

Well-Known Member
but did he ever 'move on anyone like a bitch?' 'grab anyone by the pussy?'

talk about a crock of shit..if he was overstepping his bounds any of those women could have said so at any time..the word is "stop!' it's when men don't respect that, is the issue.

now men are always complaining about being wrongly accused of sexual discourse and this may just be the case. Cuomo is an older single shouldn't shit where you eat but often in work situations people do. If he was flirting (and people do flirt at work all the time so let's not pretend we're Mother Theresa here)'s when it goes past that..the grabbing, the raping.

it didn't go past that and if you want more, then we should be hermetically sealed by Funk and Wagnalls in a mayonnaise jar..or better yet wear bubble suits..hell we can't get people to wear a mask.

fvck those women; martyrs they're not!:finger:
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but did he ever 'move on anyone like a bitch?' 'grab anyone by the pussy?'

talk about a crock of shit..if he was overstepping his bounds any of those women could have said so at any time..the word is "stop!' it's when men don't respect that, is the issue.

now men are always complaining about being wrongly accused of sexual discourse and this may just be the case. Cuomo is an older single shouldn't shit where you eat but often in work situations people do. If he was flirting (and people do flirt at work all the time so let's not pretend we're Mother Theresa here)'s when it goes past that..the grabbing, the raping.

it didn't go past that and if you want more then we should be hermetically sealed by Funk and Wagnalls in a mayonnaise jar..or better yet wear bubble suits..hell we can't get people to wear a mask.

fvck those women; martyrs they're not!:finger:
I have just a shred of respect remaining for him - to lose that, he would have to have banged Kimberly Guilfoyle.

He should not have pulled that shit with a subordinate.
talk about a crock of shit..if he was overstepping his bounds any of those women could have said so at any time..the word is "stop!' it's when men don't respect that, is the issue.
So women should have to tell men to “stop” in order to not be inappropriately touched or talked to? The man (an experienced politician) shouldn’t just know not to cross boundaries? :wall:
Pretty ironic, at start of pandemic he was on CNN w/his brother, Trump was dealing w/covid like a 3legged cat trying to bury a turd on a pond of ice,and Cuomo seemed so in control. Now he lets a couple of women bring him down and they're not even that hot. Who can I complain to when a fat ugly chick grabs my ass? ccguns
He hid the data, but sending the overflow of people that need care to nursing homes when the hospitals have no room, is a far cry from killing them.
Bullshit. The overflow from the hospital should have gone to the hospital ship that trump parked in the harbor. Andy knew he would be seen as cooperating with big bad orange had he used the ship. It was Cuomos decision to place the infected with the high risk elderly. That decision caused deaths. He hid the data. How is that ’a far cry from killing them’?
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Bullshit. The overflow from the hospital should have gone to the hospital ship That trump parked in the harbor.

The ship has 1000 beds. New York has had 1.7 million people with Covid, that's more than 4000 per day over the last year. Much more was needed than 1000 beds.
I don't know the details of whether or not the ship was accessible and why it might not have been used. If what you're suggesting is true, that Cuomo simply chose not to use it for a dumb reason, because he doesn't like Trump or whatever, then yes you could kind of figure out a number of 1000 during whatever the average time in hospital is, during the period of hospital saturation. Unless you take issue with that? Do you like it when people try to attribute every Covid death to Trump, or would you prefer it if people tried to be more accurate?