Robbin Hood style/Anti-Police Violence Bank Robbing Movie Plan & Pyrotechnics Discussion

That's crazy, lol. And it just happened the other day. It seems like everyone thinks it's ok, but Scalia said in all cases of new technology being used against rights, it has to go through the Supreme Court.

That specific person killing 5 cops might not have a lawyer or family willing to say anything about it, but if they start doing it all around the country, someone is eventually going to bring it up.
The example they give is that cadaver dogs have been used for at least centuries, but something like thermal imaging (or exploding robots) would need Supreme Court approval. So as not to be used in a way that violates anyone's rights. Even murderers have rights, such as the right to remain silent, or to not have unconstitutionally obtained evidence used against them. So they can't just Willy nilly blow everyone up who kills a cop.
Ok this is RT News but it's an ok brief clip reminding us of the atrocity that happened in Philly in 1985 w the MOVE group. The above article referenced it due to popo's use of explosives. Sounds like a few of the original MOVE members are up for parole.
The characters in the movie are going to be connected to this group

That's why one is going to be from New York or Chicago. Probably Chicago.

Noble Drew Ali formed his first Temple in 1913 and continued forming them across America until he settled in Chicago in 1925 with Temple No. 9. What he did in the Temples was teach History to people who considered themselves to be ex-Slaves and gave them an identity and Heritage of Moorish.

Not only did Noble Drew Ali form the Temple, but he created a Mystery School that mirrors that of a Masonic Lodge or Shriner's Temple.

The focus of the Temples are to teach black Americans that they have North African Heritage that is linked to Asiatic history.
Ex: The History of Timbuktu, the various rulers of Egypt, etc.
There are now 260 Temples across America.
"They’re not really aware that-They know some shits going on in this country somewhere but a lot of people out there don’t know where it’s at. They think it’s the black people doing it, you dig? That, “All those riots are causing my life to be miserable in all areas,“ you know. And they really haven’t focused in on the fact that it’s the pigs and their lynchers, the people who control the pigs, the power structure. Those bald headed businessmen at the chamber of commerce, you see. They’re not turned on to that power structure, they just know that life is becoming increasingly miserable for everybody.
But when they find out who it is that’s causing trouble, and who it is that’s making life miserable, and who it is that’s responsible for all their sons being murdered in Vietnam; when they get tuned in to that they’ll now be just like the Panthers. This is what we’re tuned into. We see what’s going on and more and more people are turning on to that.” -Eldridge Cleaver

"You can't form this with no education. Let me give you an example. Jomo Kenyatta formed the [Kenyan] Revolution with no education, and in the end Jomo told those motherfuckers "I'm your brother I'll help you lead the Revolution but now I'm gonna oppress you". Another example Papa Doc in Haiti hated everything white, you couldn't put this white piece of paper in front of Papa Doc's face. But he moved all the white people out then he took over to be the oppressor, because of no education. If the people had been educated they would have said, we don't hate the white people we hate the oppressor, whether he be white, black, brown or yellow. So we need an educational program to find out what it's going to be in the finale. Jomo Kenyatta is called not a Revolutionary but an Ex-Revolutionary, so is Papa Doc, they brought on successful Revolutions. That thing in the Mau Maus and Bantu Freedom Fighters, all that kind of action. What we are talking about is the end, you don't judge Castro now, no one in this room can judge if Castro is going to be a Revolutionary. We're talking about things with China, the People's Republic, and even at the stage they're in now talking about going further into a Communistic State. Without education the people will take this local foundation and start stealing money because they won't understand how it is the people's thing anyway. You might get people caught up because they are poor and they want something, and if they aren't educated they'll want more, and before you know it they'll be capitalists and before you know it we'll have black imperialists" -Fred Hampton

"They have shown by their actions that they intend to play the role of the Germans. We need to show by our actions, that we do not intend to play the role of the Jews" -Fred Hampton
List of Pyrotechnic Materials:

Nitrogen Triiodide (Iodine & Lye)
Gun Powder (Sulfur, Activated Charcoal & Potassium Nitrate)
Thermite (Aluminum & Iron Oxide)
Acetone Peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide, Acetone, Hydrochloric Acid & Ammonia)
TNT (Sulfuric Acid, Sulfur Oxide & Nitric Acid)
Silver Fulminate (Silver Nitrate, Nitric Acid & Ethanol)
Napalm/Jellied Gasoline (Styrofoam & Gasoline)
Isopropyl Nitrate/Jet Fuel (Isopropyl Alcohol, Sodium Nitrite & Sulfuric Acid)
Tannerite (Ammonium Nitrate & Aluminum)

Ammonium Chloride
Calcium Nitrate
Chromium Oxide
Potassium Chlorate
Corn Cobb
Terephthalic Acid

Blasting Caps
Low Energy Detonating Cord
M200A1 fuses
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More Pyrotechnics:

RDX or Cyclonite
Composition C (Mainly RDX, ex: C-4 or PE4)
Composition B (Mainly RDX & TNT)
Composition H6 (Similar to B & C)
CL-20 or HNIN
TNA or Trinitroaniline
TNP or Picric Acid
EGDN or Nitroglycerol
NG or Nitroglycerine
MHN or Mannitol Hexanitrate
ETN or Erythritol Tetranitrate
EDNA or Ethylenedinitramine
NQ or Nitroguanidine
ONC or Octanitrocubane
NC or Nitrocellulose
UN or Urea Nitrate
MEKP or Methly Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
HMTD or Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine
AN or Ammonium Nitrate
Lead Azide
Silver Azide
Mercury Fulminate
Tovex or Trenchrite

Rocket Fuels-
RP-1 (LOX & Kerosene)
LOX & Liquid Hydrogen
Nitrogen Tetroxide & Hydrazine, MMH or UDMH
Hm Bombings in the US today, then @Finshaggy shows up... What's really going on??

I started planning this movie after the Paris and Brussels attacks. I just brought it back up for everyone because it's topical right now. Everyone is talking about bombs, so I thought I would share some Pyrotechnics movie ideas.