Cloning tray. Leave vents open or closed??


Well-Known Member
So i have a cloning tray with these adjustable knobs on top that either let you close the top all the way, or open them for some air circulation. whats better? ive cloned with it before and done ok im just wondering whats better cuz im about to clone the shit out of my mother plant


Well-Known Member
I personally close the vents as I want a fair amount of humidity while the clone is in it's early stages. Eventually I end up cracking the open but that's is usually in the second week after cloning.


Well-Known Member
dude i have one of those trays too and i tried to clone with it and gave up after a lil over a week when all the clones were just looking sickly and shitty as fuck. i dont know if they always do that or not, but i definately have some stuff to learn


Well-Known Member
dude i have one of those trays too and i tried to clone with it and gave up after a lil over a week when all the clones were just looking sickly and shitty as fuck. i dont know if they always do that or not, but i definately have some stuff to learn

you have some stuff to learn


Well-Known Member
i've used the cheap domes and always cut dime size holes in each top corner. also, pop the top several times a day. mist them as needed. i'd deffinitely allow some air flow. with dip 'n grow and rapid rooter plugs in these cheapo dome i would get at least 95% success rate. probably could have gotten near 100 but i alway clone way more than i need and just take the best 4/5's for the new crop.


Well-Known Member
Let us know how you did...I am getting ready to clone for the first plants are 4 weeks old...just there a specific age for mother to be cloned? I heard both...its better to do it early in veg and bottoms and then I also heard its better to wait longer until the mother plant is older...and cut top...just comfused...a little bit bongsmilie