Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hypotheticals like... if this guy pulled a gun on my mom would you kill him...

are interesting... Yet they are only candy for themind.. only thoughts based on otherthoughts based on other thoughts and it goes on and on...

When one realizes that killing is not the WAY... one is not faced with these scenarios in life... we draw to us what we THINK... and thoughts we enteratain are thoughts we give power to.. WE GIVE POWER TOO..

we we
we we

nobody else.. it is ONLY I that am responsible for what happens in my life. I choose to watch my breath and be kind and loving to my peers on EARTH..



Well-Known Member

you think this person should be killed? you kill them. you end up being wrong. it was a drunk guy, thought he was climbing in HIS OWN bedroom window (i did this once). now what?


New Member
watch whose windows you climb in is i can say...with my plants goin an enemies all around climb into my window an get shot...sorry even if you are just a drrunk guy in the wrong how often are you drunk an going in a window sounds more of a personal problem to


New Member

you think this person should be killed? you kill them. you end up being wrong. it was a drunk guy, thought he was climbing in HIS OWN bedroom window (i did this once). now what?
Yeah, fdd' that does sound kinda sus'. If you were drunk and 'mistakenly' climbed into a young girls bedroom, you'd be fucked.


Well-Known Member
if you are talking about taking the life of another human becuase you consider them weak(i know those werent your words but that other fucker)that is evil......and i didnt see anyone making a big deal about death were talking about murder there is a difference...
hm. did u call me a fucker? well contrary to what u may have seen, just about everybody makes a HUGE deal about death. what is murder? causing the death of another. it doesnt matter what the reason or intent is, if being dead cannot be known to be at least an uncomfortable experience, killing somebody is not "wrong" at least in one way. (goddamn is their an echo in here?)

pain does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with dying.
sadness does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with death.

this is my only point.about thinning the heard- i think natural selection does a good enough job by itself. nobodys better than anybody else; weakness and strength can only be applied to situations found in the past.

(...)if you wanna talk about population control how many people a year does AIDS kill?cancer?heart disease?i think we lose enough life without murder.
no. i think u missed my point. we dont lose enough lives on this planet. we have way too many ppl here and it gets worse every day. we are fucking killing our home. how many more generations do u really think this is all gonna be around? 10? 5? not likely.


Well-Known Member
hm. did u call me a fucker? well contrary to what u may have seen, just about everybody makes a HUGE deal about death. what is murder? causing the death of another. it doesnt matter what the reason or intent is, if being dead cannot be known to be at least an uncomfortable experience, killing somebody is not "wrong" at least in one way. (goddamn is their an echo in here?)

pain does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with dying.
sadness does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with death.

this is my only point.about thinning the heard- i think natural selection does a good enough job by itself. nobodys better than anybody else; weakness and strength can only be applied to situations found in the past.

no. i think u missed my point. we dont lose enough lives on this planet. we have way too many ppl here and it gets worse every day. we are fucking killing our home. how many more generations do u really think this is all gonna be around? 10? 5? not likely.
no i called the other guy a fucker thats why i said the other fucker...but anyways..first of all the definition of murder is:the malicious and unjustified killing of one human being by another ,you said murder is just causing death of another no matter what the reason...if your at war and faced to have to kill a man,that is not murder,you need to be more clear about what your saying,murdering someone because you consider them weaker than you because of any reason is just wrong,and thats what im getting from you guys that thats fine with you........half of your post just now had nothing for me to respond to because it sounds like a poem


Well-Known Member

you think this person should be killed? you kill them. you end up being wrong. it was a drunk guy, thought he was climbing in HIS OWN bedroom window (i did this once). now what?
thats a different story...they were talking about killing someone because they were "weak"..weeded them out of the population..why does this not bother anyone else???


Well-Known Member
(1)no i called the other guy a fucker thats why i said the other fucker...but anyways..first of all (2)the definition of murder is:the malicious and unjustified killing of one human being by another ,you said murder is just causing death of another no matter what the reason...(3)if your at war and faced to have to kill a man,that is not murder,you need to be more clear about what your saying,(4)murdering someone because you consider them weaker than you because of any reason is just wrong,and thats what im getting from you guys that thats fine with you........half of your post just now had nothing for me to respond to because it sounds like a poem

just to be a dick- when u say other fucker it implies that there are at least two fuckers bein referred to. 'you need to be more clear about what your saying'
(2) eh, thats not so much a definition. the page u got that from mostly refers to the social and legal aspects that result from the killing of another. not the the actuall act of ending anothers life.

Murder is the malicious and unjustified killing of one human being by another. Murder is distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of intent and the lack of justification. All jurisdictions, ancient and modern, consider it a most serious crime and impose a severe penalty for its commission.
The prohibition against murder is one of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. (Exodus: 20v13)(Deuteronomy 5v17) Other religious texts and almost all human societies have similar prohibitions.
The maximum penalty for murder is usually life imprisonment, and in jurisdictions with capital punishment, the death penalty may be imposed.

im not questioning how bad the resulting social effects usually are. historically murder has been treated as a very bad thing. tru. what im sayin is that the perception of death is the reason for this, not the actual nature of the act.

say u shoot somebody in the head with a 50cal while theyre having an orgasm. how is that person any worse off?

fuck this. im putting way too much time into this argument for how small my point is. DEATH CANNOT BE KNOWN TO BE A BAD THING, SO CAUSING SOMEBODY TO DIE CANNOT BE KNOWN TO BE A BAD THING. that is all im saying.

(3) i find that disturbing. thats still killin, my man. maybe not "murder" as that is a legal term, and a government would never charge somebody for doing its dirty work, but it is killing. (i find it disturbing because if u think killing is evil and u still do it, u are an evil person.)

(4)no, killing someone because you consider them weaker than you because of any reason is stupid. like i said before, there is no such thing as being weak. everybody is the same.

eye would never kill anybody for any reason. eye might, on the other hand, kill somebody for no reason.

anybody get where im coming from yet?


Well-Known Member
(1) just to be a dick- when u say other fucker it implies that there are at least two fuckers bein referred to. 'you need to be more clear about what your saying'
(2) eh, thats not so much a definition. the page u got that from mostly refers to the social and legal aspects that result from the killing of another. not the the actuall act of ending anothers life.
Murder is the malicious and unjustified killing of one human being by another. Murder is distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of intent and the lack of justification. All jurisdictions, ancient and modern, consider it a most serious crime and impose a severe penalty for its commission.
The prohibition against murder is one of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. (Exodus: 20v13)(Deuteronomy 5v17) Other religious texts and almost all human societies have similar prohibitions.
The maximum penalty for murder is usually life imprisonment, and in jurisdictions with capital punishment, the death penalty may be imposed.

im not questioning how bad the resulting social effects usually are. historically murder has been treated as a very bad thing. tru. what im sayin is that the perception of death is the reason for this, not the actual nature of the act.

say u shoot somebody in the head with a 50cal while theyre having an orgasm. how is that person any worse off?

fuck this. im putting way too much time into this argument for how small my point is. DEATH CANNOT BE KNOWN TO BE A BAD THING, SO CAUSING SOMEBODY TO DIE CANNOT BE KNOWN TO BE A BAD THING. that is all im saying.

(3) i find that disturbing. thats still killin, my man. maybe not "murder" as that is a legal term, and a government would never charge somebody for doing its dirty work, but it is killing. (i find it disturbing because if u think killing is evil and u still do it, u are an evil person.)

(4)no, killing someone because you consider them weaker than you because of any reason is stupid. like i said before, there is no such thing as being weak. everybody is the same.

eye would never kill anybody for any reason. eye might, on the other hand, kill somebody for no reason.

anybody get where im coming from yet?

no .....look i know there is nothing wrong with death....EVERYONE KNOWS THIS....I SAID THAT MURDER IS WRONG NOT is that person any worse of?yea hes dead but what if he wanted to live?what if he has kids?a wife?a real want to be alive no one has the right to take that life away and the world is not better because of it....and yea that is a real definition of muder just because wikipedia is the closest thing to me doesnt mean its a wrong explain it better.MURDER:......go ahead.


New Member
murder is the killing of any body by another person...with reason or not....what i dont understand is why its such a big problem for peop[le to except natural think someone with cancer or aids wants to think there fmilies want tham to die...obvesiouly not....the same can be said for when you murder someone...death is death no matter how you slice it...


New Member
Preo', you don't accept that there are weak people?

Weakness can take many forms... ask any serial killer and they wil tell you of how they select their victims.

Everybody they select is already a victim. A killer doesn't kill everybody he/she meets (at least, not the sociopathic kind). they're selective.

I have a friend with sociopathic tendencies, he's been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and I've talked with him at length, coupled with my own human urges I have realised that serial killers only pick victims. You know those people that for some reason you just want to smack. Something about them that just repulses you. We hide these urges, push them to the back of our minds as societies programming takes effect. It is human nature to kill the weak, maybe in caveman days we'd have eaten them afterwards.

It is also human nature to be wary of people of equal, or nearly equal strength. Often it may just be the natural urge to fight rather than flight that will put off an adversary.

If you're a confident person you should not attract the violence. If you're afraid you'll find that vioplence will have a habit of finding you.


New Member
^^^^^this is something i will agree with^^^^^^the process of victim selection to a serial killer is just as important as the killing itself...


New Member
Yes, it's almost as though the victim was always meant for the killer. They (the killers) fear confidence, confidence makes too much noise.


Active Member
I don't believe we have the right to force anything upon people, including death, be it a good thing or a bad thing, the point that your "causing" something to happen to them (death) most likly against their will is what makes it wrong, especially because forcing this action on them you take control of the rest of they're life or lack there of, good or bad. What gives a person that right over another person? I guess it comes down to morals and values...


New Member
There are natural victims and they ask to be killed. I'm not saying that it's right people should kill them, just saying it like it is.


Active Member
I agree with that. I see victims everyday. I'm aggressive/dominate so I see them everywhere, and they make good friends, usually don't fuck you over as much. But I find you can change victims into something better, you'd be surprised at the potential of these "victims", and how given the chance, they can rise above it all, or you know, you could let "nature" take it's course and kill them, all up to you.


Well-Known Member
murder is the killing of any body by another person...with reason or not....what i dont understand is why its such a big problem for peop[le to except natural think someone with cancer or aids wants to think there fmilies want tham to die...obvesiouly not....the same can be said for when you murder someone...death is death no matter how you slice it...
murder is not natural selection...whats natural about a bullet going thru someone??OF COURSE THOSE PEOPLE DONT WANT TO DIE..WHY DO YOU THINK THERES TREATMENT??TO TRY AND PRESERVE THEIR LIFE!!!!yes death is death but how you can die withour being murdered...nothing valid