Storm uri and my gals


Active Member
So storm uri came along and slapped me with his cock. My tent ended up being 50 degrees after a 10 hour power outage from the storm. I took a look at them while heating them up just now and they look kind of ok but I just want to me sure they’re gonna be able to make it.
anyone else have outages like this? Or is this too cold for the gals and they gonna kick the bucket?
So storm uri came along and slapped me with his cock. My tent ended up being 50 degrees after a 10 hour power outage from the storm. I took a look at them while heating them up just now and they look kind of ok but I just want to me sure they’re gonna be able to make it.
anyone else have outages like this? Or is this too cold for the gals and they gonna kick the bucket?
They should be fine after the 1 stint...1 thing to keep an eye out for will be powdery mildew setting in.
Good luck.
If you want to see something heartbreaking check out Austin angler, he's from Colorado and grows in greenhouses, they had a blizzard. So sad. But will give you a good idea what they can take.
It will be fine at those temps for a while.

I had outdoor plants still going at the end of December where it was 30 degrees out at night for weeks.

Those finished up. Slowly but they finished.