Is she too small for age ?

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
Give her some time as her roots will now have more area to spread around in. Should probably see your plants pick up it’s growth very shortly
Will do, thank you. You have any tips for getting the new soil to mend with the old soil ? If you zoom in on the soil there's cracks in the soil in a few areas. I've watered it twice since transplanting.


Well-Known Member
I always start mine in their final 7G bags when I do my tent grows. The 2 soils will be fine as the roots will be feeding on the nutrients in the newer soil, as the roots spread further out.


Well-Known Member
Calm down...the soil will blend into itself. All the worrying will make you want to fuck with it and that could really disturb the root system. Let her do her thing, she'll be fine.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
Calm down...the soil will blend into itself. All the worrying will make you want to fuck with it and that could really disturb the root system. Let her do her thing, she'll be fine.
You right you right. Every time I come on here and see all the sick pictures everybody posts makes me think I'm not doing this right.