First Grow- Question about cutting leaves!


Active Member
hey guys. I'm growing in a hydro set up, a bubbler to be exact. 4 plants are about 3.2 weeks old. My question is, since they are pretty close to eachother, they are becoming quite crowded. Can I cut the BIG fan leaves off at the main stem so that light can penetrate through the canopy better, and so that future bud sites get more light?
any help is appreciated as this is my first grow!


Well-Known Member
you could trim some of them if u want or you could just leave it. the plant knows what it's doing.


Well-Known Member
Why not just cut of a finger or two?

Lol... I'm not scared to cut some leaves personally, but only when necessary. Try tuckin them out of the way before u cut anything, and if u do take a couple leaves, leave the leaf stem attached to the main stem, that is, just take it at the very base of the leaf. :leaf:


Active Member
whoa whoa whoa no dont cut any leaves. they provide important sugars to the plants. it doesnt matter if they are taking light from future bud sights, leave em be. its like trying to cut off your hand to fix a broken arm, pointless. it would do more harm than help. but like richjames said try tucking the leaves out of the way, dont cut them.


Active Member
thanks for the replys! i am just going to leave them and tuck a few leaves i guess.. I'm going to start flowering this weekend.

