65 days and counting


Well-Known Member
This plant’s been flowering 65 days now and it needs more, damn, no way I’m chopping early. What do you think? Couple more weeks anyway?


Well-Known Member
What strain is this looks nice . I wouldnt chop either would let her go for 1 or 2 more weeks but depends on what you want from the plant at the end :)
Seeds from this summer’s grow. Sour diesel/AK47 cross. The mother was amazing. This one smells and looks even better.


Well-Known Member
Seeds from this summer’s grow. Sour diesel/AK47 cross. The mother was amazing. This one smells and looks even better.
Noiiceee . I want to start crossing and collecting pollen in the near future . Wouldnt mind getting free seeds :D and some crossings with nice fruity , citrusy smells .