Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Also, do the leaves have little silver shiny spots or just yellow?
No silver spots but I thinks that’s cuz leaves are so yellow maybe I can’t see them. But my newer leaves grow in green on that plant and I check and no noticeable thrip damage like you are describing on those leaves. And other 3 plants don’t have any leaf damage either


Well-Known Member
Next time you water, look at the top of the soil.

what it sounds/looks like are springtails. You in Fox farms soil by chance?

Springtails aren’t an issue at all, I’ve had them in almost all my grows. They can actually be beneficial as they eat decaying matter.

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Next time you water, look at the top of the soil.

what it sounds/looks like are springtails. You in Fox farms soil by chance?

Springtails aren’t an issue at all, I’ve had them in almost all my grows. They can actually be beneficial as they eat decaying matter.
Iam in fox farm soil yes. I was wondering if it had to do with that.

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Everytime I’veused Fox farms I have springtails. Guessing it’s that, in which case don’t worry. The yellow leaves are unrelated or from a different pest
Yellow leaves are Cuz I flushed a month ago. Mad low on nitrogen But pushing through. Buds on that plant look nice Wud be terrible to through out plant to not mess up others