This is light burn right?


Well-Known Member
Need a second opinion was noticable few days after fimming, im pretty sure its light burn due to the timing but open to the idea of it being some kinda lockout i use rain water, is it's pretty acidic here
Looks good to me new grow looks discolored at first normal i use rain water also but I add cal mag ph before I use of course unless you grow organic


Well-Known Member
It's in flower now mate here is an update. I think it's getting wors tbh
Nope. Looks alright. It's light centers are from new growth. It just hasn't aged and greened up. Maybe some photos showing the full play or specific spots of concern. If it's just the light centers I wouldn't be concerned.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell with the light color (blurple?).

I get the same thing show up with light burn from my led in veg. Shoots are markedly yellow and looks like an iron/zinc def or something. Knock back the power way down and judge your intensity on internode spacing. For me, Too much light in flower over time shows up as burnt tips on the sugar leaves and yellowing of the fan leaves from the bottom up like nitrogen def (however the fan leaves don't easily pull off)
Nope. Looks alright. It's light centers are from new growth. It just hasn't aged and greened up. Maybe some photos showing the full play or specific spots of concern. If it's just the light centers I wouldn't be concerned.
Nice that's a relief, i trust you.Much appreciate!
Hard to tell with the light color (blurple?).

I get the same thing show up with light burn from my led in veg. Shoots are markedly yellow and looks like an iron/zinc def or something. Knock back the power way down and judge your intensity on internode spacing. For me, Too much light in flower over time shows up as burnt tips on the sugar leaves and yellowing of the fan leaves from the bottom up like nitrogen def (however the fan leaves don't easily pull off)
Hard to tell with the light color (blurple?).

I get the same thing show up with light burn from my led in veg. Shoots are markedly yellow and looks like an iron/zinc def or something. Knock back the power way down and judge your intensity on internode spacing. For me, Too much light in flower over time shows up as burnt tips on the sugar leaves and yellowing of the fan leaves from the bottom up like nitrogen def (however the fan leaves don't easily pull off)
Interesting I noticed in veg after topping my first thought was light burn, are you meant to raise light a little after topping? idrk this is my second grow. Am following biobizz chart at half dose:)


Well-Known Member
Interesting I noticed in veg after topping my first thought was light burn, are you meant to raise light a little after topping? idrk this is my second grow. Am following biobizz chart at half dose:)
Healthy new growth with always be a little Kermit green, but yellowing due too much light is pretty obvious and the growth slows down and its super yellow.

Depending on light intensity and how big the plant is, it can be a good idea to ease up on the light and ferts for a few days after topping to allow them to recover from stress. Some plants won't care. You'll figure it out over time

Ukulele Haze

Well-Known Member
Went hermy on me, i should bin it?
The only spot on your photograph that looks to me like it could potentially be a male flower is out of focus. So, I can't personally verify it. But, if you do have one, deciding whether or not to keep it would be a question of whether or not other Female plants are in the grow area.
The only spot on your photograph that looks to me like it could potentially be a male flower is out of focus. So, I can't personally verify it. But, if you do have one, deciding whether or not to keep it would be a question of whether or not other Female plants are in the grow area.
Yes mate im certain, its growing banana structures at each node. I don't know what would have caused it maybe bad genetics other plants I feed the same are vigorous and all female but again different strains. Can I ask, do you think us strains are more for the experienced grower? In the sense of can they take a beating, it's wedding cake x critical and the only one i fimmed and topped, whether that played a part, i really don't know but overall im happy i don't have to look at it anymore. Also sorry about the photo using the moto:)
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Well-Known Member
Yes mate im certain, its growing banana structures at each node. I don't know what would have caused it maybe bad genetics other plants I feed the same are vigorous and all female but again different strains. Can I ask, do you think us strains are more for the experienced grower? In the sense of can they take a beating, it's wedding cake x critical and the only one i fimmed and topped, whether that played a part, i really don't know but overall im happy i don't have to look at it anymore. Also sorry about the photo using the moto:)
Wedding cake is notorious for throwing balls.

I don't think it's about US vs Euro strains in terms of how much experience you need to grow them, it's more dependent on each individual strain. I've had euro strains that hermied frequently and US strains that were super stable, and visa versa