Any and all help


Well-Known Member
I mena they look great to me. Hope it's legal to grow cause no way your neighbour's cznt see or smell that. You still got a long long way to go. Keep em healthy and you are going to get a good harvest.


Yes it is legal to grow weed in South Africa but I must be honest other then put the seeds in the ground and give it some water the rest has been done by mother nature I will post some more pics when I get home my concern is 2 of the plants don't seem to be budding like the 3rd plant


1 plants is full of white hairs and budding quite nice the other two seem to be dormant one has little white petal flowers growing on it and the other just seems to be producing lots of seed pods


Well-Known Member
1 plants is full of white hairs and budding quite nice the other two seem to be dormant one has little white petal flowers growing on it and the other just seems to be producing lots of seed pods
You need to confirm with closer pictures of what mean.

“seed pods” sounds like it could be a male plant.


Well-Known Member
Welp. That solved it. You have male plants. The ones with hairs are female. Keep them. The ones with flowers and balls are male. Kill them.


Well-Known Member
1 plants is full of white hairs and budding quite nice the other two seem to be dormant one has little white petal flowers growing on it and the other just seems to be producing lots of seed pods
If it has flowers and pods that's probably an open male pollen pod.

Get rid of that. If that is the case you probably have already pollinated your female plants and any others being grown by your neighbors.


I have packed the dead plants into a bin bag and it's on the other side of the house, I also swept to be sure.

How do I know if I have too many fan leaves and need to trim more
1 plants is full of white hairs and budding quite nice the other two seem to be dormant one has little white petal flowers growing on it and the other just seems to be producing lots of seed pods
Whoa one producing pods carefully wet it and bag it. Unless you want seeded cropv