What did you accomplish today?


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Staff member
too lean maybe?
Yes - one of the biggest reasons that sea mammal blubber consumption is so desirable is the caloric content.

I made authentic Pemmican once using Moose jerky, spices & Moose fat. Looked exactly like a slightly greasy brownie, boy what a surprise for the taste buds (Your eyes say chocolate brownie but your tongue says WTF is this?) - but talk about fuel for the body when it was below -50 deg.


Well-Known Member
I made authentic Pemmican once using Moose jerky, spices & Moose fat. Looked exactly like a slightly greasy brownie but, boy what a surprise for the taste buds - but talk about fuel for the body when it was below -50 deg.
That moose pemmican is good stuff, just stick a couple pieces in a pocket for gnawing on.
We figured 5000 calories a day once it drops to -30 to not lose weight. About double.


Well-Known Member
I know she a pet....... but just throwing this out there. A few years ago I was reading on the economics of raising farm animals. The article said rabbit is the only animal that will produce more meat through reproductive activity than it cost to feed them. I don’t know if it’s true or not but I thought it was funny and gave credence to the phrase “ screwing like rabbits “ .
Female rabbits have their periods once a week.
Give birth 4 weeks after conception (8 kits).
The babies are fertile 6 weeks after birth.
So 2 rabbits can tun into 200 rabbits in a year.


Well-Known Member
Dragged a couple totes of seaweed for the outdoor garden. Should of checked the tide clock.:dunce:
Storm last week put rafts of it everywhere, not many creepy crawlies on it in winter.
Now I got to hit the brewery for sopping wet boiled grains, grab a bag of lime, turn over the compost pile.
