Waiting for the next shoe to fall.


Well-Known Member
I've really enjoyed the peacefulness of the news lately. It's good to have a non-psychotic President again.

And yet no matter how much I try to stay out of it, I am still surrounded by retards who believe in Trump and are still exhibiting symptoms of the ongoing Q-pandemic of stupidity.

They aren't finished with this yet. It's still not over. Sure, a good number of these febrile idiots have realized that they have been conned by a rather amateurish grift, but many of them are just reformulating their asinine beliefs the same way an old woman who is certain that the rapture will occur in her life would (hi mom).

I have had at least a dozen people share their steadfast belief that Biden will be out of office in the next 30-40 days and Trump will be POTUS again. A couple said that Trump was just about to declare martial law and arrest Biden shortly before the swearing in but decided to give the satanic cabal a little more rope so he can catch them actually supping on the blood of infants in the Oval Office and halls of Congress.

This kind of delusional rage isn't going to go away. There's something big coming.

I've really enjoyed the peacefulness of the news lately. It's good to have a non-psychotic President again.

And yet no matter how much I try to stay out of it, I am still surrounded by retards who believe in Trump and are still exhibiting symptoms of the ongoing Q-pandemic of stupidity.

They aren't finished with this yet. It's still not over. Sure, a good number of these febrile idiots have realized that they have been conned by a rather amateurish grift, but many of them are just reformulating their asinine beliefs the same way an old woman who is certain that the rapture will occur in her life would (hi mom).

I have had at least a dozen people share their steadfast belief that Biden will be out of office in the next 30-40 days and Trump will be POTUS again. A couple said that Trump was just about to declare martial law and arrest Biden shortly before the swearing in but decided to give the satanic cabal a little more rope so he can catch them actually supping on the blood of infants in the Oval Office and halls of Congress.

This kind of delusional rage isn't going to go away. There's something big coming.

if you've ever been deprived of something regular in your life, there's going to be some withdrawal..to us it's peace and to them? they're the equivalent of crack addicts and they're jonesin' right about now. haven't you noticed the uptick in traffic here? they had to go somewhere to sooth themselves and lick their wounds.

own your life..the adults are back in charge and there's not a thing (other than blogging and getting involved civically) you can do. vote in the midterms.

check this headline..call your Rep or Senator. they are trying to get away with this through silence and carefully crafted messaging.

of course, they had nothing to do with him, but ready to sacrifice themselves just 24 short days ago. to die for him. now? it was all a dream and who shot JR? Trump did..remember? anyone on fifth avenue.

Office of the Former President, indeed.
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at the market about a week ago i overheard a conversation 'i'm glad it's over; i couldn't take the tension any longer especially working here (in public) the change (back to normal) has been incredible.'

there won't be another shoe to drop from Trump that will affect you.

you've got PTTSD (Post Trump Traumatic Stress Disorder). we should be able to file for benefits because of this fvcker though.

considering the Civil War was so long ago but they let that flag fly? there was bound to be trouble and i fear there will always be segregational purists in this country until they (hopefully) die out but it's wishful thinking after this. (though they do want their own country within a country ie. Greater Idaho)

i also know there will always be con men, too.
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the Tweet portion is over. the white supremacy? not so much. this has opened my eyes in so many different ways..i would say i'm furious but i should have known when last vising granny and thought 'political me' naive as i was would talk her into becoming a dem. she humored me (obama was still president) then lit into me about 'the blacks'. she was specifically speaking of rev. al sharpton and the time during the 1960s. the seething blind hatred? i've not visited her since. she frightened me. i almost looked in her closet that night.
It's not over, Stinky still has the blackmail material from Epstein plus what dirt Putin has over the GOP.

the gop or trump? it's over as far as directly affecting your life unless Putin nukes us and they'll be signing another 5 year extension soon so it shouldn't be that. Biden's going to select several suitable punishments for him.
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Sure, a good number of these febrile idiots have realized that they have been conned by a rather amateurish grift,
Im not sure I agree with this. I don’t think any of them believe they were conned at all. Other than politicians who are publicly disagreeing with what he did, everyone is still behind Trump and doesn’t believe he did anything wrong. They will still vote for him if he’s somehow able to run again in 2024. This isn’t going away. Once he passes these morons will latch on to the next guy and do the same. It’s a cycle. They’re spinning their hamster wheel.
I have to agree, not over by a long shot. I'm just really f'n baffled that the Republicans haven't kicked that shit out, instead they seem to be leaning in. Each side will have its crazy folks, but man, we don't let them lead the charge for the 95% of non wackos. My hopes of improvement are going south. Ah well. I'm very tired of the trump folks and their shit talking.
Im not sure I agree with this. I don’t think any of them believe they were conned at all. Other than politicians who are publicly disagreeing with what he did, everyone is still behind Trump and doesn’t believe he did anything wrong. They will still vote for him if he’s somehow able to run again in 2024. This isn’t going away. Once he passes these morons will latch on to the next guy and do the same. It’s a cycle. They’re spinning their hamster wheel.

our true overlord, Big Corp, is not behind what he did so much so that they've sanctioned gop donations.
The tRUmptards believe Stinky is secretly running the country from the winter whitehouse in Florida. It's been a true cult right from the start, a complete disconnect from reality, just hoping the dear leader instructs them to drink poison at some point.
They wanted to believe Obama was running a shadow govt after he left office.
Qcumbers are dangerous lunatics. Label it a terrorist group and arrest them. Nothing works like being tough on crime. :)
Putins mechanism for control at it's core is to put the most corrupt and controllable people in charge of anything of value or importance. Stinky spent 4 years doing the same, that's why some of his last efforts were to embed these type of people into positions of power before he left.
What I keep hearing is their orders are to lay low until the heat dies down. Meanwhile they are working at recruiting.

If the US follows the pattern of other countries now dealing with a nascent right wing nationalist movement, there might be some lone wolf bombings but there is another sinister action that will begin. Assassination.

If the pattern is followed, Trump's supporters will start using those guns that they so adamantly say they have a right to carry in public "for self defense". First on the press. That has already begun. Then on women and politicians at the state level who don't look like them. AOC, Pelosi and "The Squad", Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib must feel like sitting ducks right now. They can't even fully trust the Capitol Building's security staff. I'm guessing Biden is safe but Harris is most certainly a high value target to Trump's crazy followers.

The next two years are going to be the most fraught but we have at least 10 years of this threat to endure.
What I keep hearing is their orders are to lay low until the heat dies down. Meanwhile they are working at recruiting.

If the US follows the pattern of other countries now dealing with a nascent right wing nationalist movement, there might be some lone wolf bombings but there is another sinister action that will begin. Assassination.

If the pattern is followed, Trump's supporters will start using those guns that they so adamantly say they have a right to carry in public "for self defense". First on the press. That has already begun. Then on women and politicians at the state level who don't look like them. AOC, Pelosi and "The Squad", Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib must feel like sitting ducks right now. They can't even fully trust the Capitol Building's security staff. I'm guessing Biden is safe but Harris is most certainly a high value target to Trump's crazy followers.

The next two years are going to be the most fraught but we have at least 10 years of this threat to endure.

they already did.

Yep, it was a close thing.

when you think civil war, civil rights and coup..all firsts?

they're not going to get what they want; it's a matter of who's going to be the one to tell them and sadly, their own leaders are COWARDS big ole yellow stripe right down their backs..COWARDS!

Qanon Shaman? indeed..how quickly they roll when snapped back to reality.
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