Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

Ok so been a while thought I escaped the twilight zone but obviously not. Seen 11;11 on the washing machine which is a first and went on a drunken rampage somewhere ended up out of town (on foot), got picked up, dropped off, collapsed on bed, looked up and yes, 1:11

This one is what made me come here to post. Last night was laughing to myself about this time I was talking to a Nigerian scammer online and I was asking him why he doesn't choose a proper name instead of two biblical first names and trying to scam people thus. Names such as Daniel Sebastian etc

This dude actually friend added me this morning and this was the ACTUAL name I was laughing at in my head last night, I shit you not:

Yeah I do see the numbers a lot, if you're seeing 11:11 12:12 13:13 ect ect it means Angels are trying to communicate with you. I know it sounds bat shit crazy but it's true. Next time you see a double number like 17:17 or 18:18 just do a quick google search and type the number and then angel number. For example Google "17:17 Angel number" and it will have a hidden meaning
What if it's a demon number? Asking for a friend
Yeah I do see the numbers a lot, if you're seeing 11:11 12:12 13:13 ect ect it means Angels are trying to communicate with you. I know it sounds bat shit crazy but it's true. Next time you see a double number like 17:17 or 18:18 just do a quick google search and type the number and then angel number. For example Google "17:17 Angel number" and it will have a hidden meaning
Did not set an alarm .

What does this mean Moses?52A4FA72-2238-4714-A1C9-57E189B614B4.jpeg65235F3E-C493-4974-961C-A00CBAA6B6AA.jpegA691185C-9651-4708-BA04-88B6F941B41D.jpeg9ABB36DD-9461-4FEE-B75B-9FA743A94F90.jpeg5AC23DDC-99FC-415F-9B75-62E8A8B346F2.jpeg708206B4-11CC-407F-AA66-1DFC20D4B191.jpegF943724A-E0AC-42B5-AD04-6FE204F52845.jpeg6DE1EF11-1870-4187-A147-90F5DD364D5D.jpeg4F037955-3F1C-4B38-9774-9392CDB08BE9.jpeg3BD87376-5A27-49B6-8C66-C383327BD114.jpeg
"1:11 angel meaning " The angel number 111 signifies manifestation and prosperity. This number's main symbolism is manifesting thoughts into reality. It also symbolizes awareness, uniqueness, motivation and independence. ... The angels want you to pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs because they are quickly manifesting into reality
I pray all the time. I’ve got a guardian angel but this shit is too special to me to yak about it on an online marijuana growing forum, let alone argue. Purple project rocks.
It's A Sign from The Universe! The 111 or 1111 grouping can be an inconceivably important indication of arrangement during the time spent sign. You may likewise see 222, 333, or maybe even 555. The number 111 is an exceptionally ground-breaking heavenly messenger number, and means showing and appearance of musings into the real world. Seeing the initial 1111 can assist us with realizing it's an ideal opportunity to venture out instigate activity. Follow the signs and trust you're being guided the correct way.
It's A Sign from The Universe! The 111 or 1111 grouping can be an inconceivably important indication of arrangement during the time spent sign. You may likewise see 222, 333, or maybe even 555. The number 111 is an exceptionally ground-breaking heavenly messenger number, and means showing and appearance of musings into the real world. Seeing the initial 1111 can assist us with realizing it's an ideal opportunity to venture out instigate activity. Follow the signs and trust you're being guided the correct way.
If no action is taken to reduce physical and emotional stress, the result is a breakdown. This aggravation is the peak, when the nerves are at their limit, the body can no longer handle the constant pressure and fails. Have you read about this and understand what it is? It's not just stress, it's total destruction of the body. Nervous breakdowns are provoked by the stresses surrounding any person. The reasons for them can be numerous, ranging from problems at work to turmoil in one's personal life.
Synchronities, dreams etc and even paranoia and symptoms in schizophrenia are parts of your unconscious mind trying to communicate with your consciousness. But they talk very different language, so consciousness only sees what something in unconscious wants to "say" in these weaird things and through metaphors that resonate, or synchronities etc. It is healthy to have a healthy communication with the unconscious mind. Especially if you smoke tons of weed, as it can bring out suppressed stuff in more violent ways and cause "psychotic thinking" due to this:

When it comes to schizophrenia or other psychosis(schizophrenia is basically the same, but long term) the thing is that with them the normal process of brains that trims away irrational stuff that doesent fit is disrupted and basically there are leftovers of thoughts that were waaaay out there that were not removed earlier and now they subconsciously effect other thoughts and since these f'd up thought patterns are not removed properly either, but they remain there to disrupt later thinking.

Personally i dont think cannabis fucks up this system, unless there is a slight tendency for temporary fuck ups to the system(=people who get psychosis from weed or other psychedelics, but dont go full out schizophrenics), but what it can do is to induce some of those weird thoughts and if that system doesent work and those are not removed like in regular psyche, then that could lead cannabis to trigger symptoms or make them worse. Im 99.99% sure that this is what the whole cannabis and schizophrenia.

Sometimes if there are enough crap that wants to get out of the unconscious and ego keeps blocking it, it might in the end come up through psychotic issues if you have tendency for some, that is if it doesent let be heard otherwise.

There is an aspect of the psyche that tries to balance out ego, because ego by its nature is focused on stuff related to survival only and this sort of animalistic attitude is not healthy for growth of psyche and only creates obstacles for growth, because part of ego is to keep things that seem to work the same and for your ego there is no problem until you REALLY have a problem and by then the ego is too fucked to realise and you are in hospital.

I dont want to scare you, on the contrary if you realise all this you will also realise that all this is very good and that you should ot be afraid of you own unconscious mind. Im not saying that you should go all in blindly and nothing bad can happen. If you figure this you will learn to see synchronicities etc as a blessing and learn to use them as guides for your ego.

Common stupidly dangerous idea is that you should kill your ego and that psychedelics will help you do that. But you should not kill your ego, you should develop it to be more flexible and to see beyond of it and bow down to your unconscious mind, not think that it is the king. Or well it can be the king all it wants, but the forces of your unconscious are the God and the king should understand and accept this.

For Decades I was afraid of weed because I had ONE (1) Bad was the first time I got high...freshman yeah in high school...didn't touch it till I was 40....