KNF and IMO "Indigenous Microorganisms"

Well I can report back on using the palm sugar I had. I don't think it's supposed to be molding on the top like this. I scraped the mold off, tossed it in the trash and spread the rest around the garden beds. I'll stick with brown sugar in the future.


This is the type of palm sugar I used. I grated it up before mixing it. I'll stick to using it for cooking.

IMO = Indigenous micro-organisms
FPJ = Fermented plant juice

Definitely subbed ...
Was looking at FPJ from someone using nettle , but definitely watching this thread.
I'm really getting into this stuff. I'm in 100% with my vegetable garden and everything is doing just fine. I've cut the cord. Everything I need is growing in my yard.

Made some JMS. Just a couple potatoes and some duff from under a small bamboo I have in the back and a bucket of rainwater I collected last time it rained.


That was last night. This morning I pulled out the potatoes and material I sourced. Some was taken from the bottom of my compost pile which is pretty active with microorganisms. It was in full bloom.

I stirred it up before adding it to buckets of water that had been sitting out for a few days. It's been in the 90's and the tap water sat out in the sun.

Lots of activity going on. I divided it and spread it around the garden right after taking this picture.



I also am making some JFL. I had a bunch of weeds I pulled and harvested some broad beans. I snipped the beans off at the ground leaving the roots in the soil since they're nitrogen fixers. I added that material and added some other material to fill up the bucket along with some leaf mold and some of the grass clippings in the compost pile that had already started to decompose and were full of mycelium. Filled it with the last of my rainwater and put the lid on. I'll check on it in a month but I know it's going to be stinky.



I plan on making a bunch of different JLF's using flowers and different things. My thoughtful lady brought me 8 more food grade buckets with lids today. I gave her a big kiss on the lips. :mrgreen: They're just 3 gallon but I can work with that. I also have about a dozen more in the garage.

It's rather ironic that half my posts are rants about not needing a dozen bottles of this and that to grow anything. Yet here I am with a dozen buckets.

But in my case I'm not paying for water and I'm learning some really neat stuff in the process.

These buckets will be put to use shortly.

I'm really getting into this stuff. I'm in 100% with my vegetable garden and everything is doing just fine. I've cut the cord. Everything I need is growing in my yard.

Made some JMS. Just a couple potatoes and some duff from under a small bamboo I have in the back and a bucket of rainwater I collected last time it rained.


That was last night. This morning I pulled out the potatoes and material I sourced. Some was taken from the bottom of my compost pile which is pretty active with microorganisms. It was in full bloom.

I stirred it up before adding it to buckets of water that had been sitting out for a few days. It's been in the 90's and the tap water sat out in the sun.

Lots of activity going on. I divided it and spread it around the garden right after taking this picture.



I also am making some JFL. I had a bunch of weeds I pulled and harvested some broad beans. I snipped the beans off at the ground leaving the roots in the soil since they're nitrogen fixers. I added that material and added some other material to fill up the bucket along with some leaf mold and some of the grass clippings in the compost pile that had already started to decompose and were full of mycelium. Filled it with the last of my rainwater and put the lid on. I'll check on it in a month but I know it's going to be stinky.



I plan on making a bunch of different JLF's using flowers and different things. My thoughtful lady brought me 8 more food grade buckets with lids today. I gave her a big kiss on the lips. :mrgreen: They're just 3 gallon but I can work with that. I also have about a dozen more in the garage.

It's rather ironic that half my posts are rants about not needing a dozen bottles of this and that to grow anything. Yet here I am with a dozen buckets.

But in my case I'm not paying for water and I'm learning some really neat stuff in the process.

These buckets will be put to use shortly.

I love how into it you’re getting man. It’s definitely some next level shit for sure. Just a thought but I went to the local seafood store near me and asked them if I could have all their discarded shells and shrimp ends and made apple cider vinegar extracts out of them. Free and the garden will love it . FPJ from cannabis is amazing too :)
I love how into it you’re getting man. It’s definitely some next level shit for sure. Just a thought but I went to the local seafood store near me and asked them if I could have all their discarded shells and shrimp ends and made apple cider vinegar extracts out of them. Free and the garden will love it . FPJ from cannabis is amazing too :)

Cool. I also save all my bones from different meats and have been grinding them into bone meal. Same thing with eggshells. All of the waste from what I eat is going to go into my soil. I'm going to start making potash and biochar as well.

What effect do different ingredients make on the output to the plant with FPJ’s?
So, I got the answer to my question. For anyone wondering, each different plant has different NPK values so fermenting different plants will result in different final products. To take it a step further, you can ferment multiple species of plants at the same time to help taylor to your individual situation. & to take it even one step further, cutting plants at different stages of their lifecycle will also affect the final ferment❗
Cool. I also save all my bones from different meats and have been grinding them into bone meal. Same thing with eggshells. All of the waste from what I eat is going to go into my soil. I'm going to start making potash and biochar as well.

What do you use to grind them down❓
What do you use to grind them down❓

I dry them, then roast, smash with a mallet, then use a blender with a glass container. It's work but I have the time. I make Pho broth from bones often and buy chicken thighs and bone them out for chicken teriyaki. The chicken bones break down easy but some of the beef bones don't cooperate. I'm going to use what I haven't been able to grind by burning them in a fire while making potash.
My Rhododendrons have been dropping all their flowers and I'm going to make some JLF with that. I have more than enough flowers to fill a bucket. I'll be sure to label that one as Bloom.
Oriental Herb Nutrient? Oh man, what a long and drawn out process. It looks like you gotta buy a CASE of vodka and hard to find herbs in the USA like angelica root. I wish you luck on it and I hope that I am just blowing it out of proportion. I never really finished making ALL of the KNF inputs and I probably should get around to doing it. However, @hyroot got me into using JADAM JLS in my Sub Irrigated Planters. I'm still new to JADAM but I used FPJ in my earthbox and was very impressed with it, probably one of the best inputs that I used!
Would that be the same Angelica that is considered weed here in my area? You can candy it and it's highly medicinal. It grows in wet ditches and it's a noxious weed here. If it is one and the same . . . I know where to forage it. . .
Would that be the same Angelica that is considered weed here in my area? You can candy it and it's highly medicinal. It grows in wet ditches and it's a noxious weed here. If it is one and the same . . . I know where to forage it. . .
Yes ,,,the one that looks similar hemlock, hogweed and cows parsnip etc,,so be careful in case you weren’t aware,,best
Yes ,,,the one that looks similar hemlock, hogweed and cows parsnip etc,,so be careful in case you weren’t aware,,best
Sure thing. I took a foraging class w/ famous forager and that was one of the plants we covered. Hemlock is way different and you just look for the major stuff, hairy stem/smooth stem, colors, ect. It really grows everywhere in this area of my state.
I also run a market garden so I have the means to harvest and process. If you need some message me and we can figure if you want it sundried, raw, fermented, whatever.
I also brew wines so I am no stranger to ferments.
I'm all about helping ppl if I can.
Holy shit!

Yes it is. If you see it contact your local agricultural department and inform them of the location. Most states want to know so they can destroy it. One plant can produce thousands of seeds. It's bad stuff but some people don't seem to be affected by it. I've came into contact with it over the years and fortunately I didn't have any serious adverse reaction. I think I had a slight rash for a day or so.