SMG's Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
nice you guys are just a week ahead of us! Its gonna be one hell of a harvest party coming really soon! Shits looking real nice!

~Buddy J~
Thanks! how many weeks are you planning on flowering? I think we are looking about 8, it all depends on the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
hermie alert! hopefully the pollination was limited to just the lower budsites of that plant. it is located next to the intake fan so i'm hoping that shit got pulled away from the others.


Well-Known Member
Like SMG said, we had a hermie sneak by us but as of right now looks like it only pollinated the lower buds; I can see what looks to be some seeds forming on two of the lowest bud sites. We will be keeping a close eye on this one.

Here are the other pics as promised. The last picture is one of the plants that we topped and as you can see she filled out quite nicely.

Day 34 of flowering, still around 4 weeks left!



Well-Known Member
What up fellas just stoping by to say what up see how things are going! any new news? I guess no news is good news lol. I just updated some pics on the journal last night. Was actually wondering if you guys knew anything bout lst. can you tell me if it looks like we're doing it right?

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great! Looks like we have some that are maturing faster than others. Still trying to decide if we are pulling one or two early. Still have a little while to decide.
Pics soon.


Well-Known Member
motherfuck. the colas turned into giant seed clusters. fuck it. we'll grow em on out, and smoke what we can salvage. better luck next time.