Miracle Grow Perlite ruined my plant

"We" didn't modify the genes of anything. We simply allowed a "boy meets girl" scenario, and that is known as sexual reproduction. All sex in nature and everywhere else results in offspring whose genetics are not identical to either one of the parents. Sex is nature's way of basically rolling the dice and increase allele variety in a population. Many organisms evolved to go to a lot of trouble to find another parent as genetically unlike the other as possible, including flowering plants that use wind or pollinating insects that allow a female to get genetic material from a male far beyond their local growing area.
Im not talking the general boy meets girl scenario. Im talking the never going to happen boy meets girl scenario. I was talking about things that are possible in nature but never going to happen in nature. So , yes we modified the genes but i understand gmo's a lil more after reading @xtsho post.

EDIT: Im not making any sense to me.... Im talking about breeding two plants from completely different places in the world. Yes nature can do that but its not ever going to happen without human help.
Im not talking the general boy meets girl scenario. Im talking the never going to happen boy meets girl scenario. I was talking about things that are possible in nature but never going to happen in nature. So , yes we modified the genes but i understand gmo's a lil more after reading @xtsho post.

EDIT: Im not making any sense to me.... Im talking about breeding two plants from completely different places in the world. Yes nature can do that but its not ever going to happen without human help.
Could have happened, may I just quote one of the greatest scientists ever to exist.
images (15).jpeg
Let me get this straight. So are interracial human children genetically modified organisms? lol

In the field of biology at least, genetic engineering is using biotechnology where we directly manipulate the genome of organisms by inserting or removing DNA, often from other unrelated organisms.
The funny thing is, no one said genetic engineering. I only saw the word GMO, meaning it is genetically modified. Yes, if you were intentionally breeding humans to get the result of a particular trait, i would say you are genetically modifying said organism. Either way, im done ruining OPs thread.
Yes, if you were intentionally breeding humans to get the result of a particular trait, i would say you are genetically modifying said organism.

You aren't modifying their genes. You're simply selecting the parents. It's known as "artificial selection" in biology.

I'm sorry, but it really grates me to no end when I see scientific terms like "GMO" misused because it confuses people and they may possibly think that selection of parents is the same as genetic engineering, both with the same risks and identical need for oversight and regulation. GMOs are produced through genetic engineering.

From Harvard University:
"A common misconception is that any animal or plant considered to be outside the realm of our reference for “natural” is a GMO. Images of abnormally large cows and tomatoes come to mind. However, the scientific community and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) use a stricter definition for a GMO: an animal or plant that has been created through genetic engineering [1]. Genetic engineering is a term used to describe biotechnological methods used by scientists to directly manipulate an organism’s genome. Under this definition GMOs do not include plants or animals made by selective breeding, or animals modified by being given hormone supplements or antibiotics."
Walmart sell Roots products made by Hawthorne as well. I avoid Walmart and really had to hold my nose when I bought the couple small bags of MG perlite at the Peavy Mart store but was the only perlite I could find.

I've been telling people for years about GH before Mon$anto got involved as they have always denied their products were for growing pot so not worthy of pot growers money. AN for the win! lol

you can order it on amazon....
one time in a pinch me and my growing partner needed perlite for some outdoor holes and couldn't find any so we went to a local 'feed store' that sold animal feed diff soils and time release food crop nutes and asked if they carry perlite. the guy looked at us and said .... "pure light?' with a puzzled look on his face. thats when i knew we were fd
I don't think it was the perlite, I've seen around here, in this site, people posting healthy plants grown in miracle grow medium.
one time in a pinch me and my growing partner needed perlite for some outdoor holes and couldn't find any so we went to a local 'feed store' that sold animal feed diff soils and time release food crop nutes and asked if they carry perlite. the guy looked at us and said .... "pure light?' with a puzzled look on his face. thats when i knew we were fd

I buy my perlite from a place exactly like that. I like it that they sell it in coarse form, and no dust at all. Mainly I like the price for such a huge amount of perlite. The size of the bags may or may not fit in the trunk of a car. It's like 1/10th the price of miracle grow in those little packages. And no wishy-washy alterations either.