Anime your top ten favorites

Being not as versed as all of you I seem to have been no longer alerted to posts here. LOL. But a warm greeting to all.

I broke the old vcr out and see pawn shops are selling VHS for under a $1. Wish me luck. Also crazy the stuff people are giving up for cheap to pay the bills after a stop in a small upper middle class one.
Just watched Pacific Rim: The Black 1–7. Obviously made by the same animators/whatever that made the last couple of seasons of RWBY, somewhat less cranky story, some interesting twists. US production, I’m guessing.

Ditto Jobless Reincarnation (sorry, not a good memory for Japanese news), but yeah, completely different. Neither are tear-jerkers, but interesting. This one’s kind of unique

Sorry, wouldn’t put either of these in my top 10...Jeff, I misapprehended your thread, I’ll work on that.

A good weekend to all
Just watched Pacific Rim: The Black 1–7. Obviously made by the same animators/whatever that made the last couple of seasons of RWBY, somewhat less cranky story, some interesting twists. US production, I’m guessing.

Ditto Jobless Reincarnation (sorry, not a good memory for Japanese news), but yeah, completely different. Neither are tear-jerkers, but interesting. This one’s kind of unique

Sorry, wouldn’t put either of these in my top 10...Jeff, I misapprehended your thread, I’ll work on that.

A good weekend to all
No worries at all
New season starting, and Mars Red is killing it! Great first episode. And this new Godzilla anime surprised me too-it was made by Studio Orange, like Beastars, so it reeks of quality. Good start.
I really like that one, Jeff. The story wraps up in the one season, but worth the time, for sure.

I’ve buzzed through some I expected nothing from, and came away very satisfied:
Made in Abyss (Prime), Tears to Tiara (Hulu), and Dragonaut: The Resonance (Hulu). All three transcended their silly names/premises, and kept me absolutely rooted in place.

On deck are Horimiya, Your Lie in April, Ergo Proxy, and Psycho-Pass (all Hulu) no particular order

EDIT: so...of course I’m watching Land of the Lustrous on Prime now. A creature driven by whim, me....
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Okay...I lied. I wasn’t in a situation where I could listen to LotL, and I had broken off in the middle of Aquarion, which turned out to be much more intense than I felt prepared for & wanted to take a break...but I ended up going back to it. Another case of my lack of expectation being overwhelmed by a story; the outcome was completely unforeseen...and I can’t really ask more of a story than that it tell me something new - or something important in a new way. The follow-up, Aquarion Evol, is 12,000 years later and is kinda shonen and kinda ecce, and had a lot of the same zen/Taoist character as the original. As a card-carrying pagan, I must approve. Not even a third of the way through.

All that other stuff is still the list.

edit: yes, I’m stoned...for the first time in a could you tell?
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