Miracle Grow Perlite ruined my plant

I’ve used it before in both soil and coco and haven’t had problems. In the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown I had plants that needed transplanting and I could only get mg perlite. Plus other times before.
So i used a tin of MG Perlite that has slow release fertility and i believe it's completely destroyed my plant. yellow crispy dry leaves, bright lime green leaves. The plant will probably die.
i guess I won't be getting MG Perlite ever again.
FFOF was mixed with it as well.
I had a plant given to me in miracle gro with nute spikes. As soon as my plant flowered it nearly died. Sad story. Give it a HEAVY flush outside. Try to remove as much of the “slow release” crap as you can. Pray and hope for the best
I had a plant given to me in miracle gro with nute spikes. As soon as my plant flowered it nearly died. Sad story. Give it a HEAVY flush outside. Try to remove as much of the “slow release” crap as you can. Pray and hope for the best
Thanks Raspberry, will do!
I'm never touching that stuff again. From now on, all I will use as far as perlite goes, will be 100% perlite with no additives.
That perlite dont have enough in it to hurt your plant. if its a weed plant and growing ok then it wont hurt at all. (its very little food, even if it all realeased at once , it wouldnt hurt your weed.)

MG is not near as bad as some think. Its also not the best. I trully cannot see the MG perlite causing this.
I bought two bags of it last summer as I couldn't find my big bag of no-name perlite but they don't say anything about having nutes in them. Think I'll give them a rinse before using any now tho just in case.

I mostly use ProMix HP for growing indoors and it doesn't need added perlite.

I know folks use some of the MG soil and other products with success, but only had problems and I've never had much luck with any. I just avoid them all now. Congrats to those who have made them work
Those are some great looking plants you have. Every leaf looks fantastic!
If you say the Miracle Grow isn't what's causing it I believe you. Possibly it's just a nitrogen deficiency but there's some seedlings that are yellow as well. I don't believe I'm over watering so I'm really not sure what it could be at this point.
Thanks everyone for the reply's.
I'm not trying to crap on anyone who's using MG products, just passing on some info. I use GH and I'm trying to quit it because of Monsanto.

"GMO giant Monsanto is intimately connected with Scotts Miracle-Gro, a voracious company that started trying to take over the hydroponics industry in 2015, via its front company Hawthorne LLC.
If you use General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Gavita, Vermicrop, Agrolux, Sunlight Supply, Can-Filters, Black Magic and other brands, you’re using Hawthorne products."

I'm not trying to crap on anyone who's using MG products, just passing on some info. I use GH and I'm trying to quit it because of Monsanto.

"GMO giant Monsanto is intimately connected with Scotts Miracle-Gro, a voracious company that started trying to take over the hydroponics industry in 2015, via its front company Hawthorne LLC.
If you use General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Gavita, Vermicrop, Agrolux, Sunlight Supply, Can-Filters, Black Magic and other brands, you’re using Hawthorne products."

Walmart sell Roots products made by Hawthorne as well. I avoid Walmart and really had to hold my nose when I bought the couple small bags of MG perlite at the Peavy Mart store but was the only perlite I could find.

I've been telling people for years about GH before Mon$anto got involved as they have always denied their products were for growing pot so not worthy of pot growers money. AN for the win! lol
