Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

My idiot Trumptard neighbor, fodder for many more posts than merely this one, got impressively angry upon learning that poor people get a discount on Amazon Prime. That's an interesting position from someone who tends to shove Jebus in others' faces every chance he gets.

America is full of self-proclaimed Christians WHO HATE THE POOR! How utterly fascinating!

Such a position is so far at odds with the principles of the institution that it's like being a Hebrew or Muslim who not only eats pork bacon, but also pulls over on a country byway and swallows, like a fuckin' python, an entire road-killed feral hog, cloven hooves and all.

It's a total hoot how daft people can be. The same species that produced Ode to Joy and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has also bestowed upon us Stop the Steal and the WWF Christmas Smackdown. Now THAT'S what I call diversity! Trippy.
Interesting. Can you elaborate? No reflections on Christians who hate the poor and instead an ostrich maneuver?

I've been engaging issues on the web since before most knew it even existed. Not once have I ever blocked, ignored, or reported anyone, no matter how idiotic or obnoxious. It just seems like such a sissy thing to do, but that's, of course, subjective.

Clicking your profile was also interesting. First time I saw Priest was on Point of Entry with Maiden (Killers, DiAnno) as special guests. Just finished KKD's book. I concur regarding the excellent Painkiller album. We certainly agree on some things.

I'm a devoted and effective enemy of Christ and all Abrahamic mythologies. This nation has the least Christian Christians ever I've beheld. It's enormously fascinating.
I made me the judge by virtue of self-determination and my very existence. Consideration and judgement are among the most important things that separate us from snails and ferns and whatnot. Your inquiry into the source of my judgeship is itself an act of judgement. Ain't life a trip?

It is a veritable orgasm of foolishness to recklessly tag things you disagree with as trolling. What a shame. Remarking on an interesting phenomenon I witnessed is not trolling and I'm seeing so much indisputable idiocy from both Christians and Trumptards that ignoring it would be like disregarding the Fukushima earthquake.

When someone won't shut up about Jebus but gets all worked up because a poor person got stuff delivered for about 15 cents per day less than he pays, something ain't right.

I'll follow up with another post about the same guy, and, for the record, I like him......as much as I can like a hypocrisy-addled brainless hick.
I know like my dem ass neighbor, sounds like you crying all the time while he buying more toilet paper for his tears.
1) Crying all the time? You've clearly mistaken me for someone else.
2) Beware windbags like this clown who misuse STARKLY ABSOLUTE terms like "all." Our superb language has a word at the ready to HONORABLY describe most any situation. Strive to be EARNEST and ACCURATE in your communications. It is impossible to be crying all the time. Words mean things. That matters.
3) You have a hard time expressing things in English sentences. Obviously, you've recently immigrated here and English is your second (or beyond) language. From which nation did you emigrate?
Too short for what, exactly? Engaging meaningful issues is among the highest goods one can muster.
I’ll tell you why. Because your original post is mindless bullshit. Your neighbor doesn’t hate the poor, they’re just tired of poor people getting free shit as it makes them less likely to actually better themselves. It is 100% insanity to give a discount to anyone based on their lack of income. The only way Amazon can afford to give said discount is they’re actually charging people who work for a living more. Every action causes an equal but opposite reaction. Why should someone that doesn’t care about themselves get special treatment is really the question.
Why is this not in the religion area anyway?
1) Bleedover. Many subjects touch upon multiple topics.
2) I don't need anything from your imaginary god. Life is perfect. When you pray to nothing, tell our imaginary god to suck my fat cock. Nothing fails like prayer. It has never worked once.
3) The burden of proof is on the glassy-eyed flock, not on those with a lick o' sense. You, despite having zero evidence, are the one making hilariously outlandish claims. Perhaps you should limit yourself to worrying about whether a post is in the exact right forum - at least those things actually EXIST.
4) Did I mention that your god can suck my fat cock?
I made me the judge by virtue of self-determination and my very existence. Consideration and judgement are among the most important things that separate us from snails and ferns and whatnot. Your inquiry into the source of my judgeship is itself an act of judgement. Ain't life a trip?

It is a veritable orgasm of foolishness to recklessly tag things you disagree with as trolling. What a shame. Remarking on an interesting phenomenon I witnessed is not trolling and I'm seeing so much indisputable idiocy from both Christians and Trumptards that ignoring it would be like disregarding the Fukushima earthquake.

When someone won't shut up about Jebus but gets all worked up because a poor person got stuff delivered for about 15 cents per day less than he pays, something ain't right.

I'll follow up with another post about the same guy, and, for the record, I like him......as much as I can like a hypocrisy-addled brainless hick.

Hey I feel ya. I got some wacky homeschooling fundamentalists as neighbors. Shits bonkers.

My kid is friends with their flock, but holy shit its funny. "My mom was so mad that you said boys can marry boys...can boys marry their sister????" Muahahahaha
On the whole, homeschool kids are more intelligent and well adjusted than public school kids. They also don’t have the fucked up tribal tendencies that public schooled kids do. Maybe you’re scared your kids will learn something profoundly intelligent from them? Maybe they question why their parent is so small minded? You seem worried about something.
I’ll tell you why. Because your original post is mindless bullshit. Your neighbor doesn’t hate the poor, they’re just tired of poor people getting free shit as it makes them less likely to actually better themselves. It is 100% insanity to give a discount to anyone based on their lack of income. The only way Amazon can afford to give said discount is they’re actually charging people who work for a living more. Every action causes an equal but opposite reaction. Why should someone that doesn’t care about themselves get special treatment is really the question.
Wrong answer.
1) He truly hates the poor, and the Amazon Prime thing is but one of many aspects of his behavior supporting that view.
2) Discounted things are NOT free, and often, a helping hand enables people to better themselves.
3) Your view of what 100% insanity is a bit overblown, don't you think?
4) Newtonian physics don't really apply here.
5) Who said someone getting a break doesn't care about themselves? Many disabled people work very hard, yet can't make ends meet. Many who work two jobs can't make ends meet. Not everyone has the opportunity to earn well.
6) Amazon can afford to do as they please and them some.
Wrong answer.
1) He truly hates the poor, and the Amazon Prime thing is but one of many aspects of his behavior supporting that view.
2) Discounted things are NOT free, and often, a helping hand enables people to better themselves.
3) Your view of what 100% insanity is a bit overblown, don't you think?
4) Newtonian physics don't really apply here.
5) Who said someone getting a break doesn't care about themselves? Many disabled people work very hard, yet can't make ends meet. Many who work two jobs can't make ends meet. Not everyone has the opportunity to earn well.
6) Amazon can afford to do as they please and them some.
Here’s the kicker: I grew up poor, and have had shit happen where I had no place to go but the hatchback of my car. I have plenty of experience with being poor. What I didn’t do is ask for handouts or discounts because poor, thats actually disrespectful to a person, and it erodes self worth to take said handouts and fake discounts. I kept plugging away until I found a shitty little construction job, worked up to framing, and got life under way like an adult. I now own my own home, and have a good job in an automotive shop. My kids know the value of working and the hidden agendas behind the welfare state and “discounts” for the poor. You’re free to have your opinion, why shit on your neighbors just to feel superior? It’s kinda pathetic.
Its not that they hate the poor. Its that they feel guilty for living high on the hog while their neighbor they supposedly love so much is going hungry. A REAL Christian believes in helping those less fortunate.

Those trumper folks are not real Christians. They speak from both sides of their neck. Most of them don't even know what they believe. Sheeple being led to the slaughter. Trump didn't really worry me to much...I knew he would be gone soon, but all those who supported him, well their still out there. Scary.

And I'm a Christian who gets his Amazon Prime for $5.99. Tell your neighbor that!
Your problem: you’re a self important cunt that has delusions of grandeur, coupled with a way overblown sense of self intellect.
There is your judgement. You’re a whingy cunt that can’t stand when someone believes in something you don’t.
Wrong answer, The Sequel.
1) I'm both self- and other-important. That's being well-rounded.
2) Everyone should be a cunt when appropriate.
3) I'm extremely grounded. Having an opinion about the interesting behavior of my bonehead neighbor is pretty far from grandiose delusion. It's just life.
4) You sure have found a lot of deep meaning in a few short posts of mine. What, exactly, is self-intellect? Is it anything like, uh, intellect? I've extremely intelligent, as clearly evidenced both on paper and in the results I've produced for generations. If that upsets you, tough shit. Deal with it.
5) I relish interacting with those who have different views than mine - THAT is largely what makes life interesting and prosperous. Your outrageous overstatement is hilariously untrue. I do, however, have a limit to how much sheer idiocy I can endure, and Mr. Doesn't Understand Hemispheres and Seasons Despite Being on the Motherfucking School Board has found that limit.
6) Again, for the record, I actually like the guy. Were he not such a moron, I'd like him much more.