Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

No response. Quote some Bible passages. Self proclaimed thumper. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nah its not for me to preach. I would hate if someone tried to push their religion down my throat, so I never do that do to others. I'm open minded and my beliefs could be wrong. But so could yours. I'm more of a let my light shine kinda guy...
I love your ability to willfully ignore the forest for the trees, lol. Your posts prove everything I posted. You just can’t stand being judged for judging people. That puts you firmly in the hypocrite category.
Have a good one, time to go homeschool my well adjusted, non judgemental, highly intelligent kids.
I don't love your inability to even see a toothpick.

I can plenty stand your judgement of me, it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg and therefore is not at all noxious to me. In fact, I seem to recall actually THANKING you for participating. Is THAT the action of someone who can't stand your input?

I do not engage in hypocrisy. It was purged from my existence decades ago. My neighbor, on the other hand, has fallen well short of that mark.

For someone so aggressively judgemental, it's lovely that you've managed to sire non-judgemental crotchfruit. Well done, and I'm a longtime supporter of homeschooling so long as the teachers ain't fuckin' idiots.

Again, thanks for participating and all the best.
Here’s the kicker: I grew up poor, and have had shit happen where I had no place to go but the hatchback of my car. I have plenty of experience with being poor. What I didn’t do is ask for handouts or discounts because poor, thats actually disrespectful to a person, and it erodes self worth to take said handouts and fake discounts. I kept plugging away until I found a shitty little construction job, worked up to framing, and got life under way like an adult. I now own my own home, and have a good job in an automotive shop. My kids know the value of working and the hidden agendas behind the welfare state and “discounts” for the poor. You’re free to have your opinion, why shit on your neighbors just to feel superior? It’s kinda pathetic.
1. Define 'poor'/grew up.
1. How do you define 'handouts or discounts'?
3. Is it possible that you are mistaken in how poor you actually were, and how much your childhood benefitted from federal expansion of the suburbs?
4. Everyone (who is not abusive that I have ever known in real life) hopes that their kid is successful in life. And if that is the case, and those parents are able to provide for their child, they too are very unlikely to ever need a 'handout'.

Unless you count loans, and they go to college, or need a car to say get back and forth to work, buy a house without having enough cash in hand, which is hard to do when living paycheck to paycheck.

I congratulate you on the hard work ethic you are making sure is in your kids. (5.) What do you hope your kids go on to do in life?
God loves you. I can’t stand your ignorant, self righteousness but God loves you.

I’m a gun toting democrat btw. If you want to make it political.

Trumptards aren’t Christians. Those are contradictory terms.
Good post, and ironic, too. Forgive me, but it's impossible to notice the irony of a superfluous comma placed precisely after the word "ignorant" aimed at another. What a delightfully subtle self-own.

I'm a gun-toting libertarian.

God loves neither me nor you. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient being care about staggeringly insignificant us?
I have absolutely no respect for anyone claiming to be a Christian while supporting trump. trump is so filled with hate and disregard for others that anyone that follows the teachings of the bible should be out speaking against him not supporting him.

It's time to take away the tax exempt status for these political organizations hiding behind their "Church" status. They are not promoting what is in the Bible they claim to live by. They are promoting things that go directly against the teachings in the Bible. Church on Sunday and Hate on Monday is what it is.
That’s cute and all, but your child is your responsibility, it’s child abuse in all 50 states to let your kid go hungry. There’s always a flip side to the coin. Many kids only eat at school, that’s why school lunch programs were kept going. If you don’t properly care for your kids, you need to not have kids. Children become your only responsibility, not having a cell phone, Netflix, Amazon, or any of that other shit these people have that they put in front of feeding their kids. To let them be raised by parents that don’t care is barbaric.
That is largely a good post, but know that Amazon is very important to many people who live in places where it's difficult to obtain things without going to a lot of trouble and expense. That includes urban areas where convenience stores are among the only places to shop. Equating that to fucking Netflix is patently absurd. Some of your writing suggests you can do better than that, Frank. Some, however, suggests that you blew your load long ago.

People are going to fuck, and it ain't all gonna be anal. Children will be born to people ill-suited for the job. The conservative/mythological war on reproductive freedom is a huge part of our barbaric parenting problem.
On the whole, homeschool kids are more intelligent and well adjusted than public school kids. They also don’t have the fucked up tribal tendencies that public schooled kids do. Maybe you’re scared your kids will learn something profoundly intelligent from them? Maybe they question why their parent is so small minded? You seem worried about something.
Unless you work in this field, I don't think any actual person can generalize about this. I think it is highly dependent on the parents when they homeschool, and results may vary.

At least with public school, you generally know the floor for where a kid will pop out at education wise.

I really look forward to seeing what happens with our education system now that it is being forced to bring itself into 2021 and beyond right now.

We really need to get 100% of our nation's children everything they need to be as successful in life as possible. They are going to need to do a lot of work to fix all the shit we broke/burnt.

You hit it on the head, organized religion has led to most atrocities in our history. I was in the religion hating group before I understood that organized religion is the problem. I found an answer in a really odd place, hall of fame defensive lineman Reggie White. He talked about a personal relationship with god, that’s where it’s at. Some churchy people can be overbearing, but it’s not a faith wide problem.
Now I really have to get my ass to the school room. Have a good one everybody, trumptards, blue commies, and patriots alike.
There is a more accurate description. Humans led to those atrocities, since there are atrocities that happened outside of religion, it makes sense to check down to the next classification that is more accurate.
There’s free speech... that’s why you were able to post this.. the ppl are also free to silence you if they don’t wanna hear your bitching. Welcome to America bongsmilie
1) I'm certain there are no Constitutional issues in this matter.
2) Acts backed by basic freedom are not immune to being critiqued.
3) It's fair to suggest that suppressing earnest, well-expressed points of view is not the best path to take.
4) One generally does not hear reading.
5) Free speech is light years from being unique to America and it's silly to even sightly imply such.
Good post, and ironic, too. Forgive me, but it's impossible to notice the irony of a superfluous comma placed precisely after the word "ignorant" aimed at another. What a delightfully subtle self-own.

I'm a gun-toting libertarian.

God loves neither me nor you. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient being care about staggeringly insignificant us?
I said I’m not a good Christian and I know it. I do try. I’ve gotta work on turning the other cheek.

Doesn’t mean I can’t think you’re ignorant and sanctimonious.

I don’t have to like you at all.

Believe what you want man. That’s your God given choice ;-)

Peace, love and God bless you. Happy Friday.
1) I'm certain there are no Constitutional issues in this matter.
2) Acts backed by basic freedom are not immune to being critiqued.
3) It's fair to suggest that suppressing earnest, well-expressed points of view is not the best path to take.
4) One generally does not hear reading.
5) Free speech is light years from being unique to America and it's silly to even sightly imply such.
How old are you?
Nah its not for me to preach. I would hate if someone tried to push their religion down my throat, so I never do that do to others. I'm open minded and my beliefs could be wrong. But so could yours. I'm more of a let my light shine kinda guy...
To people like Frank who object to and mischaracterize discounts for the poor, do you also object to things like student, senior citizen, and military discounts? I do object to the third one - one shouldn't get a discount simply for being a war criminal for the banking etc. cartel (unless poor or otherwise qualifying). What about the discounts for front line and medical personnel?

My way has generally been to not be upset when others get a break and not to celebrate when others fall. It's by no means an absolute standard - exceptions are a spice of life - but overall it has served me very, very well.
How old are you?
Early 50's. I don't really give a fuck about how many growth rings are in your trunk, but I'll reciprocate - how old are you?

In a loosely associated matter, the aforementioned Trumptard Pseudo-Christian insists the world is somewhere around 6000 years old. Dildos have existed longer than that.
I'm no longer religious but I did grow up in a very religious family where we went to Church every Sunday and had Bible study a couple times a week. These so called Christians that support trump and their hate for others resembles nothing I remember. I have little respect for most organized religion these days. The hypocrisy is so profound. They think that carrying a bible makes them somehow better than those that don't. There is nothing righteous about the lack of compassion towards their fellow man these FAKE Christians have. It's just like the traitors beating policeman with an American flag at the Capitol that think they're more patriotic than others. And there is a bunch of crossover between the two.
I said I’m not a good Christian and I know it. I do try. I’ve gotta work on turning the other cheek.

Doesn’t mean I can’t think you’re ignorant and sanctimonious.

I don’t have to like you at all.

Believe what you want man. That’s your God given choice ;-)

Peace, love and God bless you. Happy Friday.
You seem pleasant enough. Turning the other cheek can indeed be challenging.

Ignorant? Nope, not really. The only people who call me ignorant are mythologists and Trumptards, but it would be most disturbing if they didn't find me ignorant. No, of course you don't have to like me. Bitch-slapping your delusions is hardly like fodder.

I never engage in belief. Belief is faith-based and poison to the rational mind. I accept, reject, or stand undecided based on knowledge, experience, and common sense.

Peace? Awesome! Love? Superb! God bless? Shove it. To quote The Reverend Maynard, "Fuck your God, your lord, your Christ." Happy Friday? Quite, but the days of the week are pretty much the same to me - I retired over 12 years ago.

Thanks for participating and all the best.