First Grow 4.5 weeks Comments?


Active Member
We are 4.5 weeks into vegging, we currently have 5 females and 2 males, the other 3 haven't shown sex yet. This is coming from all bagseed so we are doing pretty good with our male to female ratio so far. I am concerned about our plants size. We had some problems with being rootbound and our ph was off for a while, but that has all been fixed now and there have been no problems since. Our nodes are close together with 1" apart being the maximum distance between any 2 nodes on any plant, and there is some good side growth coming along on a couple of them. I know they don't have to be tall and the bushier the better but I feel like ours are still behind where they should be for being 4.5 weeks in.

To give you guys an idea of our setup, there are a total of 8 remaining plants under 16 6500k cfl's and 6 2700k cfl's. The lights were always very close to the plants(within 2 inches) until recently where we moved them up to about 4. Unfortunately they are in miracle grow and vermiculite, and were in purely miracle grow for the first couple weeks we had them. There are 2 that are in different soil with perlite in it instead of vermiculite and the 3 smaller plants we have(not in pictures) are in miracle grow and perlite. We just got our bag of fox farm ocean forest today so as soon as we transplant them they will be in fox farm and additional perlite. They are getting nutes at 1/4 strength and we are using peter's professional 20-20-20. We heard that 20-20-20 was good for 24/0 lighting so we grabbed them and so far so good. There is a fan on them at all times and they have excellent stem strength.

Any comments on how they are doing would be greatly appreciated. I just want to know if they are doing alright for how old they are, we are going to continue to veg them for a couple more weeks at least so they will be good sized by the end of that. I know it's impossible to really predict how much they will yield but if these were vegged for another 3 weeks under a 600w metal halide(being installed on sunday) and then flowered under a 600w hps with some cfl side lighting. They will be transplanted into 5 gallon pots with fox farm and they will be getting advanced nutes, big bloom molasses etc. everything that will help beef up our buds. Any estimates are welcome.



Well-Known Member
they look good but those fan leaves are awefully cupped-what is your humidity. and it looks like you are at the max for nuteload at their age-wouldnt up for2 weeks or so


Well-Known Member
usually they roll/cup down to conserve moisture if RH is too low. usually they cup up to shed excess moisture. but either way you can raise your humidity if you see it is low with some wet towels in a bowl


Active Member
usually they roll/cup down to conserve moisture if RH is too low. usually they cup up to shed excess moisture. but either way you can raise your humidity if you see it is low with some wet towels in a bowl
We have a humidifier but it runs out of water so fast we have to refill it constantly. We will try to keep it up though,


Active Member
i think its overwaterred, but thats just my 2 cents. looks really good though
Well a lot of them are in miracle grow/vermiculite. Probably not the best combo for drainage. We water them every 3 days.

Thanks for the comments and congratulations. I think they look great now, I'm excited to see how they turn out. And now that we already have 5 females and only 2 males i think we are going to get a pretty decent yield if we veg for 3 more weeks or so.