how soon can I start 12/12?


Active Member
My girls are 3 weeks 3days old (guessing) and about 4 nodes high (would be 5 now but I topped em). How long before I can do 12/12 and start flowering. I have 135W of Cfl(I'm workin on geting an HPS) I dont have time to let them grow big like I wanted as I may be going to mexico in january. I dont really care how much I get out of them as I'm just geting a taste of growing, I enjoy it mostly. I just dont want to take them, and my growroom down without getting somthing out of it. oh and how long will it take to flower them?


Well-Known Member
I have a little clone that was turning female when I took her, accidentally so I just put her under the HPS 12/12 she was about 4 inches tall and now is 8 inches and she is just going to be one big long bud. She's cute. I like her she's my pet plant at the moment. If you need to harvest in Jan, I agree put them on 12/12 now. You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Well-Known Member
I have a little clone that was turning female when I took her, accidentally so I just put her under the HPS 12/12 she was about 4 inches tall and now is 8 inches and she is just going to be one big long bud. She's cute. I like her she's my pet plant at the moment. If you need to harvest in Jan, I agree put them on 12/12 now. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
any pics of that little cutie?


Active Member
Hot damn!! that was FAST! like 5 minuets. this forum kicks ass. thanks for the help. did I mention that they are only like 4 inches high? does that matter? for the light they get thay aint stretching one bit.

Maryjanedoe: your avitar made me laugh, ya look like this wierd friend I had. Him and his girlfriend would wear clown makup to school and liked bands like ICP.But they were cool other then there bad taste in music.


Active Member
Will horse poop soaked in their water be enough for fertelizer? or do I need somthing else? I used miracle grow before I knew better, but only half of what they recomened.



Well-Known Member
Will horse poop soaked in their water be enough for fertelizer? or do I need somthing else? I used miracle grow before I knew better, but only half of what they recomened.

i really dont know....but i can tell you id rather smoke chemicals than "horse poop"


Active Member
id rather smoke chemicals than "horse poop"
shit, I'd roll that up and smoke it if my horses ate weed!(they will if they find it trust me):hump: its just chewed up grass, it dont even smell.

I also put about 2 inches of chicken litter (poo) in the bottom of the pot (lots of nitrogen)


Active Member
would you ride a horse after it ate a big fat bud? i bet that could be interesting. lol.
No I tried to sattle them up one time and I guess they ate some of my weed that I planted along the fenceline. They seemed like they were havin a blast! but they were flipin out. I got steped on, that shit hurts!


Well-Known Member
Hot damn!! that was FAST! like 5 minuets. this forum kicks ass. thanks for the help. did I mention that they are only like 4 inches high? does that matter? for the light they get thay aint stretching one bit.

Maryjanedoe: your avitar made me laugh, ya look like this wierd friend I had. Him and his girlfriend would wear clown makup to school and liked bands like ICP.But they were cool other then there bad taste in music.

The fact that I know you mean insane clown posse makes me laugh and laugh, and no I wouldn't pay money to ever go see them. I use MG at half strength with no problems at all. I know there are some purists out there but it works fine for me.I started at 4 inches. I actually broke it off the mother accidentally and didn't want to waste it. I would watch the light burning them up at first so keep an eye on them. But my lil budder is right there in the middle of a sea of green, I had to put a paint can under it so it could get it's fair share of light.


Active Member
The fact that I know you mean insane clown posse makes me laugh and laugh, and no I wouldn't pay money to ever go see them. I use MG at half strength with no problems at all. I know there are some purists out there but it works fine for me.I started at 4 inches. I actually broke it off the mother accidentally and didn't want to waste it. I would watch the light burning them up at first so keep an eye on them. But my lil budder is right there in the middle of a sea of green, I had to put a paint can under it so it could get it's fair share of light.
Yea they seemed to respond well to the MG. It has about the right amounts of npk. my theory with the chicken liter on the botom was if they want the nitrogen its there if they dont then they just dont put roots there.
Cloning, do you have to have that rooting powder stuff people talk about or does it just help them out?

are you down with the clown?:lol: Hahaha
I acualy listened to them to about a month then I though wait a minuet,I'ma ROCK AND ROLL TILL I DIE!!!!