Congratulations!!I have another update, this one is on a personal level. My daughter gave birth early this morning to a beautiful baby girl !!! That makes grandchild # 4. I am beside myself with excitement and joy and I wanted to share it with you all. Some folks say getting old sucks, for me it is the complete opposite. Raising good kids, watching them display the values that you instilled in them while they were growing up, and going off on their own and making their own families and having children, giving my wife and myself grandchildren that I know will be raised in the same way as they were, in my opinion is priceless !!! So in short, for me, getting old doesn't suck, I am fully enjoying my journey with both of my families, my family here at home, and my family of supporters right here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Say it now because ya never know.
Your friend
That must be where all the Useful feminine energy went. Useful's daughter was growing a female.

Both of my good looking Sour Strawberry Gelatos ended up male. Unfortunately, I'm not looking for males at the moment, so they have been relegated to the worm bin. The mutant stayed a mutant and refused to grow any further, so it was culled unsexed. Now to decide whether to pop more out of this pack or keep the rest in cold storage and choose something else.