NEWBIE please help high soil PH


Active Member
I am a newbie as I stated above. So please be gentle with replies. I have started some BS and some WW and Alaskan ice. I have one BS that is 2.5 wks and doing great. One that is 1 week and the WW and Alaskan Ice are mere seedlings. Which leads me to my problem. Today I decided to PH my soil on the younger of the 2 bagseed plants to check her PH. From what I got it was 8. I checked the water going in and it was 6.5. I had made my own soil mix using all of the the items people have listed as good soil additives. Im afraid that I over did it. I used the following
Coco Coir - 65%
MG patio soil - 20%
Blood Meal - 2%
Bone Meal - 2%
Perilite - 10%
sand - 1%

I hope I did not make an over PHd soil blend. If you have any suggestions please advise. I took my soil PH by catching the runoff water from the plant and conducting the standard PH test. The plants do not look to be suffering but I want to stop if before if possible. Any feedback will be greatly appeciated. Also I have not given them any liquid nutes and they are on 24hr HPS light cycle


Well-Known Member
Ph-ing soil isn't always 100% accurate. I would definitely take another reading or two. You should always add some lime to your soil. Helps keep things calm, cool, and collected by acting as a buffer and keeping the soil PH right at 7.0.

Test again and if it is still high, I would go buy some Lime and mix it in, most everywhere should have it, but it might be seasonal at Wally World type stores. I know I saw some at Home Depot a few weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
if youre from dallas, id suggest going to texas hydroponics on elm in deep ellum..

get yourself a few bags of fox farm ocean forest and light warrior, 70/30 mix.. might wanna get some fox farm big n chunky perlite, depending on how you like your water retention..

ocean forest and light warrior are compliments of eachother and both have PH balanced qualities in the soil


Active Member
thank you picasso. So my soil concotion is OK. I was scared I had really made something toxic. lol. How much lime do you recommend and what method of application. I have fallen in love with my babies and want the best for them.
thanks again


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's all good and proper stuff, not sure about the patio soil, but I'm sure it can't be that bad, that's why I question the 8 reading, but it happens I'm sure.

For adding lime, I err on the side of caution and use 1 Tbs/gallon, some people recommend 2 Tbs and maybe you need that because 8.0 seems high. But I would mix up a gallon with 1 Tbs and test it, because once you add the lime it's in there for good. Here is a little info:

Adjusting pH Of Marijuana Grown In Soil

A good way to stabilize soil is to use dolomite lime (calcium-magnesium carbonate). Dolomitic lime acts slowly and continuously, so soil will remain pH stable for a few months.
Using fine size dolomite lime is important, coarser grades can take a year or longer to work. You can find fine size dolomite lime at any well stocked garden supply center.
Dolomite lime has been used by gardeners as a pH stabilizer for many years. It has a pH that is neutral (7.0). When added to soil in the correct proportions, it will stabilize soil at a pH near 7.0.
When growing in containers, add one cup of fine dolomite lime to each cubic foot of soil. Mix the dry soil thoroughly with the dolomite lime, then lightly water it. After watering, re-mix it and wait for a day or two before checking the pH. When growing in an outdoor garden, follow the dolomite lime manufacturers instructions.

pH And Marijuana (Cannabis)


Active Member
thank you thank you thank you....that was stressing me out. If your up for another question I have one more. OK i have two ww seedlings with their first two leaves. i am so excited about them. I have read conflicting information do I put a dome over them or not? I did over my two bag seeds but I don't want to mess them up. I have not had WW since 00 when i went to Amsterdam. i can't wait for them to get up and going.
Thanks again for your help. This site is so helpful but sometimes its too much info and some conflicting.

"a friend with weed is a friend indeed"......:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i only use domes for clones, never for seedlings i just keep the base of the plant moist until it needs a watering..

what are your seedlings in under the dome??


Well-Known Member
I agree, I don't use domes on my seedlings. Turn them out into the cold, cruel world and let them get their grow on.

thank you thank you thank you....that was stressing me out. If your up for another question I have one more. OK i have two ww seedlings with their first two leaves. i am so excited about them. I have read conflicting information do I put a dome over them or not? I did over my two bag seeds but I don't want to mess them up. I have not had WW since 00 when i went to Amsterdam. i can't wait for them to get up and going.
Thanks again for your help. This site is so helpful but sometimes its too much info and some conflicting.

"a friend with weed is a friend indeed"......:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks a bunch. I had been putting my sprouted seedlings in the soil and putting them under a dome. But i see what you say they are going to meet the cold (82 degree) today. So when they wake up the will be under 400watt MH llights. Thanks you input has been so helpful.

"a friend with weed is a friend indeed"bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch. I had been putting my sprouted seedlings in the soil and putting them under a dome. But i see what you say they are going to meet the cold (82 degree) today. So when they wake up the will be under 400watt MH llights. Thanks you input has been so helpful.

"a friend with weed is a friend indeed"bongsmilie
You're welcome. Best of luck.