What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Deconstructing some fence panels is on the menu today, possibly digging a new post hole. Only have 2 to dig and replace. Better than the last time when the whole fence blew down. Cedar is not the best wood to use for posts, but I had a connection to get them really cheap at the time.
Mostly cloudy and 42 degrees this morning, supposed to get into the low 50's. Mornin.
Some years back a part of my fence blew down. I replaced all the wooden posts that broke with the metal postmaster posts. They cost around $30 a piece but I'll never have to replace them.

This isn't my fence just a picture I found online. I'm too lazy to go out in the rain and take a picture.



Well-Known Member
Some years back a part of my fence blew down. I replaced all the wooden posts that broke with the metal postmaster posts. They cost around $30 a piece but I'll never have to replace them.

This isn't my fence just a picture I found online. I'm too lazy to go out in the rain and take a picture.

I contemplated those, but I think these pressure treated 4X4's will probably outlast me anyway. If I would have used those instead of cedar it would probably be standing still.


Well-Known Member
Politics with a neighbor.

Why does your garage smell like weed?

Subtle voice, "I smoke".

Oh you do? I got you something. It's not for sale so no need to ask.

(Whatever he's smoking, I know isn't the high grade I gave him)

I wanna see this guy after he tokes off the couple nugs I gave him...Lolololol. Peace Brother.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Politics with a neighbor.

Why does your garage smell like weed?

Subtle voice, "I smoke".

Oh you do? I got you something. It's not for sale so no need to ask.

(Whatever he's smoking, I know isn't the high grade I gave him)

I wanna see this guy after he tokes off the couple nugs I gave him...Lolololol. Peace Brother.
During Covid times how did he get close enough to your garage to smell that? Now that you've given him good weed how do you get rid of him?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dude! You look adorable, I love those outfits. I've seen similar outfits elsewhere... You guys should work up an ice water rescue song and dance routine to put the people you rescue at ease, kinda like this -

♫ What do you get when you play on the ice?
Danger, but guys who rescue you, who are nice ♫

Or something like that. I'm just spitballin' here ;)
Film the rescue training and sound track it with this:

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Some years back a part of my fence blew down. I replaced all the wooden posts that broke with the metal postmaster posts. They cost around $30 a piece but I'll never have to replace them.

This isn't my fence just a picture I found online. I'm too lazy to go out in the rain and take a picture.

Those vertical boards are too close together.


Well-Known Member
During Covid times how did he get close enough to your garage to smell that? Now that you've given him good weed how do you get rid of him?
I don't live in California.

I got close to his garage by walking over there. My generosity was previously paid back before I gave him a gift.

As for getting rid of him. He's not a punk. He doesn't beg. Not the person to call a punk either.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I got close to his garage by walking over there. My generosity was previously paid back before I gave him a gift.

As for getting rid of him. He's not a punk. He doesn't beg. Not the person to call a punk either.
In your first version it was not clear who walked into whose space. Your last sentence is unclear as well. I really wouldn't risk my life to hand out free samples but you may live where there is no Covid. What planet would that be? I'm curious.


Well-Known Member
In your first version it was not clear who walked into whose space. Your last sentence is unclear as well. I really wouldn't risk my life to hand out free samples but you may live where there is no Covid. What planet would that be? I'm curious.
Lolololol, right?

Stay curious. Its healthy.

Later my man.


Well-Known Member
ANYWAY, got 24 boards pulled of the fence sections, 2 sections left to do. Had a hell of a time finding where the old post was put in the ground, the dirt kinda caved in on it. Ran a line and dug out another post hole about a foot closer to the standing post. Burned up some scrap wood in what is left of my fire pit, it was a nice warm place to take breaks between unscrewing boards. Sun was out most of the afternoon though. I think this old man needs to take a day off tomorrow, but another storm is supposed to come in Mon. :( Perhaps I can suck it up and get the post in at least. Buds and suds time, Taqueria burritos for dinner. Stick a fork in me.


Well-Known Member
Film the rescue training and sound track it with this:
How did you hold up during the storm?

ANYWAY, got 24 boards pulled of the fence sections, 2 sections left to do. Had a hell of a time finding where the old post was put in the ground, the dirt kinda caved in on it. Ran a line and dug out another post hole about a foot closer to the standing post. Burned up some scrap wood in what is left of my fire pit, it was a nice warm place to take breaks between unscrewing boards. Sun was out most of the afternoon though. I think this old man needs to take a day off tomorrow, but another storm is supposed to come in Mon. :( Perhaps I can suck it up and get the post in at least. Buds and suds time, Taqueria burritos for dinner. Stick a fork in me.
Phew! Sounds like you earned your buds and suds today, brother! Makes me feel like a slacker!


Well-Known Member
How did you hold up during the storm?

Phew! Sounds like you earned your buds and suds today, brother! Makes me feel like a slacker!
Not too bad, lost power for a whole day and then intermittent until yesterday. Creek didn't flow but only got 4.5 in instead of 7. The wind was brutal, 25-30 with 60+mph gusts. Lots of fallen and ruined trees. I'm going to have to drop my last Monterey Pine I planted 35 yr ago; it lost some major branches and with pine blister it won't survive in the long run. It's about 70 ft tall and I'm trying to figger out how I can drop it myself lol


Ursus marijanus
Not too bad, lost power for a whole day and then intermittent until yesterday. Creek didn't flow but only got 4.5 in instead of 7. The wind was brutal, 25-30 with 60+mph gusts. Lots of fallen and ruined trees. I'm going to have to drop my last Monterey Pine I planted 35 yr ago; it lost some major branches and with pine blister it won't survive in the long run. It's about 70 ft tall and I'm trying to figger out how I can drop it myself lol
Can you drop it in sections? I think this is why arborists invest in trucks with lifty things.