The second impeachment of Donald trump*

I don't see it that way.

Biden was the bandaid that we needed to get past Trump. A competent not corrupted politician who is known to not be a sexist/racist/anti science troll.

2022 is the referendum on the Republicans that allowed Trump to run all over our nation's laws during his presidency.

Biden doesn't get a nice clean presidency, he has to slop up the shit and ride off into the sunset. The Democrats can't get shit done outside of the reconcilliation bill and run the executive branch as well as possible.

The Democrats in 2024 get to step up and take the country into the future. It is just up to the old white man to clean up his demographics mess as they step out of total control over the ability of tens of millions of people's ability to achieve everything in life without the generational roadblocks.
That's what the republicans do best, Bush Jr. tanked the economy and left a looming recession in the hands of his successor, not to mention the wars he started. His father left the country in a similar recession in the 90s, now Trump has left Biden a hot mess that the republicans will surely blame on his successor too.

The USA isn't even a full democracy and hasn't been for years now, the rest of the world just laughs at them for how pathetic their governance is. So much corruption, pay for play, hypocrisy (both parties), supressing the voters, etc. etc. I base that statement on the Democracy Index:
I don't see it that way.

Biden was the bandaid that we needed to get past Trump. A competent not corrupted politician who is known to not be a sexist/racist/anti science troll.

2022 is the referendum on the Republicans that allowed Trump to run all over our nation's laws during his presidency.

Biden doesn't get a nice clean presidency, he has to slop up the shit and ride off into the sunset. The Democrats can't get shit done outside of the reconcilliation bill and run the executive branch as well as possible.

The Democrats in 2024 get to step up and take the country into the future. It is just up to the old white man to clean up his demographics mess as they step out of total control over the ability of tens of millions of people's ability to achieve everything in life without the generational roadblocks.
I agree with Canuck. Biden's handling of the end-game for the epidemic and the return to economic health for this country are everything to him. Agree with you that these are not where the country needs to go long term but with so many people close to economic collapse, we aren't even thinking about that. Voters will not reward him if he, say, implements Medicare For All while the economy is collapsing.
Sorry didnt mean to fire one over your stand the fuck by. you will see. but most likely you wont believe, understand or admit. Its a pattern. laughable.
That's what the republicans do best, Bush Jr. tanked the economy and left a looming recession in the hands of his successor, not to mention the wars he started. His father left the country in a similar recession in the 90s, now Trump has left Biden a hot mess that the republicans will surely blame on his successor too.

The USA isn't even a full democracy and hasn't been for years now, the rest of the world just laughs at them for how pathetic their governance is. So much corruption, pay for play, hypocrisy (both parties), supressing the voters, etc. etc. I base that statement on the Democracy Index:
No shit Sherlock, what do you think the social justice protests were about all summer long.

Our nation is finally getting to the point that one entire major political party is represented by 100% of our nation and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

We were never a full democracy, but we have been slowly getting to as close to one that any nation has ever been.
That's what the republicans do best, Bush Jr. tanked the economy and left a looming recession in the hands of his successor, not to mention the wars he started. His father left the country in a similar recession in the 90s, now Trump has left Biden a hot mess that the republicans will surely blame on his successor too.

The USA isn't even a full democracy and hasn't been for years now, the rest of the world just laughs at them for how pathetic their governance is. So much corruption, pay for play, hypocrisy (both parties), supressing the voters, etc. etc. I base that statement on the Democracy Index:
I agree about the quid pro quo infestation, however for clarity and you probably agree. The USA is Republic insured by the constitution not a democracy. We operate society as a democracy( majority rules) to hopefully improve our society. In a Republic what you have is yours. Simply put protected by the constitution, you have the right to keep your stuff and nobody can take it unless you say they can. In a democracy the majority can vote to take it and they take it.
No shit Sherlock, what do you think the social justice protests were about all summer long.

Our nation is finally getting to the point that one entire major political party is represented by 100% of our nation and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

We were never a full democracy, but we have been slowly getting to as close to one that any nation has ever been.
Sorry Mr. Holmes, but the USA has been slowly getting further and further away from being a true democracy for several years now. I showed you the data. Their government can basically get no legislation passed, even when the same party holds power over all three branches of its government. So funny, yet so sad how poorly educated American citizens are to their own plight (or science, math, english, technology, uh anything intellectual). They get so butt hurt too when other nations call them names, such a sensitive people.
Sorry Mr. Holmes, but the USA has been slowly getting further and further away from being a true democracy for several years now. I showed you the data. Their government can basically get no legislation passed, even when the same party holds power over all three branches of its government. So funny, yet so sad how poorly educated American citizens are to their own plight (or science, math, english, technology, uh anything intellectual). They get so butt hurt too when other nations call them names, such a sensitive people.
Are you sure you are not looking at the swings and not the overall trend?

I will put up the 4 million kids every year that are graduating from our universities against your nation's best and brightest any day of the week.
I certainly don't want to offend anyone, but I have to wonder if it's some kind of Stockholm Syndrome ? All those who hated their Capture now love him.

It's a Psychological Response, it occurs when Republican's or other abuse VICTIMS bond with their captors or abusers, The psychological connection develops over the course of Days, Weeks or Even 4 years.

I really believe in my opinion all those captors should be disqualified in a vote and Trump should be Impeached just for the Phone call to McCarthy alone. beside all the other Shit he did.
When you R or D means more than the People or Country because that their Political Status would be hurt. HOW FREAKING SAD is that ??
No room for a tax cut. Trump's one is costing the government $500 billion a year. Just the stimulus gets past and then minimal room for the government to throw money at problems. The cupboard is bare.

What happens with Trump? Hopefully Georgia puts him in his place. Scotland, a few others lining up. Hopefully knocks him down the way politicians won't.
I certainly don't want to offend anyone, but I have to wonder if it's some kind of Stockholm Syndrome ? All those who hated their Capture now love him.

It's a Psychological Response, it occurs when Republican's or other abuse VICTIMS bond with their captors or abusers, The psychological connection develops over the course of Days, Weeks or Even 4 years.

I really believe in my opinion all those captors should be disqualified in a vote and Trump should be Impeached just for the Phone call to McCarthy alone. beside all the other Shit he did.
When you R or D means more than the People or Country because that their Political Status would be hurt. HOW FREAKING SAD is that ??
With respect, I'll offer a counter argument.

The Republican Party's polices have always been "borrow from the future to enrich the wealthy and suppress everybody else". When they couldn't get enough votes through their fake economic conservatism, they allied with social conservatives who want to take away minority and women's rights. Together, they pretty much had their way throughout the last 25 years of the 20th century and the first 10 years of this century.

This isn't Stockholm syndrome. I'm no captive of Democrats and Trump's authoritarian followers aren't captives. Republicans are doing what they always have done. The facts are clear on this. Republicans are a party of authoritarians who will do anything to hold power. They lie and cheat so that they can steal. When Republicans saw that their social conservative faction wasn't enough to maintain their grip on DC, they resorted to paramilitary groups to overthrow the government.
So what happens now?
I think Republicans came out of this damaged. Democrats will get back to work to help this country get back on its feet. For a while, Democrats will have a free hand at passing the legislation that is needed to do just that.

Trump is still a threat. Set the legal hounds loose on him. Maybe he won't be so much of a threat a year hence.