Replanting my seed


New Member
So this is my first grow and I started with the paper towel method... and everything was good for both my seeds, taproots came out on both. But the problem is I planted both in the soil and waited for about 4-5 days and neither seed sprouted... so I figure it was because I didn't plant them deep enough (which I didn't).. so I dug them up and replanted them deeper about 2cm. So my question is should I be concerned about the seedling not growing or will it still grow.


Well-Known Member
You thought they weren’t emerging because they weren’t deep enough? Are you planning on using coco by any chance?


New Member
Yes to answer ur first question I believe I didn't plant them deep enough, while also waiting about 4-5 without any progression. Reasoning knowing this is before I replanted them the taproots where there same size as when i took them out of paper towels. but for my media I am using a mix of happy frog,perlite, and nls.


Well-Known Member
I always plant straight to soil and never have an issue. I feel like I would damage the fragile root during a transfer. I played around with germinating in a paper towel when I was a teenager but never planted any of the experiments. Try this method next time. Let your seeds soak in filtered water in a shot glass in a dark place for 15 hours. After soaking, drop them in their own little hole about half an inch deep and lightly cover. Do not pack the soil. In a few days you will have a sprout coming up through the soil. As it gets taller, add more soil to support the thin stalk and promote root growth. Keep adding soil until you reach the bottom of the first leaves or slightly below.


Well-Known Member
I always plant straight to soil and never have an issue. I feel like I would damage the fragile root during a transfer. I played around with germinating in a paper towel when I was a teenager but never planted any of the experiments. Try this method next time. Let your seeds soak in filtered water in a shot glass in a dark place for 15 hours. After soaking, drop them in their own little hole about half an inch deep and lightly cover. Do not pack the soil. In a few days you will have a sprout coming up through the soil. As it gets taller, add more soil to support the thin stalk and promote root growth. Keep adding soil until you reach the bottom of the first leaves or slightly below.
I like that you don’t use the paper towel method. And most people I see using it are having problems. However if your seeds are stretching at all or have a thing stalk adding more soil is not going to promote roots. You need lots more light.
For example with t5s I keep the bulbs about 2-3 inches from seedlings. They never get spindly or frail and never need support. When seedlings have adequate light they don’t go search for it, instead the root down hard when their lighting needs are met. Nothing to do with soil or supporting the stem

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
I decided to buy into this never do the paper towel method...Saturday I soaked a white widow for around 15hours, it split open, saw tap root...Sunday morning I prepped a small hole in a 1 gal fabric pot with ffhf, dumped it in and have kept moist with some kelp of today, 4 days later, I ain't got shit.

Started a blueberry in some kelp water this morning, will be going back to the route of soak/paper towel/baggie tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how a sprouted seed that has not broken the surface of the soil after being transplanted is going to do any better by being planted even deeper in the soil.

Also, how is a damp paper towel better than damp soil for sprouting seeds? The energy from that tap root you see when germinating in a paper towel actually forces the seed up and out of the soil. It's a natural process that has been happening for tens of thousands of years without the need for paper towels.

Many cannabis growers make everything much more complicated than it needs to be. The more complicated a process the more possibility for something to go wrong and lead to failure. It's too bad that there is so much nonsense in the cannabis world that is actually detrimental to many having successful grows. I've read methods for germinating a seed that are literally a thousand words long when the process can be described in one sentence. Bury seed 1/4 inch deep, water, and wait.

The process for planting cannabis seeds is no different than that of most seeds. You don't see farmers out in the fields opening up pieces of folder paper towels when planting crops yet they seem to be able to grow over 800 million acres of crops that feed America and the world. And before anyone says that this is cannabis not a vegetable that argument is not a valid argument. Cannabis seeds are easier to sprout and the plants are easier to grow than many other crops. Millions of people all across the world grow millions and millions of plants of all varieties from seed without the need for paper towels.

It's a damn seed. Plant it, provide it with moisture and warmth. If it's a good seed it will grow. If it doesn't then it was either a bad seed or the growers fault.


Well-Known Member
I really don’t get it. Bounty must have a stake in perpetuating this crazy method.
“ how can we sell more pulped and processed trees, no one is using napkins. Ooo yeah stoners can start seeds in them”.

Brilliant. Seeds need moisture, alittle warmth, and proper air/water ration in the rooting zone.

why everyone doesn’t use root root plugs I don’t know. I have 100%. And by the time you paper towel feins have messed and touched the seeds 3x I have fully devoped leaves and a plant. This first picture is no joke 48 hour from drop.No soak no bs. Ready for transplant in a week!

or like the second few photos. Just bury a peat plug in some promix or soil.


Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Paper towels work for me just like plugs work for you, just like straight to soil works for others and yet some like rockwool or rapid rooters. You don't have to take it personal if someone does it a different way. You'll be ok :peace: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I really don’t get it. Bounty must have a stake in perpetuating this crazy method.
“ how can we sell more pulped and processed trees, no one is using napkins. Ooo yeah stoners can start seeds in them”.

Brilliant. Seeds need moisture, alittle warmth, and proper air/water ration in the rooting zone.

why everyone doesn’t use root root plugs I don’t know. I have 100%. And by the time you paper towel feins have messed and touched the seeds 3x I have fully devoped leaves and a plant. This first picture is no joke 48 hour from drop.No soak no bs. Ready for transplant in a week!

or like the second few photos. Just bury a peat plug in some promix or soil.

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Straight seed to soil here. Just small nursery pots with some screened soil. Easy as can be. It always seems that when someone is having an issue with seeds not sprouting they are using the paper towel method. It's always, I planted after the tap root started growing. Now that says something right there because if it grew a tap root in the paper towel then it was a good seed. If it doesn't grow after being transplanted then that's due to the grower and the process they used.



Well-Known Member
Paper towels work for me just like plugs work for you, just like straight to soil works for others and yet some like rockwool or rapid rooters. You don't have to take it personal if someone does it a different way. You'll be ok :peace: bongsmilie
Nobody's taking anything personal. We're just pointing out how easy it is. There's no need for all these unnecessary steps that basically only cannabis growers bother with.

What works for me will work for anyone. It's worked since before the dawn of man. Today's paper towels didn't even come into existence until 1931.


Well-Known Member
I like that you don’t use the paper towel method. And most people I see using it are having problems. However if your seeds are stretching at all or have a thing stalk adding more soil is not going to promote roots. You need lots more light.
For example with t5s I keep the bulbs about 2-3 inches from seedlings. They never get spindly or frail and never need support. When seedlings have adequate light they don’t go search for it, instead the root down hard when their lighting needs are met. Nothing to do with soil or supporting the stem
I like that you don’t use the paper towel method. And most people I see using it are having problems. However if your seeds are stretching at all or have a thing stalk adding more soil is not going to promote roots. You need lots more light.
For example with t5s I keep the bulbs about 2-3 inches from seedlings. They never get spindly or frail and never need support. When seedlings have adequate light they don’t go search for it, instead the root down hard when their lighting needs are met. Nothing to do with soil or supporting the stem
While I agree with you 100% I also know that not all lights are as capable as others.20210309_193105.jpg I'm running 200 watts in a 3x3 and I'm getting fairly good results. Had some stretching as seedlings but I kept my light 30+ inches away on full power for the first few weeks. Stalk isnt very big but the buds are getting thick. Lol.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Nobody's taking anything personal. We're just pointing out how easy it is. There's no need for all these unnecessary steps that basically only cannabis growers bother with.

What works for me will work for anyone. It's worked since before the dawn of man. Today's paper towels didn't even come into existence until 1931.
I get that, it is's how nature has done it since the dawn of personal interactions with soaking and then straight to soil have failed 2/3 of the time for me. I have no idea why. I prep the seed/hole the same way each time whether I am using a paper towel or not. So yes, your way works for me, but about a third of the time...however if I use my unnecessary steps, everytime, I get a seedling...and a seedling is what I want, not warm fuzzies from the internet soil crew because I grew it their way.

We all use different lights, different mediums, different nutes, different pots, different humidity and different only makes sense that we germinate differently as well. There is no one way to do anything...and nature's way is not always the most efficient