Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

Furthermore, your "any" claim is absurd if not downright impossible. Even infamous rapist and serial killer Ted Bundy had some honor and humanity. A person truly devoid of honor and humanity is just about unimaginable. About the closest I can think of would be.....LOL.....Donald John. Trump.
It's unwise to throw around blanket claims like that so recklessly, for it makes the world seem much, much more bleak than it really is. That can't be healthy.
So you're claiming the same level of honour and humanity as Ted Bundy?
Fair enough.

I've not found the world to be bleak at all, but then I've always avoided people that made 'significant money'.
The locals around me struggling to make minimum wage of $10/day are generally great people.
You're quite correct and thanks for that addition, but the path of least resistance tends not to be my first choice. One would think it would be worth knowing that Jimmy Carter kicked Agent Orange's ass in a very important indicator of economic might. Are you of the notion that such a thing is not worth knowing? If so, why? Too busy to read that much? Not "easy" enough? Isn't Carter often regarded as the yardstick for economic malaise?

One would.

Why is it interesting? I've no control over what others post. What, exactly, are you attempting to imply?

Furthermore, "your threads" implies that all my threads become right wing circle jerks, but that's certainly not the case. Vague abuses of plurals are often used to bolster a shaky argument. For example, Marjorie Taylor Greene recently posted this:

"...the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him"

That's both technically true AND total bullshit. If ANY number greater than ONE of the 330 million or so people in this nation are absolutely 100% loyal to that douchewad, the statement is technically accurate. The statement's wording implies, however, that support for him is majority if not outright total, which, of course, is absurd. The guy never polled at 50% approval once, so it's fair to rate the statement is badly disingenuous.

Same for "circle jerks." Show me two of my threads that became right wing circle jerks.

Earnest and accurate! EARNEST. AND. ACCURATE.
lol for a Phd leel Psycologist you have pretty thin skin, you read way too much into what I said as a personal insult.

I would say the whole dog hollering thing, but I really am not a fan of people abusing animals, and someone else has been using that lately against you.

Which is why I point out once again that nobody is immune to the attack on our citizens, not even you. Humans were not ready for this kind of attack.

I was talking about the 'people' posting in your threads.
So you're claiming the same level of honour and humanity as Ted Bundy?
Fair enough.
Stop it. You're being foolish and you know it. Your posts suggest someone who can do better.

I'm pretty sure I gots ol' Ted beat.

I've not found the world to be bleak at all, but then I've always avoided people that made 'significant money'.
The locals around me struggling to make minimum wage of $10/day are generally great people.
If you find all successful people to be devoid of honor and humanity, you find a large slice of the world deathly bleak, PERIOD.

I'm somewhat in agreement with you, but not in the sheer absolute sense you described.

I grew up in a very affluent (or to some, effluent, LOL) neighborhood. I heavily hung out, however, with white trash and minority kids from the "wrong side of the tracks." Why? The other rich kids were either incredibly weak and boring, and therefore no fun to party with or they were such unaccountable sociopaths lacking in empathy and accountability that they were not just intolerable, but also just plain scary.

So yeah, I get where you're coming from. Thanks for participating.
Great post. Well done.

lol for a Phd leel Psycologist you have pretty thin skin, you read way too much into what I said as a personal insult.

LOL, you're the first person I can recall referring to me as thin-skinned. That's a total hoot. If you can clearly explain why my reply was not reasonable or expressed in an irresponsible manner, I'd welcome your opinion.

Does a grad psyc degree offer some magic protection against thin skin I was unaware of? I've known plenty in the field who were pretty close to total kooks and as thin skinned as the summer solstice day is long.

I'm not a psychologist - I don't practice. I merely hold a degree. I went in another direction upon discovering that the primary route to success in the field was to string along people who come to you in good faith for help as long as possible to milk every penny. I found that abominable.

I would say the whole dog hollering thing, but I really am not a fan of people abusing animals, and someone else has been using that lately against you.
Sorry, ya done lost me there. Prolly my fault, I'm doing some severe multitasking.

Which is why I point out once again that nobody is immune to the attack on our citizens, not even you. Humans were not ready for this kind of attack.

I was talking about the 'people' posting in your threads.
Yes, it's quite clear what you were talking about, but it was not unreasonable to perceive an air of suspicion in your post, especially in the context of some of the wacko replies from others. It's hardly remarkable that views from both "sides" will appear on a message board thread.

Thanks again for the info, I'm studying it very intently. This - "Humans were not ready for this kind of attack." is a masterful, concise, striking description of the challenge we face. You're an excellent citizen deserving of much appreciation.
Great post. Well done.
Thank you.
LOL, you're the first person I can recall referring to me as thin-skinned. That's a total hoot. If you can clearly explain why my reply was not reasonable or expressed in an irresponsible manner, I'd welcome your opinion.
I don't think being a thin skinned response and 'reasonable or expressed in a irresponsible manner' are necessarily mutually exclusive.

Since you yourself said that you are new here, someone pointing out a anomaly of the accounts responding on your threads, got a pretty strong response from you, when I really said nothing at all about your posts. Ending in all caps and extra periods screams 'triggered'.

Does a grad psyc degree offer some magic protection against thin skin I was unaware of? I've known plenty in the field who were pretty close to total kooks and as thin skinned as the summer solstice day is long.

I'm not a psychologist - I don't practice. I merely hold a degree. I went in another direction upon discovering that the primary route to success in the field was to string along people who come to you in good faith for help as long as possible to milk every penny. I found that abominable.
No, but I would hope it might help someone be a bit more self aware.

So you are in human resources?

Sorry, ya done lost me there. Prolly my fault, I'm doing some severe multitasking.
That is pretty much my point in the next part of what I said. Nobody is immune to the attack on our societies.

Yes, it's quite clear what you were talking about, but it was not unreasonable to perceive an air of suspicion in your post, especially in the context of some of the wacko replies from others.
Im always suspicious. Schrodinger's cat. Everyone online (at least in my mind I try to keep it) is simultaneously in two states of being until they provide confirmation of being both what they say they are and a cat fishing troll.

It's hardly remarkable that views from both "sides" will appear on a message board thread.

Maybe they are all just bored and your threads gave them a safe space to show up, I only have recent history here to go off of. And wish more people from 'both sides' (really it is infinite variability of positions and any given issue, but politically party wise I guess that might be too hyper specific) would be real people and talk to one another here, but sadly it doesn't happen all that often at all.

Thanks again for the info, I'm studying it very intently. This - "Humans were not ready for this kind of attack." is a masterful, concise, striking description of the challenge we face. You're an excellent citizen deserving of much appreciation.
Thanks again.

If you are what you say (I love it), how much do you know about the professionally produced click bait russian/foreign/right wing propaganda 'news-esque' websites that are used to sell people on the lies (like RT/Ruptly but cat fishing)?
The frustrating part of this is that our economy today would have been much better with a proper response to the pandemic. I'm of the opinion that ordinarily a president isn't going to drive or steer an economy all that much. A POTUS such as Trump can create optimism for short-term stock market gains with deregulation & tax cuts but the stock mkt isn't a good measure of the economy & the rational for those "economic moves" is never met. Trickle down never worked & I bet a Trump supporter that the TCJA corporte tax cuts would result in stock buybacks instead of capital investments.

I won the bet of course but not in the eyes of the Trump fan. He still refuses to see that it was nothing other than wealth distribution upward. To him it's not Trump's fault, it's the fault of greedy CEO's so Trump isn't to blame for a failed policy. I could clearly see what would happen but to that Trump cultist Trump wasn't expected to have any foresight yet can still be the economic "genius" with the "greatest economy" because of the stock market.

The mental gymnastics are mind boggling. Rah rah capitalism with no regulation but when capitalist do what is expected and predictable, enrich themselves & their wealthy shreholders, then it isn't the fault of the tax policy maker & regulator that created the circumstances, it's the fault of greedy CEO's for taking the handout. Suddenly capitalist should be moral & just do the right thing. Go figure. Pretty sure the national debt will be a grave concern to him now that Dems have control.

These aren't ordinary times so now a president can steer an economy back with bold moves & a national coordinated plan to control the pandemic. We have a consumer driven economy & this situation requires investment in the average American more than corporate America. Assistance is also needed with state & local gov'ts since many burdens have been shifted from the federal level down to the local level. The 2009 recession should have been a lesson. We need a big relief package. Unfortunately we still have obstructionists willing to sacrifice the US economy for their own poltical gain.

This notion that anything & everything to do with the federal gov't is bad is a counter-productiuve meme that fills the bank acccounts of TV & radio demagogoues & gets people elected but it's an idiotic approach that swings with the desires of the opinion holder. States rights for abortion but federal rights for guns. States rights for mineral & water but federal rights for eminent domain needed for a wall & federal rights over local immigration (no sanctuaries). In other words, laws should be applied at the level that suits my interests the most.

I'm not a socialist or a capitalist. I'm a pragmatist.
I'm proud to be an American. Our F35's are badass. I see them a lot since I'm close to an Air Force Base kinda, but not really if you're driving on roads. One F35 circled around in my Valley. It was almost at eye level at one point, but I'm on the top of the hill. I know he wasn't supposed to be making a loop around our little valley, but it was cool as fuck. I could almost see the fucking pilot for a second.

I get bad ass helicopters and shit flying over too, but I see way more fighters. Those fucking things just impress the fuck out of me. I get an adrenaline rush just when I watch them fly over or around my house.

I’m a war hatin’ pussy lib but 5th gen fighters give me the biggest Freedom Boner. I can’t even hear the sound of the engine over the star spangled banner and eagle calls playing in my head
I'm proud to be an American. Our F35's are badass. I see them a lot since I'm close to an Air Force Base kinda, but not really if you're driving on roads. One F35 circled around in my Valley. It was almost at eye level at one point, but I'm on the top of the hill. I know he wasn't supposed to be making a loop around our little valley, but it was cool as fuck. I could almost see the fucking pilot for a second.

I get bad ass helicopters and shit flying over too, but I see way more fighters. Those fucking things just impress the fuck out of me. I get an adrenaline rush just when I watch them fly over or around my house.

Before 2001 the Blue Boys would practice dogfights and what not over my farm on a regular basis. I've seen a little of it all. Since we are so busy doing the real thing, there is not near as much time or fuel for practice anymore.

We do have a special forces type training grounds in my county, so I do see some of the small planes with two big rotors that tilt. When they are doing touch and go's at the airport, they fly right over the farm. Cool as hell at night since the tips of the rotors have green lights. You don't hear much noise until they are over you, but you see those big green circles coming.
Great post. Well done.

LOL, you're the first person I can recall referring to me as thin-skinned. That's a total hoot. If you can clearly explain why my reply was not reasonable or expressed in an irresponsible manner, I'd welcome your opinion.

Does a grad psyc degree offer some magic protection against thin skin I was unaware of? I've known plenty in the field who were pretty close to total kooks and as thin skinned as the summer solstice day is long.

I'm not a psychologist - I don't practice. I merely hold a degree. I went in another direction upon discovering that the primary route to success in the field was to string along people who come to you in good faith for help as long as possible to milk every penny. I found that abominable.

Sorry, ya done lost me there. Prolly my fault, I'm doing some severe multitasking.

Yes, it's quite clear what you were talking about, but it was not unreasonable to perceive an air of suspicion in your post, especially in the context of some of the wacko replies from others. It's hardly remarkable that views from both "sides" will appear on a message board thread.

Thanks again for the info, I'm studying it very intently. This - "Humans were not ready for this kind of attack." is a masterful, concise, striking description of the challenge we face. You're an excellent citizen deserving of much appreciation.
Code for narcissist who dropped out of therapy and now hates the profession of clinical psychology because he’s untreatable.
Before 2001 the Blue Boys would practice dogfights and what not over my farm on a regular basis. I've seen a little of it all. Since we are so busy doing the real thing, there is not near as much time or fuel for practice anymore.

We do have a special forces type training grounds in my county, so I do see some of the small planes with two big rotors that tilt. When they are doing touch and go's at the airport, they fly right over the farm. Cool as hell at night since the tips of the rotors have green lights. You don't hear much noise until they are over you, but you see those big green circles coming.
Ospreys are cool as hell. They look like something out of a science fiction movie
A Trumptard I know bellowed today the oft-parroted lie that Don the Con's economy was the best ever, anywhere. That is preposterous. It wasn't even the best of the decade.

There are, of course, many measures of economic success, but one is annual GDP growth. In that respect, he didn't even best Jimmy fuckin' Carter, and yes, that's NOT even counting the final COVID year.

Trump 2017-2020: 2.3 , 3.0 , 2.2 , -5.9
Avg: 1.6%
Avg giving the disgraced pathological liar, serial adulterer, longtime con man, bogus university proprietor, sham charity charlatan, malignant narcissist, accused child rapist, lowbrow non-reader, contractor-shafter, self-professed sexual predator, fourth grade level speaker, and self-proclaimed WORLD'S foremost expert in an astounding range of disciplines Donald J. Trump a wholly undeserved mulligan for year 4: 2.5%

Carter 1977-1980: 4.6 , 5.5 , 3.2 , -0.3
Avg: 3.25%

Enough of this "greatest economy in history" lie. Never have I seen such fully automatic bullshit cannons.

That is all.
Makes you wonder how he wrecked the growing economy he got left by Obama. That took some serious work to fk that up.
Post COVID, I miss the easy travel, but I can't really blame Trump for that.

Um, Trump's fault completely. He totally dismantled the Pandemic Response Team years before we found out about Covid 19.
He said it would "go away in the spring"
He said they had it under control when 15 people tested positive in a WA nursing home.
And of course the interview that revealed he know it spread easily, airborne.
Kushner stopped the response to blue states/cities as he thought it would only kill dems.
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