Thanks man. Sorry for being an ass the other day! Cheers!
You don’t bother with trellis and training? I see some extra space in there
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Fuzziness. Need to flower this girl out. Still waiting for parts but I think I have to flip this either way.
What type of nozzle do you use? Roots look healthy but I think the droplet size may be a to big. Pressure might be a little on the low side. I've never tried "tefen" nozzles but I think most people use those.Wow impressive! I'm in the process of testing my cloner germinated 1 seed and it's been 3 days after it popped , I'm trying to get the spray intervels dialed in and I have some questions lol the roots are starting to take off and I think they look great but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for as far as it's to much saturation so I'm seeing a bead of water at the bottom tips of the roots should I back off the amount of time it's running is there a little hint I should be looking for they are starting to get the spine like look at the top but underneath it's more like a roman noodle . So I started with 5sec on 3min off it was good cause it needed more I tried less it wilted put it on 3sec on 3min offso that was a great indication I needed more saturation so now I backed it back again to 3sec on 4min off , should I keep backing the on time down here's a couple pics
Of course it doesOk so it's running at 100psi at start then as tank empties 85psi before the pump Kicks on I just received pressure regulator so I'm gonna have a constant 80psi to nozzles and yes they are Teffens and they do have the droplet size 60-50 micron and now u just got me thinking maybe I have too many nozzles there are 4 , 2 and 2 facing each other possibilities maybe micron droplets are merging? I'm thinking to try 1 second I was just being too cautious I guess,. And as far as Nasa goes I don't think it's possible to give a 3 sec 3 min answer it's not one size fits all , from what I have read most of the experts on RIU explained correct me if I'm wrong it depends on flow rates and psi obviously plus root chamber size and hang time to determine your spray intervels
I think ill be incoporating your "sauce" spray into my mix. Your ladies look absolutely lush!
I saw a post that you mentioned you spray tria at week 4 of flower. When do you recommend spraying your mix?