Useful Seeds

I have another update, this one is on a personal level. My daughter gave birth early this morning to a beautiful baby girl !!! That makes grandchild # 4. I am beside myself with excitement and joy and I wanted to share it with you all. Some folks say getting old sucks, for me it is the complete opposite. Raising good kids, watching them display the values that you instilled in them while they were growing up, and going off on their own and making their own families and having children, giving my wife and myself grandchildren that I know will be raised in the same way as they were, in my opinion is priceless !!! So in short, for me, getting old doesn't suck, I am fully enjoying my journey with both of my families, my family here at home, and my family of supporters right here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend

That must be where all the Useful feminine energy went. Useful's daughter was growing a female. :D

Both of my good looking Sour Strawberry Gelatos ended up male. Unfortunately, I'm not looking for males at the moment, so they have been relegated to the worm bin. The mutant stayed a mutant and refused to grow any further, so it was culled unsexed. Now to decide whether to pop more out of this pack or keep the rest in cold storage and choose something else.
I have another update, this one is on a personal level. My daughter gave birth early this morning to a beautiful baby girl !!! That makes grandchild # 4. I am beside myself with excitement and joy and I wanted to share it with you all. Some folks say getting old sucks, for me it is the complete opposite. Raising good kids, watching them display the values that you instilled in them while they were growing up, and going off on their own and making their own families and having children, giving my wife and myself grandchildren that I know will be raised in the same way as they were, in my opinion is priceless !!! So in short, for me, getting old doesn't suck, I am fully enjoying my journey with both of my families, my family here at home, and my family of supporters right here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend
God bless you brother! Nothing better then the grandkids!
Another update on a personal level. So they were gonna discharge my daughter last night without the baby. The lil girl has a really severe case of jaundice, her number was at 21. The insurance company will not pay for the room because my daughter is fine, and able to go home, but baby must stay. My daughter expressed her not wanting to leave without her baby. And they explained to her that they understood, but insurance will not cover the cost of the room. So as a dad, i'm trying to figure out how I could come up with the $$$ for the room. Then something happened, I honestly can't believe what happened !!! An administrator, couple of doctors, and some nurses came to her room and told her that she didn't have to leave, and that she could have the ROOM FOR FREE until the baby is ready to be released !!!!! My daughter was very grateful but asked how was this possible. They essentially told her to look at this room as a hotel room that you don't have to pay for. They did explain that they couldn't give her any care/asprin/food ect, she can use the cafeteria for meals...........But the room is free !!!! I AM FLOORED !!!!!!
Another update on a personal level. So they were gonna discharge my daughter last night without the baby. The lil girl has a really severe case of jaundice, her number was at 21. The insurance company will not pay for the room because my daughter is fine, and able to go home, but baby must stay. My daughter expressed her not wanting to leave without her baby. And they explained to her that they understood, but insurance will not cover the cost of the room. So as a dad, i'm trying to figure out how I could come up with the $$$ for the room. Then something happened, I honestly can't believe what happened !!! An administrator, couple of doctors, and some nurses came to her room and told her that she didn't have to leave, and that she could have the ROOM FOR FREE until the baby is ready to be released !!!!! My daughter was very grateful but asked how was this possible. They essentially told her to look at this room as a hotel room that you don't have to pay for. They did explain that they couldn't give her any care/asprin/food ect, she can use the cafeteria for meals...........But the room is free !!!! I AM FLOORED !!!!!!
Good deeds! Sending good vibes for baby Useful too!
Another update on a personal level. So they were gonna discharge my daughter last night without the baby. The lil girl has a really severe case of jaundice, her number was at 21. The insurance company will not pay for the room because my daughter is fine, and able to go home, but baby must stay. My daughter expressed her not wanting to leave without her baby. And they explained to her that they understood, but insurance will not cover the cost of the room. So as a dad, i'm trying to figure out how I could come up with the $$$ for the room. Then something happened, I honestly can't believe what happened !!! An administrator, couple of doctors, and some nurses came to her room and told her that she didn't have to leave, and that she could have the ROOM FOR FREE until the baby is ready to be released !!!!! My daughter was very grateful but asked how was this possible. They essentially told her to look at this room as a hotel room that you don't have to pay for. They did explain that they couldn't give her any care/asprin/food ect, she can use the cafeteria for meals...........But the room is free !!!! I AM FLOORED !!!!!!
That’s really nice! Still good people around!
Another update on a personal level. So they were gonna discharge my daughter last night without the baby. The lil girl has a really severe case of jaundice, her number was at 21. The insurance company will not pay for the room because my daughter is fine, and able to go home, but baby must stay. My daughter expressed her not wanting to leave without her baby. And they explained to her that they understood, but insurance will not cover the cost of the room. So as a dad, i'm trying to figure out how I could come up with the $$$ for the room. Then something happened, I honestly can't believe what happened !!! An administrator, couple of doctors, and some nurses came to her room and told her that she didn't have to leave, and that she could have the ROOM FOR FREE until the baby is ready to be released !!!!! My daughter was very grateful but asked how was this possible. They essentially told her to look at this room as a hotel room that you don't have to pay for. They did explain that they couldn't give her any care/asprin/food ect, she can use the cafeteria for meals...........But the room is free !!!! I AM FLOORED !!!!!!
Karma buddy. What goes around comes around and I’d say you’ll be having more good deeds coming your way. You’ve definitely deserve the kindness.
I have another update, this one is on a personal level. My daughter gave birth early this morning to a beautiful baby girl !!! That makes grandchild # 4. I am beside myself with excitement and joy and I wanted to share it with you all. Some folks say getting old sucks, for me it is the complete opposite. Raising good kids, watching them display the values that you instilled in them while they were growing up, and going off on their own and making their own families and having children, giving my wife and myself grandchildren that I know will be raised in the same way as they were, in my opinion is priceless !!! So in short, for me, getting old doesn't suck, I am fully enjoying my journey with both of my families, my family here at home, and my family of supporters right here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend

Cheers to you brother! Your cup runneth over.(:
A little update for ya. Beans in the oven....all fem

Bag of Oranges
Chocolate Diesel
Kosher Tangie
GMO x Chocolate Diesel
Blueberry HP x A-Dub
Strawberries n Cream x Chocolate Diesel
Chem 4 x Chocolate Diesel
DLA 5 x Chocolate Diesel
91 Christmas x Chocolate Diesel
Chem D x Chocolate Diesel
Napalm OG f4 x Chocolate Diesel

In flower getting ready for BOO pollen

Jah Goo
Now n Later

In flower waiting to be pollenated by Chocolate Diesel...Tranquil Elephantizer (Tranquil Chocolate)

New cuts to work with

Super Lemon Haze
East Coast Orange
Chem Sis
Chem D x I-95
Bruce Banner
Fire OG
Apple Fritter
Duct Tape
Wedding Cake
Mazar I Sharif

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend
I bet that GMO x CD will be insane. I just bought a pack of your double dipped strawberries.
Here is my only Gelato 45 x CD @ day 57. She has some time left, and is starting to show a little color. I'll post more after harvest. It's a pretty sturdy plant, and is just starting to get a little floppy as the colas add some weight. She has had almost no smell until the last week or so. Currently she's putting out an earthy funk with some fuel/rubber.

This is one of the bottom buds.
Grow 5 G45 x CD #2 Day 57 Lower Bud.JPG

Overall. She is 41" tall.
Grow 5 G45 x CD #2 Day 57 (6) Edit.jpg
Thought I only had two Chem Cookie Trip but I have three. The one I thought was the lanky Chem D x Chocolate Diesel in the back turned out to be Chem Cookie Trip. So I got two lanky ones and one shorter green pheno. I do have one Chem D x Chocolate Diesel and a Choco Latto with these as well. Lots of different smells coming from this lot.
Karma buddy. What goes around comes around and I’d say you’ll be having more good deeds coming your way. You’ve definitely deserve the kindness.
I agree! Chalk this one up to Karma, cause the medical field doesn't deviate from policy very often. This is awesome that the faculty stepped up and did what was right, not what policy says. Prayers for you and your family.
OK.....last personal update from I know this is a cannabis related site, but you all have accepted my personal stuff along with seed stuff with loving and caring open arms. THANK YOU !!!

With that said, my daughter AND granddaughter were released from the hospital today in good health. My wife and I got to see the lil critter today for the first time in person.....It was pretty dang special. Next updates will be seed

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend
OK.....last personal update from I know this is a cannabis related site, but you all have accepted my personal stuff along with seed stuff with loving and caring open arms. THANK YOU !!!

With that said, my daughter AND granddaughter were released from the hospital today in good health. My wife and I got to see the lil critter today for the first time in person.....It was pretty dang special. Next updates will be seed

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend

Always good to hear about good things happening to good people. Glad everyone is home and take joy knowing you have a fighter
OK.....last personal update from I know this is a cannabis related site, but you all have accepted my personal stuff along with seed stuff with loving and caring open arms. THANK YOU !!!

With that said, my daughter AND granddaughter were released from the hospital today in good health. My wife and I got to see the lil critter today for the first time in person.....It was pretty dang special. Next updates will be seed

Say it now because ya never know.

Your friend
That's the good stuff!!! Family first, the seed updates don't matter to me, send them to the banks and I'll buy them. Lol. Just kidding, I love seed updates too. Great to hear they are both doing well and in good health.
Open poli sounds interesting. Are you treating the tent as its contaminated for the next round? I would think you need to blast everything in the tent with air or be cleaned to not have that pollen sneak up again? Seems like it creates a lot of work tho as I don't want to disassemble my equipment each run and reinstall. Is that usually the go round?