Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

Yowza McChonger

Well-Known Member
A Trumptard I know bellowed today the oft-parroted lie that Don the Con's economy was the best ever, anywhere. That is preposterous. It wasn't even the best of the decade.

There are, of course, many measures of economic success, but one is annual GDP growth. In that respect, he didn't even best Jimmy fuckin' Carter, and yes, that's NOT even counting the final COVID year.

Trump 2017-2020: 2.3 , 3.0 , 2.2 , -5.9
Avg: 1.6%
Avg giving the disgraced pathological liar, serial adulterer, longtime con man, bogus university proprietor, sham charity charlatan, malignant narcissist, accused child rapist, lowbrow non-reader, contractor-shafter, self-professed sexual predator, fourth grade level speaker, and self-proclaimed WORLD'S foremost expert in an astounding range of disciplines Donald J. Trump a wholly undeserved mulligan for year 4: 2.5%

Carter 1977-1980: 4.6 , 5.5 , 3.2 , -0.3
Avg: 3.25%

Enough of this "greatest economy in history" lie. Never have I seen such fully automatic bullshit cannons.

That is all.
Before COVID was the best time in the history of man for the little people in the world ever.
We had more access to (free) entertainment (music, movies, books) than ever before.
We had a bigger choice of food, healthcare was the best ever, and we could travel the world for very little money.
We had easily what even royalty couldn't have expected 50 years past.
if I could choose to be queen Victoria then, or me now, I'd choose me now without even having to think.
This was the best times to live ever.

Post COVID, I miss the easy travel, but I can't really blame Trump for that.
It's still the best time to live (minus the easy travel) IMHO.

Trump was just another in a long list of losers you elected for president.
He made the same difference as all the others ............. NOTHING.
And Biden will be just as bad (or good depending on your political viewpoint).

Trump was a cunt (no denying that), but he was probably less of a cunt than Hillary (which was the only choice we were given at the time).
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Before COVID was the best time in the history of man for the little people in the world ever.
We had more access to (free) entertainment (music, movies, books) ever.
We had a bigger choice of food, healthcare was the best ever, and we could travel the world for very little money.
We had easily what even royalty couldn't have expected 50 years past.
It was the best time to live ever.

Post COVID, I miss the easy travel, but I can't really blame Trump for that.
It's still the best time to live (minus the easy travel) IMHO.
I blame the Chinese Government for how bad COVID is, and how they let it spread through the entire World.
A Trumptard I know bellowed today the oft-parroted lie that Don the Con's economy was the best ever, anywhere. That is preposterous. It wasn't even the best of the decade.

There are, of course, many measures of economic success, but one is annual GDP growth. In that respect, he didn't even best Jimmy fuckin' Carter, and yes, that's NOT even counting the final COVID year.

Trump 2017-2020: 2.3 , 3.0 , 2.2 , -5.9
Avg: 1.6%
Avg giving the disgraced pathological liar, serial adulterer, longtime con man, bogus university proprietor, sham charity charlatan, malignant narcissist, accused child rapist, lowbrow non-reader, contractor-shafter, self-professed sexual predator, fourth grade level speaker, and self-proclaimed WORLD'S foremost expert in an astounding range of disciplines Donald J. Trump a wholly undeserved mulligan for year 4: 2.5%

Carter 1977-1980: 4.6 , 5.5 , 3.2 , -0.3
Avg: 3.25%

Enough of this "greatest economy in history" lie. Never have I seen such fully automatic bullshit cannons.

That is all.
With 70 million of them out there why take a chance?
Just avoid all Americans..

With 70 million of them out there why take a chance?
Just avoid all Americans..

I'm proud to be an American. Our F35's are badass. I see them a lot since I'm close to an Air Force Base kinda, but not really if you're driving on roads. One F35 circled around in my Valley. It was almost at eye level at one point, but I'm on the top of the hill. I know he wasn't supposed to be making a loop around our little valley, but it was cool as fuck. I could almost see the fucking pilot for a second.

I get bad ass helicopters and shit flying over too, but I see way more fighters. Those fucking things just impress the fuck out of me. I get an adrenaline rush just when I watch them fly over or around my house.

A Trumptard I know bellowed today the oft-parroted lie that Don the Con's economy was the best ever, anywhere. That is preposterous. It wasn't even the best of the decade.

There are, of course, many measures of economic success, but one is annual GDP growth. In that respect, he didn't even best Jimmy fuckin' Carter, and yes, that's NOT even counting the final COVID year.

Trump 2017-2020: 2.3 , 3.0 , 2.2 , -5.9
Avg: 1.6%
Avg giving the disgraced pathological liar, serial adulterer, longtime con man, bogus university proprietor, sham charity charlatan, malignant narcissist, accused child rapist, lowbrow non-reader, contractor-shafter, self-professed sexual predator, fourth grade level speaker, and self-proclaimed WORLD'S foremost expert in an astounding range of disciplines Donald J. Trump a wholly undeserved mulligan for year 4: 2.5%

Carter 1977-1980: 4.6 , 5.5 , 3.2 , -0.3
Avg: 3.25%

Enough of this "greatest economy in history" lie. Never have I seen such fully automatic bullshit cannons.

That is all.
It's easier to just let them know that Trump's first three years were worse in almost every economic indicator than Obama's last three years.

Also interesting that your threads become right wing circle jerks.
Show us on this doll where Trump hurt you.
That's an interesting situation. I've done very well during the Trump presidency, including an unexpected sudden windfall just short of seven digits at the end of his term directly attributable to Trump and his Trumptards. 2020 was the most pleasant and lucrative year of our lives.

That doesn't mean he's any less disgusting of a man, though. It would be hard to point out where one's sense of humanity, honor, and national dignity are on a doll, Frank, and that's where Trump has hurt me.
It's easier to just let them know that Trump's first three years were worse in almost every economic indicator than Obama's last three years.
You're quite correct and thanks for that addition, but the path of least resistance tends not to be my first choice. One would think it would be worth knowing that Jimmy Carter kicked Agent Orange's ass in a very important indicator of economic might. Are you of the notion that such a thing is not worth knowing? If so, why? Too busy to read that much? Not "easy" enough? Isn't Carter often regarded as the yardstick for economic malaise?

"He's history's greatest monster!" LOL!

Also interesting that your threads become right wing circle jerks.

Why is it interesting? I've no control over what others post. What, exactly, are you attempting to imply?

Furthermore, "your threads" implies that all my threads become right wing circle jerks, but that's certainly not the case. Vague abuses of plurals are often used to bolster a shaky argument. For example, Marjorie Taylor Greene recently posted this:

"...the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him"

That's both technically true AND total bullshit. If ANY number greater than ONE of the 330 million or so people in this nation are absolutely 100% loyal to that douchewad, the statement is technically accurate. The statement's wording implies, however, that support for him is majority if not outright total, which, of course, is absurd. The guy never polled at 50% approval once, so it's fair to rate the statement is badly disingenuous.

Same for "circle jerks." Show me two of my threads that became right wing circle jerks.

Earnest and accurate! EARNEST. AND. ACCURATE.
That's an interesting situation. I've done very well during the Trump presidency, including an unexpected sudden windfall just short of seven digits at the end of his term directly attributable to Trump and his Trumptards. 2020 was the most pleasant and lucrative year of our lives.

That doesn't mean he's any less disgusting of a man, though. It would be hard to point out where one's sense of humanity, honor, and national dignity are on a doll, Frank, and that's where Trump has hurt me.

I don't believe I've ever encountered anyone that made significant money, and also had any honour or humanity.
You are the first!
I don't believe I've ever encountered anyone that made significant money, and also had any honour or humanity.
You are the first!
Wrong. Being successful does not inherently obliterate honor and humanity. My father, for example, made millions and is among the most decent people I've ever known. I can't think of a single dishonorable or wicked thing done by him.

Same for me. I'm a wizard at making money, but if you scoured the globe you'd not be able to find a single person that can claim I've harmed them as an adult in any uncalled for way, period. I've given much, much more than I've taken from society.

Furthermore, your "any" claim is absurd if not downright impossible. Even infamous rapist and serial killer Ted Bundy had some honor and humanity. A person truly devoid of honor and humanity is just about unimaginable. About the closest I can think of would be.....LOL.....Donald John. Trump.

It's unwise to throw around blanket claims like that so recklessly, for it makes the world seem much, much more bleak than it really is. That can't be healthy.