Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds


New Member
Hey Guys.. New to Roll It Up. Just had a question about what You guys think this strain may be.. by just looking at the leaves.. Ie: Sativa dominant or Indica. Growing from a few beans I found in some medicinal.. An have no clue the strain.. I just kept telling my self it was from an indica dominant strain by the look of them.. Though some leaves have 9 fingers an are fairly skinny



Well-Known Member
That's indica dominant.

Notice the fine teeth on the 'saw blade'? The saw looking teeth on the outer edges of the leaves. Which are wide and fat.


New Member
Thanks Beehive!! I do indeed.. I notice the teeth now that You mention it. I have noticed how short an wide the fingers are haha.. That's mostly what had me leaning toward Indica. I never realized the 'Saw Blade' edges had a part to play in identifying if its Indica or Sativa though.. Valuable Information.. Much appreciated!!


Active Member
Give them things some mag and or your gonna have serious pest and fungus problems them petiols are way to purple even showing in your primary stem


New Member
Thanks Bigchieftokomofo!! That is very true.. They most certainly needed Calcium an Magnesium an were trying to tell me. That is an older picture.. So 5 or 6 days after that picture was taken that plant started showing signs of what i believe was a calcium deficiency.. It had rust coloured spots on all the top fan leaves closer to the lights (LED) So basically if i had fed them some Calmag for instance.. Before that.. They wouldn't of had the purple stems and petioles..?

I thought that plant had a purple stem because of the genetics or something.. Right from the get go a few that i hand selected were partially picked with that in mind (perfect purple lines running vertically up the stem) all the nice and healthiest looking plants had those lines.

Could it be that those perfect lines wereee from genetics.. But that it also had cal/mag deficiency..? Cause the main stem got the purple lines right away.. It wasn't until i noticed petioles going dark an the spots on fan leaves that i cranked up the food an all the new growth an petioles are looking healthy green now.. But the new main stems still have perfect purple lines.. Fuqq sorry for ranting


Active Member
Thanks Bigchieftokomofo!! That is very true.. They most certainly needed Calcium an Magnesium an were trying to tell me. That is an older picture.. So 5 or 6 days after that picture was taken that plant started showing signs of what i believe was a calcium deficiency.. It had rust coloured spots on all the top fan leaves closer to the lights (LED) So basically if i had fed them some Calmag for instance.. Before that.. They wouldn't of had the purple stems and petioles..?

I thought that plant had a purple stem because of the genetics or something.. Right from the get go a few that i hand selected were partially picked with that in mind (perfect purple lines running vertically up the stem) all the nice and healthiest looking plants had those lines.

Could it be that those perfect lines wereee from genetics.. But that it also had cal/mag deficiency..? Cause the main stem got the purple lines right away.. It wasn't until i noticed petioles going dark an the spots on fan leaves that i cranked up the food an all the new growth an petioles are looking healthy green now.. But the new main stems still have perfect purple lines.. Fuqq sorry for ranting
Lol its kool bro it could be because of genetics in the primary but those petioles most def mag deficiency and as for as cal deficiency look at your larger fan leaves if you have bone colored thick veins running down the center of your fingers on them that is early signs of cal deficiency just so you can tell next time before it gets to bad nobody wants to see there babies in pain


New Member
Ok.. So can I just increase the "part b" portion of their nutes to make up for the Magnesium..? I don't believe I have the bone coloured veins running down centre of fingers.. I would almost need to see what that looks like to know. An I say Calcium.. Because that's just what i assumed partly cause I'm using LED lights an they seem to want more under them an then because 5 or 6 days after that picture.. It looked like this



New Member
Ohh.. Really.. Whats the Neem oil do..? Preventative for pests..? I have yet to see any type of bug (I don't like) in the grow rooms.. I see ladybugs in the house sometimes an put them in with any plants.. Never seem to stick around though. I some what religiously look under all my lower leaves with a 60x an sometimes 80x when i get tripped out an think a microscopic piece of perlite is a spider mite egg or something haha.. I have my whole entire house dusted in diatomaceous earth and ground cinnamon scattered throughout.. As for fungus an an molds or tiny bugs i cant see.. I use a solution of peroxide with their feeding


Active Member
That's cal def you could up you part b or just boil 2 table spoons of granular bone meal to 4 cups of distilled water with 9 tablespoons of epsom salt and add put it in a jar add water to that until it makes a gallon use about 10 to 20 millilitres of that in your feedings then you can up it in flower if you want to about fifty that's my recipe for my homemade cal-mag neem oil is also a fungicide not just a pesticide,I also use cinnamon essential oil in my tent and around it

Ohh.. Really.. Whats the Neem oil do..? Preventative for pests..? I have yet to see any type of bug (I don't like) in the grow rooms.. I see ladybugs in the house sometimes an put them in with any plants.. Never seem to stick around though. I some what religiously look under all my lower leaves with a 60x an sometimes 80x when i get tripped out an think a microscopic piece of perlite is a spider mite egg or something haha.. I have my whole entire house dusted in diatomaceous earth and ground cinnamon scattered throughout.. As for fungus an an molds or tiny bugs i cant see.. I use a solution of peroxide with their feeding


New Member
Ohh.. No way.. I never thought of doing that.. I always use bone meal on my outdoor plants.. But i never thought to add it to boiling water to give it to the indoors.. The boiling water doesn't get rid of any of the minerals..? That's pretty cool.. How long of a shelf life do You find that jar has.. Once made..? Thanks for Your homemade calmag recipe haha.. Much appreciated!! I didn't know neem was a fungicide as well.. That's good to know. I really only use honey for things like that and lesions.. Even if the wounds are intentional haha.. Like when i top them or prune them. Nicee.. It does wonders!! I have a line of it under every baseboard in my rooms
That's cal def you could up you part b or just boil 2 table spoons of granular bone meal to 4 cups of distilled water with 9 tablespoons of epsom salt and add put it in a jar add water to that until it makes a gallon use about 10 to 20 millilitres of that in your feedings then you can up it in flower if you want to about fifty that's my recipe for my homemade cal-mag neem oil is also a fungicide not just a pesticide,I also use cinnamon essential oil in my tent and around it


Active Member
Ohh.. No way.. I never thought of doing that.. I always use bone meal on my outdoor plants.. But i never thought to add it to boiling water to give it to the indoors.. The boiling water doesn't get rid of any of the minerals..? That's pretty cool.. How long of a shelf life do You find that jar has.. Once made..? Thanks for Your homemade calmag recipe haha.. Much appreciated!! I didn't know neem was a fungicide as well.. That's good to know. I really only use honey for things like that and lesions.. Even if the wounds are intentional haha.. Like when i top them or prune them. Nicee.. It does wonders!! I have a line of it under every baseboard in my rooms
I made mine for my grow it's still just fine use distilled water you don't want extra minerals in the trick is to keep your ppms in a safe range while feeding your girls what they need and as much as you can safely micro minerals from your tap water add minerals to your homemade supps and in turn raise your ppms and in turn cause salt build up in your soil which raise the ph reason why we flush them girls everyonce in a while I use honey to but as a carboload for my micro organisms in my soil I have bee boxes in my back yard so I just rob there hive and as far as the homemade cal-mag its basically a mag rich bone broth store it in the fridge and hold just fine



New Member
Ohh.. Okok.. So it at least has a shelf life of 3-4 months then.. That's perfect. I wouldn't add any other minerals.. Was Just wondering if the boiling water would break down any micro nutrients that would of otherwise been in it. That's pretty cool though.. Definitely going to try that.. Maybe start with 10ml on a couple an 20 ml on a couple an see how they respond. As far as ppm I don't have a TDS/EC meter or anything.. But I do know the rough ppm each time I feed them based on exact precise liquid measurements and some math haha an I seldomly flush them.. That one in the picture i just flushed about a week before that.. So when I see deficiencies like that i always blame it on me flushing em.. But the ones that haven't still get straight water once in a while. They're just in Promix HP but they're doin pretty good considering. Oh No way!! Haha.. No doubt.. that's awesome.. I'd love to have bee boxes out back, I would be robbing them for their honey as well. That stuff is expensive an I use it ALOT
I made mine for my grow it's still just fine use distilled water you don't want extra minerals in the trick is to keep your ppms in a safe range while feeding your girls what they need and as much as you can safely micro minerals from your tap water add minerals to your homemade supps and in turn raise your ppms and in turn cause salt build up in your soil which raise the ph reason why we flush them girls everyonce in a while I use honey to but as a carboload for my micro organisms in my soil I have bee boxes in my back yard so I just rob there hive and as far as the homemade cal-mag its basically a mag rich bone broth store it in the fridge and hold just fine