green because it absorbs the chlorophyll from exposure at long periods. its better to use quick wash ethanol, reduce down to dabs then add those dabs to say 40% alcohol like vodka, then its not as harsh or green
the phenix tears don't have much scientific data backing them but essentially you consume them for 1 week or so, ultra high dose of thc puts you into a coma of sorts always sleeping all the time, this is beneficial to the healing of the body, since this is for medical purposes you want as many Milligrams as possible in your system and for an extended period, we are talking amounts way higher then the recreational sense. after a week or two people have reported curing cancer and other illnesses but it hardly gets any press , hopefully more legalization will open up further research
I prefer QWET, keep everything as cold as possible
i might give it another go. what do you do it with? i used the 190 Everclear. do you let your alcohol evaporate or do you recover it? i put mine on a silicone pie plate and a small fan and just let it evaporate in the air.
i might give it another go. what do you do it with? i used the 190 Everclear. do you let your alcohol evaporate or do you recover it? i put mine on a silicone pie plate and a small fan and just let it evaporate in the air.
I use a Pyrex dish after letting it sit for 24hr in the freezer after filtering through a coffee filter, I believe the winterizing helps create a smoother product
2 ball jars 1 per run, freeze for 24hrs ahead of time, everything. filter in your freezer , let it air dry with a small fan , cheesecloth over the plate to keep dust out
I use a Pyrex dish after letting it sit for 24hr in the freezer after filtering through a coffee filter, I believe the winterizing helps create a smoother product
i did the coffee filter. didn't try the letting sit for 24. hell, i've got almost a whole 1.75 of everclear left. i might do it this weekend. i just love the taste of bubble hash though. lol.
tincture is better made with glycols

the original rso recipe is made with everclear
I make the one like Rick Simpson does in the video. He never mentions Everclear as far as I noticed.
I eat 1-2 grams of the stuff daily. Use nothing but acetone. Feel fine. Mighty high most days to boot.
can you link me that video
I posted it on the first page of this post already. In post #10. It's possible everclear is in there but I'd never use it 'cause like I said 3 times already no alcohol for me. They are both polar solvents though.
I was thinking of you when I ate my 1.5 grams this morning. How much oil you eat in the run of a week? You medical too?
I buy my acetone in 5 gallon jugs for $95; how much you paying for everclear and how much do you buy?
We should have a contest to see who can eat the most!
Non drinker, no alcohol for me. Isn't that for a tincture anyway? RSO requires heat from a rice cooker (I use a hot plate). Isn't Everclear evaporated off?
Here's a link to the man himself. He mentions acetone and benzene in the video. He also says his process achieves complete decarboloxization.
this shows him using alcohol, never seen someone consume acetone . good luck to you in that regard.