Please help.. i don't think this is normal.

My girls have yellowing bud leaves.. this is my 2nd grow, I'm at start week 9 flower today.. at least I thought I was. I've had a comment saying at least 4 more weeks. I started flush 5 days ago.. I have 4 girls in soil under 2x600 hps at approximately 600mm from canopy. As I am new at this I haven't acquired all the tools.. as such I don't know ph,humidity and all that. I'm worried about losing them. Do I need to harvest now?? Please help



Well-Known Member
My girls have yellowing bud leaves.. this is my 2nd grow, I'm at start week 9 flower today.. at least I thought I was. I've had a comment saying at least 4 more weeks. I started flush 5 days ago.. I have 4 girls in soil under 2x600 hps at approximately 600mm from canopy. As I am new at this I haven't acquired all the tools.. as such I don't know ph,humidity and all that. I'm worried about losing them. Do I need to harvest now?? Please help
Dont worry, your not gonna lose them, give 1 more week, watch if it still growing.


Well-Known Member
My girls have yellowing bud leaves.. this is my 2nd grow, I'm at start week 9 flower today.. at least I thought I was. I've had a comment saying at least 4 more weeks. I started flush 5 days ago.. I have 4 girls in soil under 2x600 hps at approximately 600mm from canopy. As I am new at this I haven't acquired all the tools.. as such I don't know ph,humidity and all that. I'm worried about losing them. Do I need to harvest now?? Please help
You started flushing 5 days ago and have yellowing bud leaves today? Hmmmmmm. I’m going to think about this one for a while. A true plant mystery.


Well-Known Member
Is it? Thats what I thought too. Like I said I'm a newbie and was just looking for advice.
I'm sorry it has you stumped also. Thanks tho
I think hotrod is being an ass.

If you've been flushing for five days and you still have weeks to go (the buds do look underdeveloped), then those plants are crying for some nutrients.

Check this out:

Good luck!