January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
I like the part where Michael said he had been drinking for four years trying to figure out how the fuck the GOP/we got here :)
I can totally relate
He was drinking on it for four years, if he was thinking on it he would have quit the republican party. He is on a fools errand trying to reform it, it has been fatally poisoned and is beyond redemption. I wouldn't count Mitch out just yet though, but it would be nice to see him removed from power, he's too clever by far. Donald is headed for prison, the big bucks are cut off from the crazies (90%) and 2022 does not look good for Mitch and the GOP senate.

Joe is also doing an excellent job so far and I expect he will have covid mostly under control by summer and a bunch of other shit done while the republicans are divided and reeling around stunned. Once the new AG and other DOJ appointees are confirmed I expect some action on the justice end of things, I can't see Donald getting through the next month or two without being indicted state or federally.
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Sofa King Smoooth

Well-Known Member
He was drinking on it for four years, if he was thinking on it he would have quit the republican party. He is on a fools errand trying to reform it, it has been fatally poisoned and is beyond redemption. I wouldn't count Mitch out just yet though, but it would be nice to see him removed from power, he's too clever by far. Donald is headed for prison, the big bucks are cut off from the crazies (90%) and 2022 does not look good for Mitch and the GOP senate.

Joe is also doing an excellent job so far and I expect he will have covid mostly under control by summer and a bunch of other shit done while the republicans are divided and reeling around stunned. Once the new AG ond other DOJ appointees are confirmed I expect some action on the justice end of things, I can't see Donald getting through the next month or two without being indicted state or federally.
Sounds good. For the sake of the country some serious actions need to take place against those that planned and executed the failed insurrection before it becomes a full on insurgency.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. For the sake of the country some serious actions need to take place against those that planned and executed the failed insurrection before it becomes a full on insurgency.
Joe is no fool, he is taking away the moderate and soft support from the republicans by reducing the fear of normal folks. After covid, this threat to the union is one of his highest priorities, he will be hands off and professional with the DOJ, but don't let the nice old man fool you. Getting covid under control and economic recovery are his priorities right now, others will deal with Trump, his cronies, minions and fans, Joe has got other things to do, Trump left a disaster.


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Tired Of Losing?: Biden Beats Trump... Again

President Biden has a higher approval rating than Trump ever had in four years, surging to a 62% approval. Ari Melber reports on how Biden is picking up some GOP support and strong grassroots support. Melber also reveals how the Biden bounce shows D.C. pundits were wrong in early predictions.


Well-Known Member
He was drinking on it for four years, if he was thinking on it he would have quit the republican party. He is on a fools errand trying to reform it, it has been fatally poisoned and is beyond redemption. I wouldn't count Mitch out just yet though, but it would be nice to see him removed from power, he's too clever by far. Donald is headed for prison, the big bucks are cut off from the crazies (90%) and 2022 does not look good for Mitch and the GOP senate.

Joe is also doing an excellent job so far and I expect he will have covid mostly under control by summer and a bunch of other shit done while the republicans are divided and reeling around stunned. Once the new AG and other DOJ appointees are confirmed I expect some action on the justice end of things, I can't see Donald getting through the next month or two without being indicted state or federally.
Mitch McConnell will retire shortly.

you heard it here first.


Well-Known Member
Mitch McConnell will retire shortly.

you heard it here first.
Mitch will wait a couple of months for Donald to be indicted and probably jailed pretrial, it's coming, Mitch knows it and so does Donald. State and federal indictments are coming along with more lawsuits than you can count, Donald won't have much time for politics soon. I figure he wrote himself a pocket pardon for the federal charges and will wave it around when he's indicted federally, state charges are another matter. Once Trump gets inside a cell he's not getting out and while there might be trumpers, Trump won't be around. Mitch is biding his time and waiting for Donald to exit the playing field while being indicted, tried, sentenced and imprisoned, state and/or federal.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Mitch will wait a couple of months for Donald to be indicted and probably jailed pretrial, it's coming, Mitch knows it and so does Donald. State and federal indictments are coming along with more lawsuits than you can count, Donald won't have much time for politics soon. I figure he wrote himself a pocket pardon for the federal charges and will wave it around when he's indicted federally, state charges are another matter. Once Trump gets inside a cell he's not getting out and while there might be trumpers, Trump won't be around. Mitch is biding his time and waiting for Donald to exit the playing field while being indicted, tried, sentenced and imprisoned, state and/or federal.EDFCF740-7735-404F-9288-60309C7AADBE.gif
I have always wondered , do you have a crystal ball?


Well-Known Member
Mitch will wait a couple of months for Donald to be indicted and probably jailed pretrial, it's coming, Mitch knows it and so does Donald. State and federal indictments are coming along with more lawsuits than you can count, Donald won't have much time for politics soon. I figure he wrote himself a pocket pardon for the federal charges and will wave it around when he's indicted federally, state charges are another matter. Once Trump gets inside a cell he's not getting out and while there might be trumpers, Trump won't be around. Mitch is biding his time and waiting for Donald to exit the playing field while being indicted, tried, sentenced and imprisoned, state and/or federal.
Mitch has six years before he has to ask the folks of Kentucky for his job back. Mr Trumpf's base might have an impact on the issue, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered , do you have a crystal ball?
I just like to see what way the snakes are gonna squirm. I think Donald's date with court is a given, no prophecy required there, Mitch is a crafty bastard and can wait Trump out. It's not that Mitch is a good guy or fighting for the right, he wants his power back and the big bucks are cut off from the crazy wing (90%) of the party. There are 20 republican and 14 democratic senate seats up for grabs in 2022 and Mitch should be worried.

Figuring out people like Donald and Mitch is not hard, they are evil greedy bastards, Mitch has a brain and Donald does not. Your country is going back to normal and the law will work as normal, if the law works as it should, Donald is screwed state and federally. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance, ya look at heads and hearts not glass balls.


Well-Known Member
Mitch has six years before he has to ask the folks of Kentucky for his job back. Mr Trumpf's base might have an impact on the issue, but I doubt it.
He’s not worried about trumps base and he may want to retire by then anyway. It’s been a lucrative seat for him and he has 6 more years to stuff the coffers.


Well-Known Member
He’s not worried about trumps base and he may want to retire by then anyway. It’s been a lucrative seat for him and he has 6 more years to stuff the coffers.
He knows the Trumpers and Qanon nuts are a dead end in the long run, the big donors and corporations don't like them and the heat and chaos they bring. A lot of these conspiracy theories peter out after a time and many of these loonies are not conservatives, they have another agenda, white nationalism. The party poisoned itself with this bullshit, they played with fire while soaked in gasoline and are being immolated. They must be kept out of power and such people cannot be allowed to gain it in a democracy, their division is a very good thing.


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Nine Members Of Oath Keepers Charged With Conspiracy For Capitol Insurrection

Federal prosecutors have just charged nine members of the right-wing militia known as the Oath Keepers in the attack on the Capitol that led to the deaths of three police officers.