Four fan leaves what is wrong?

Thanks I was worried it hermed on me!
Going to be a WHILE before it’s sexually mature. Until then, it won’t show signs of sexing at all and you won’t be able to determine female/male/herm. I’m not entirely sure what in the picture has you worried but from what I see, it looks fine.
For future issues, post pictures under natural light as the 7-band “blurple” lights make it hard to see the plants natural appearance; it will help greatly with having your questions addressed.
Going to be a WHILE before it’s sexually mature. Until then, it won’t show signs of sexing at all and you won’t be able to determine female/male/herm. I’m not entirely sure what in the picture has you worried but from what I see, it looks fine.
For future issues, post pictures under natural light as the 7-band “blurple” lights make it hard to see the plants natural appearance; it will help greatly with having your questions addressed.
Thanks I’ll keep that in mind next time!