Happy thread :)

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Do you know her?
She's fucking great (Parks & Recreation)
I love her eyes
I don't know why, I just do
Anyways, she's cool :)

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My daughter when she was around 8 went to a big traders event in chillicothe. She went with my wife's boss. She is a psychiatrist who is quite interesting. But anyway my daughter brought home a rabbit. I built the rabbit hutch etc. It lived 5 years and tried to bite anything near it. Craziest rabbit I've ever seen.
My daughter when she was around 8 went to a big traders event in chillicothe. She went with my wife's boss. She is a psychiatrist who is quite interesting. But anyway my daughter brought home a rabbit. I built the rabbit hutch etc. It lived 5 years and tried to bite anything near it. Craziest rabbit I've ever seen.

LOL, rabbits can be vicious, I had two as a kid that we had to keep separate, any time they got together they tried to kill each other. Rolling around biting and kicking each other while making a strange squealing sound, hair ripped out everywhere and wholes in their hides, it was a bit shocking the first time they went at it.
Years ago (was it this bunny?) I looked out the front window and a crow hopped-took off and landed a few feet away. After a few seconds it did it again. I had to check it out. Then I noticed the rabbit always attacking it but the crow just gets away. They were at it for about 15 minutes before the crow gave up. Crows eat rabbit young and I was wondering if I would see little ones at some time. Never did. Racked it up as genetic hatred of crows by rabbits. Hey, I got a Watch Rabbit. From back when I was a kid I heard the rabbit squeal, almost like a loud baby cry, although that barely describes it,
Years ago (was it this bunny?) I looked out the front window and a crow hopped-took off and landed a few feet away. After a few seconds it did it again. I had to check it out. Then I noticed the rabbit always attacking it but the crow just gets away. They were at it for about 15 minutes before the crow gave up. Crows eat rabbit young and I was wondering if I would see little ones at some time. Never did. Racked it up as genetic hatred of crows by rabbits. Hey, I got a Watch Rabbit. From back when I was a kid I heard the rabbit squeal, almost like a loud baby cry, although that barely describes it,
I too have witnessed the crow/rabbit interaction/altercation, but it was timed with the flow of traffic, seemingly as if to scare the rabbit into traffic.

We had a large feral cat for over 12 years, aptly named tiger, that once invoked the hideous shriek of a bunny - can confirm, it sounds like a baby's cry.

But this is a cheerful thread, so here's my happy buddy Polar. (Because Spotty was taken) It likes to step on my feet like it owns me but doesn't care to be held.

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