Second opinion??


Well-Known Member
Hard to say. I'd expect calcium/magnesium deficiencies to show up as spots. Assuming you're following the bloom-phase nutrient levels prescribed for the products you're using, I'd just trim it and keep going. But if you're making your own nutrient mix, it looks like you're far enough into flowering that you wouldn't need much nitrogen (turning yellow by flowering week 6 or 7 doesn't freak me out anymore, lol). Also, the leaves look wet. Personally, I only mist plants during veg. You might disturb the leaves if you spray bloom nutrients directly on the leaves. You'd be surprised how little water you need during flowering. You'll want to taper it off even more toward the end.
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Well-Known Member
What do you mean exactly lol.
5 milliters in a gallon of water. Apply. Keep going. Are you sure you’re up to this? Never flush. Especially for nitrogen. Nitrogen is the most quickly taken up by the plant. By the time you notice the signs it’s too late. The plant ate it. Obviously.

It’s also the most quickly depleted nutrient. Next time plain water only a few times. It will survive it and you won’t create your own deficiency. Which is what you did.


Active Member
Hard to say. I'd expect calcium/magnesium deficiencies to show up as spots. Assuming you're following the bloom-phase nutrient levels prescribed for the products you're using, I'd just trim it and keep going. But if you're making your own nutrient mix, it looks like you're far enough into flowering that you wouldn't need much nitrogen (turning yellow by flowering week 6 or 7 doesn't freak me out anymore, lol). Also, the leaves look wet. Personally, I only mist plants during veg. You might disturb the leaves if you spray bloom nutrients directly on the leaves. You'd be surprised how little water you need during flowering. You'll want to taper it off even more toward the end.
I spray them with a little water here and there because my house gets fairly dusty on a regular basis. And i think i need cal/mag. I've only been using straight tap water and ph down


Well-Known Member
I spray them with a little water here and there because my house gets fairly dusty on a regular basis. And i think i need cal/mag. I've only been using straight tap water and ph down
Nearly all do 4-5 weeks into flower. That’s the only time I give actual cal mag.