Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?


Well-Known Member
good way to show urself ur darker urges. visualize this situation-

a person somehow takes everything from u uve ever valued. loved ones, health, credibility, property, and money. u have no more than a few days to live and u kno that this person will do this to more and more ppl after u die. unless u stop them.

u happen to find the person completely shitfaced in an alley. somehow u have the choice between a large hunting knife or a 2foot metal pipe to end this persons life. u can use one of these or snap their neck (supposedly quick and painless if done 'correctly'.) which would u use and how much would u love it?

(i assume there are some folks here that would refuse to kill. i hope they say so, it would be nice piece of mind to have to know people like that are somewhat common in the world. personally, id go for the pipe and i wouldnt stop bashing the chick's head in until i hear metal hit pavement.)

(then maybe go at the ribcage postmortem)


New Member
I'm a little worried preo' because you went from the victim being asexual, to a chick. Clearly giving away the imagery you had in your mind at the time of writing.

No, I don't think I could kill her.

You cannot know that she would not change. The amount of times I've heard the phrase 'a leopard doesn't change it's spots', it's not true. People change all the time. In fact it can take only a minute to become a completely different person. Realisation hits us all.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little worried preo' because you went from the victim being asexual, to a chick. Clearly giving away the imagery you had in your mind at the time of writing.

No, I don't think I could kill her.

You cannot know that she would not change. The amount of times I've heard the phrase 'a leopard doesn't change it's spots', it's not true. People change all the time. In fact it can take only a minute to become a completely different person. Realisation hits us all.
it wasnt a slip, i chose to share that detail. i only used pronouns in the first bit so i wouldnt interfere with somebody trying to imagine the situation. and dont worry, im not some kind of psycho obsessed with this shit. women have the ability to hurt me in a very different way than men, so my imaginary scum of the earth happens to be female. im sure u understand

i agree with the fact that ppl change, thats why i added the part "this person will do this to more and more ppl after u die." maybe not so much a realistic situation, but that isnt rely what i was going for. i think everybody has some part in them that loves destroying, some ppl need to think its justified or righteous tho...


Well-Known Member
anger an rage are both a direction an a ambition... its all i have known
sorry man it doesnt work like that. anger and rage are alwase balanced out with other feelings whether or not u choose to display or even acknowledge them. if u werent balanced it wouldnt take long for u to have a complete breakdown.

how do u know ur rage and anger arent keeping u from choosing the right decisions? u may have great ambition but if ur running the wrong way ur still fucked.


Well-Known Member
i would not kill the "person". why kill them? to be a hero. no thanks. i believe in a balance. a balance beyond my control. i am no judge nor executioner.


New Member
i think everybody has some part in them that loves destroying, some ppl need to think its justified or righteous tho...
Yes we all do. Children are a great way to look at the essence of ourselves. They are so selfish and uncaring, until they are shown different, but if you can observe kids without an adult being present you will witness human nature at it's most basic.

I've got 3 boys, one 3, the other nearly 2 (3rd kid is only 5 months old)... I watch the older 2 at play all the time. They're extremely selfish and uncaring towards each other, even to the degree of hurting each other.

The justification that we need starts then, when we are young. Once we learn it is 'wrong' to hurt another human we must find a reason for why we want to do it.

This is not to say that true realisation that it is WRONG to hurt people doesn't hit us at some point in our lives, it's just not as early as it should be.


Well-Known Member
i would not kill the "person". why kill them? to be a hero. no thanks. i believe in a balance. a balance beyond my control. i am no judge nor executioner.
i can totally respect that, theres gotta be some type of balance to the universe. i live in the present tho, if i were to kill the person i wouldnt do it for the after effects. a person like that would enrage me to the point of going into a trance.

in that situation i would completely give in to the cosmic balance controlling me.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live, I WILL KILL YOU; If I Die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor


Well-Known Member
killing is an acceptable part of life...sometimes the weak need to be weeded out..sorry if it hurts but we love to kill deep inside..someof us just like to do it more than others
someone else ive heard of thought a little like this..whats was his name??Hitler something or other??
killing is not an acceptable part of life.we are all part of the human race and its all our responsibility to protect and preserve life as best as we can..if not whos to say your not one of the weak??


Well-Known Member
hitler isnt the only leader that lead wars. and killing goes past the notions of being acceptable or not. its required. destruction and creation go hand in hand.

as long as the human race as a whole refuses to control how many offspring they have we need to kill millions of people every generation or the planet would be completely raped.


Well-Known Member
u guys know that this planet is gonna be obliterated one day right? if not by some massive meteor or nuclear explosion, one day the suns gonna burn out. this is all going down some day in the future, its as inevitable as our own personal deaths. destruction is completely natural.


New Member
same as above.....also why does everyone hate hitler so much...he was a great leader an a great motavator he took his little country to almost take over the world....if only he wasn't so dead set on eather the destruction of britin an russia at the same time.....if he would have waited to fight one or the other a little later i think we would all be speakin german an hail hitlerin right now...just somethin to chew on..


New Member
or you could chew on some glass. or bite your mom's cunt. or finger your dad's ass.

i got an idea, let's all hijack this thread with trying to say the most offensive things we can think of. like...hitler was a cool guy. what's wrong with all you guys? or...what? there's nothing wrong with murder. it's important, in fact, required of the human race.

i think it's gone on long enough.