Useful Seeds

Regs are no problem. Actually I bought the chocolate diesel s1s partially because I wanted to make a chocolate diesel/romulan cross in which I believe the CD should (at least)play the role of the man. So really I was kinda looking for regulars, of those ones anyway. But I'll probably still do it, just by reversing the s1.

Not an attempt at a commercial venture just seemed to me like crossing my 2 favourites that are my favorites for entirely different reasons might make the best possible weed for me is all.

So ya, regulars are cool
I have limited space and a plant limit so you'd think I'd prefer feminized seeds, but I kind of like regular seeds better. I just start a few more seeds with the understanding that the boys and the crappy females will be culled to get down to what will fit in my flower tent. Although my next flower run will be mostly clones and a lone chem cookie trip if it's a girl. So regs are fine by me.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???
I usually wont grow regs the only times i do is if its outside. Not worth the space and time taken up to get a male.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???
Sell those untested beans as reg packs for $25-30 and have the fems as freebies...?
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???

Probably should give reg freebies with regular seeds but personally I’d grow whatever. I grow your beans looking for the dudes sometimes so I’m equal opportunity. But if those fem purchasers don’t grow them and give them to a friend who will grow em’ then mission accomplished.
My other 2¢ here, cause I was thinking about this last night. I'd just let them fly. Sure, some people won't grow them, but enough will that it's worth it. And many who don't use them will just give them to others or trade them, so they'll still get grown eventually. Tons of breeders and banks give away regs with fems already.

Ive been giving people my chucks a lot lately. I always tell people, don't feel obligated to grow them, I just would rather they have at least a chance of getting popped then sit in my vault forever. I'll never grow all 1000 Dope Beard Durban x Swazi Burmese I made lol. I might grow ten. But if I give away 500 and someone else grows even just 10 more, at least they didn't go to waste, and hopefully my hardwork will bring someone some joy. And that's how I'd approach this situation too. Even if only 20% of the people who get the freebies grow them, that's 20% more than if you don't send them out.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???

My experience is that most people will just tuck them away or give them away. Fem growers usually stick to fems. Closet grows, smaller house grows, or just plain dislike for culling males. I'd say fem freebies with fem purchases, and reg freebies with reg purchases. If you're working on some new reg lines, just hold onto the freebies for now and send them out with the new reg lines.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???
I run both, so let'em roll.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???
I'm pretty new to growing from seed. So far I've only ordered one set of seeds, your fem Grape OG x Choc D. Bought from JBC. The freebies I got are high CBD regs. I appreciate the freebies but with my limited space I'm not sure I'll ever run those. I would be more likely to try the free regs if I knew the strain was good\interesting.
I always get reg seed freebies when I purchase fem seeds and admit I never grow them but my friends do. I've never got @Useful Seeds genetics for freebies before either, got plenty of free seeds from Useful himself but not free Useful genetics for the ones I've purchased from banks and I've purchased at least 15 or so packs. So I would grow the Useful freebies if given the opportunity, he has great genetics from what I've experienced so far. I for one would hate to see all the hard work put in for those seeds only to be tucked away to never see dirt. It's a tough one for sure but personally I grow both fem's and reg's so they will get grown if I were to receive them. Wait, was that the question? Lol. I tend to ramble on in the morning after wake n bake with Blackjack x Chocolate Diesel.
I need a BUNCH of folks to give me their opinion. At the moment I only have fems at my vendors other than Lucky Lime. My thought is that a bunch of folks that buy fems have no interest in regs due to space/convenience. @bythekasiz gave up space and time to make these freebies. I don't want them to go to waste. Meaning, if folks buy fems, and get a free pack of regs.......will they just get tucked away???
as long as they're not autos I'm happy.
I'd definitely be the one that tosses them in the drawer to be forgotten. It always struck me as odd that I keep getting reg seeds with $200 fem orders, kinda like "hey here's a person that only wants fems...can we scrounge up some regs just to fuck with them?".

Long time ago I had to grow regs, before fems were widely available. After a couple grows that went overwhelmingly male..I was happy to use fems.

I was kinda bummed when I read useful's musings about transitioning to regs as it wouldn't jive with my now legal, low plant count grow. Selfish sure...but hey.

I do encourage you "useful" to follow up with your heirloom projects and then self the shit out of um....I dig oldschool flavors. You could even throttle back on fems a bit, as long as there's still some.

The preservation runs could be accompanied by s1 fem drops of those legendary strains. Kinda be a win-win-win...Useful gets to pursue his desire to work his throwback strains, all you pollen chuckers get your wish and us lowly fem growers get our taste too.
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Smoke report on the BOO is in, not fully cured yet, dry but not "cured". I let them run 70 days, cool temps for the grow. Orange Peel Orange Zest is what it tastes like and it will coat your mouth, not joking about that one bit. It's VERY distinctive tasting. IDK yet if it's my favorite flavor but I have a feeling I'll grow to enjoy it more and more as I smoke it. The Buzz is great so once my brain fully associates the good buzz with the orange zest I'm sure I'll be reaching for the jar of BOO more and more. It's a very "Clean" buzz, if that makes sense.

The plant grew very much "indica" in structure. I had a few different pheno's but all of them had the same stout plant structure, I had three different colors. One was lighter green, one turned almost black and one was a a dark green almost camo color, wicked looking plant, all of them were nicely frosted, one was insanely frosted. They all have that Orange Zest flavor that just pops out.

Very nice to grow and unique. I've grown tangie before and had some orange terms but nothing quite as Orange Peel/Zest flavor. It's like sucking on an orange peel, that's the best way to describe it. Very Cool plants and I'm glad I bought more seeds, so I can run them again. I'm not sure if I have a favorite to pick out if I was going to clone one. Probably the one that turned almost black, but it's hard to say, one of the lighter green ones was SOOOO frosty it hurt looking at it.

Great Job on these, they really are their own thing unique, that might be what I like most. They have their own thing going on and the buzz does too, good medicine for sure!!
I'd definitely be the one that tosses them in the drawer to be forgotten. It always struck me as odd that I keep getting reg seeds with $200 fem orders, kinda like "hey here's a person that only wants fems...can we scrounge up some regs just to fuck with them?".

Long time ago I had to grow regs, before fems were widely available. After a couple grows that went overwhelmingly male..I was happy to use fems.

I was kinda bummed when I read useful's musings about transitioning to regs as it wouldn't jive with my now legal, low plant count grow. Selfish sure...but hey.

I do encourage you "useful" to follow up with your heirloom projects and then self the shit out of um....I dig oldschool flavors. You could even throttle back on fems a bit, as long as there's still some.

The preservation runs could be accompanied by s1 fem drops of those legendary strains. Kinda be a win-win-win...Useful gets to pursue his desire to work his throwback strains, all you pollen chuckers get your wish and us lowly fem growers get our taste too.
I hope you saw my post about being on the fence, and that I have procured a spot to continue fem lines.