about 6th week of flower wedding cake and blue cheese. advise please.


Well-Known Member
The plant on the left has been heavily infected by fungus gnats larvae. It's also in a smaller pot than the other two.

It appears that the buds have developed much quicker then the front plant which is thriving.

Could the infesrstion and smaller pot stress have caused this rushed maturation as compared to the other plant's buds?

The back plant is blue cheese. She seemed to stay in veg much longer than the other 2... (I think becauese there was a small light on the aircon which I finally covered when I had realized.) How far along does she look?



Well-Known Member
They still appear clear not yet amber. On all. Blue cheese didn't pack em on so much yet but the weddings have a lot. Will see if I can get macro shots soon.


Well-Known Member
The yellow wedding cake fungus gnat infested one has me a bit worried because declining into yellow rapidly. Wilting leaves. I've tried many things to remediate the infestation which has improved.... But not sure how to reverse yellowing or if warranted...


Well-Known Member
The yellow wedding cake fungus gnat infested one has me a bit worried because declining into yellow rapidly. Wilting leaves. I've tried many things to remediate the infestation which has improved.... But not sure how to reverse yellowing or if warranted...
Leaves don`t recover, thats not what leaves do. Any adjustments you make will be reflected in new growth.
It looks like the plant on the left doesnt tolerate your ec.


Well-Known Member
Could the 1. infestation and 2. smaller pot size
cause (stress which compels) the plant to mature much quicker as seems to be my case with the (orange vs white) pistils on one of my two wedding cakes?

How far along, would you say, are these trichomes for the left and middle plant?

Seems the back plant (blue cheese) is faaaar from mature and didnt even pack on trichomes yet. I wonder how long it has left?


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Well-Known Member
Looking good. Week 6 I like to kill all nitrogen grow nutrients. I make sure I'm still using Calmag and introducing a tablespoon of unsulphured blackstrap molasses with each weekly watering.